I started packing my own during AFF. After a couple dozen jumps, I got married, went to college, had a kid, and pretty much laid off of skydiving for ten years.
Recently, I've started back, and jumping my first pack job was way more nerve-wracking than my FJC.
However, twice, in the past couple of months, I have cornered an up-jumper and had him coach me on my packing skills (I lured him with the promise of beer ). I also watched the PD packing video, the "Pack Like a Pro" video by Billy Weber, and took copious notes during my coaching sessions. I even pulled out my iPhone a couple of times and snapped some pics.
Hey, I'm an engineer -- I'm anal like that.
However, now I am very comfortable with my packing skills, and packing has become an enjoyable part of my DZ time.