The few seconds/minutes that I might win or lose doesn’t really bother me. Using the RDS bothers me to the extent that I don’t want to do it on a normal jump where I might be in traffic or opening low and being far away from the landing area. The only reason I’m interested in the removable slider is the benefit to get rid of the damn thing under canopy. Some people say it increases visibility and others that it increases safety because you don’t have to connect the slider with your rig. The main problem is the wings rig that I’m using. Most jumpers who stow their sliders have rubber bands or magnetic keepers. These are usually put under the reserve flap but are not tagged to the actual rig. The reserve flap on the Wings rig is too wide for the rubber band or the magnetic keepers. (As far as I know, if anyone has come up with a good solution please tell me!). I’ve tried two options: A) slider stopper on the rear risers which keeps the slider down. Did not like it, the slider was right behind my head which made it uncomfortable. B) Tagged a plastic ball with a rubber band on my rig. This works the same way as the keepers that you put under the reserve flap. The difference is that the plastic ball is tagged to your rig. If the shit hits the fan and something goes wrong you might get a malfunction that will be more difficult to deal with due to that tagged plastic ball. If the keeper is put under the reserve flap and not tagged to the rig the malfunction will most likely be easier to handle (?) So basically I ponder how much I increase the risk with the removable slider to gain its benefits compared to the increased risk of tagging a plastic ball to my rig. Stowing your slider works well but I would imagine that flying under canopy with no slider at all works even better…?