Hey everyone,
Thought I would introduce myself as a new user to the forums here. I started jumping (AFF) in July at VSA after 2 years of my brother nagging me try skydiving. Honestly, I consider myself to be moderately afraid of heights and that is why it took me so long to make my first jump. Standing under the wing of a Cessna at 12,000 ft and looking down for the first time and knowing I was ready to let go against all better judgment is something I will never forget. Hopefully this weekend I will be finishing off AFF level 7 if the weather decides to cooperate here in Vermont. I can't wait to get my A certification and my own system to jump. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting and jumping with some of you guys and gals in the near future.
Happy Skies,
P.S. any PM's with info on used equipment for sale would be much appreciated until I'm off the new user probation period for the classifieds. I'm about 170 and 6'1". Thanks!