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Everything posted by DonTheGeek

  1. Point him in the direction of Tony Thacker in Raeford? We're not too far from VA ...
  2. Not from lack of trying... I still say that golf cart was driven off of the roof... I have the perp admitting as such on video ...
  3. It flew well even with all the fat kids on one side of the formation.
  4. Louis- you still owe a case of beer to the Muff Barracks!
  5. Thirded. See you in November Pookie.
  6. If you didn't click through to the Facebook event details, the dates are August 14 - 16.
  7. It's time for the 4th Annual Idiocracy Scrambles in sunny Raeford, NC! This year we're making the event bigger and better than ever. We'll kick it off with the 4-way Scrambles on Saturday morning. There's no registration fee. Just bring 5 jump tickets and your USPA license to join in the fun. RSVP to or just show up at 9:00 AM. Registration will close at 10:00 AM. Scrambles not quite your thing? The XP Freefly Organizers will be on hand for some world-class freeflying. Registration for non-competitors is just $5. Saturday will close out Raeford style. We'll wrap up the day with a Swoop 'n' Chug then Dinner By Kenny at the pond. Dinner is $7 for the always amazing southern-style pulled pork, beans, and bread. We'll follow that up with some live entertainment and the Float 'n' Flick. Bring your videos if you've got 'em -- Chaos, Carnage, and Rip-offs are all welcome. The videos will play all night at the swoop pond so it's BYOWT (Bring Your Own Water Toys); Float in the pond and enjoy the show! The Tunnel Boogie will kick-off Sunday evening at 6:00 PM and run 'til 6:00 AM Monday morning. Come fly in the ParacleteXP Wind Tunnel with all your friends! If you're on facebook you can also find the event details here:!/event.php?eid=134939263192968&ref=ts
  8. It's Briles. the guy that accumulated something like 6000+ jumps in the last month!? he SURE is awesome!!! No ... this would be the packer kid that made a name for himself in his first week at the DZ. You should ask him about it ...
  9. How are the "Authorized/Eligible Voters" going to be authenticated? Who has access to the raw data? Is the source code available for examination? While I'm in favor in principle there are a lot of questions regarding the underlying infrastructure that I'd like to see answered first.
  10. C'mon! What's more American than a big-assed corporate logo?
  11. Yesterday I dropped my gear bag on a table under the pavilion at Raeford, threw my phone, wallet, and keys inside, and went for a jump. I got back and dropped my rig to get packed and then wandered back out to the pavilion to get some things out of my bag. It was gone. Crap. It turns out some visiting jumpers had accidentally grabbed the bag as it was sitting next to their gear. It happens. A bunch of folks at the DZ swung into action to help me track it down. We tracked down one of their buddies who got in touch with them and found it (thanks Luke!). Unfortunately, they were already back to West Point Skydiving. Good news for me, though, a couple of our folks were up there with the Otter and retrieved my bag. It took a plane ride back where it was then handed off to one of my team mates (the Kevin in "Where's Kevin") who got it back to me today intact along with a shiny new Skydive West Point t-shirt. No one had to go out of their way to help me but they did. And that's why skydivers rock!
  12. Indeed. My rookie 4-way team had tunnel coaching and meet video/coaching by one of the Knights. Of course, we're kicking him out of the video slot for the last meet of the season but that's a different story ... I've also helped muff a few of them. When the team is in town they're out on the weekends doing fun jumps with the rest of us.
  13. Are you kinda like hans solo always stroking your own wookie? I'm the root of all that's evil, yeah, but you can call me cookie.
  14. The liner is in. A few of us cleared off the dirt keeping it from blowing away (yeah right! ) and muscled it into place Friday night just before sunset.
  15. I still get the same thing although it has lessened a bit. Like others have said, controlled breathing helps. Smile! You'll start to relax. If I'm really nervous I'll crack some jokes. On my first hop 'n' pop on the ride up one of the instructors was telling me how I needed to arch and watch the plane head away as I went out the door. Well, I was really nervous about the "low" jump as well as the fact that I was on the floor next to the door -- All of these very new things to this new jumper. He looked at me and said "I want you to tell me what's written on the bottom of the plane when we get down." I looked him straight in the eye and said "That's easy. Your mom's number!" Lame, I know. But I calmed right down.
  16. We have a good sized crew piling into a limo and then terrorizing downtown. Hopefully no one gets thrown out of a bar. Again.
  17. I'm recovering from my birthday party ... oi.