looking for tips or suggestions from others with shoulder problems.
The story is I broke my Humorous Dec 26th of 2007. Bounced myself of a Poplar tree snowboarding through the woods, and the Humorous split down the middle at the top of the ball joint ever so slightly and i took a roughly U.S Quarter sized chip to the outside off. Luckily no surgery required, they thumbed the chip back into place and 10 weeks later i was snowboarding Big Sky Montana in a motorcycle brace.
OK, so time has passed my shoulder felt great, I finally get the Money together to start my skydiving training and boom. The second I start practicing and performing prcp training I'm down for a week. After one jump my arm is useless for about 3 days. I was even Grounded all holiday weekend because the instructors felt my arm wasn't up to the task. The wife's on jump eight and I'm struggling to just get through prcp do to the shoulder.
Even practicing them in my living room blows my arm out, The drop zone has no rigs that offer left hand deployment, My doctor says live with it basically! as he doesn't believe surgery will help.
Anybody have any ideas remedies or past experience?