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Everything posted by FreeFlyingSig

  1. Bought my hypeye over the winter as part of a brand new camera set up with a CX 100, Cookie Atomic and Black Box. Never really payed with the other functions other than Camera on/off and rec./stop. I had no problems with anything for about the first 50-60 jumps with the Hypeye. After that my indicator lights stopped working, however the button still worked. Hypoxic said they would replace the unit without any questions. I am now on my 3rd weekend after sending in my old unit without my replacement. I am one of about 4 people at a smaller Cessna DZ to have issues with a Hypeye or have one completely stop working. Product reliability and customer service turnaround times are two things Hypoxic needs to improve at.
  2. Finally finished AFF LV 7 today... by far my best skydive to date. Can't wait for the first solo now.
  3. So, I ended up landing in the plane on sat.... not by choice. We ended up waiting all day for loads to get up when there were holes in the cloud cover. I was in the plane for the last load but my jump was aborted because it was 7:30 and we were only at 3500 ft. So all the licensed jumpers got out of course and I had to stay with the plane and land . Guess I will spend the money i did not use to jump this weekend to buy myself a SIM.
  4. Thanks for the links, I am definitely using my canopy time at higher altitudes to explore its behavior and play with the different ways to control its flight. Not totally sure what you mean by book learning; I know there are some requirements for A license to complete. So far I have just been reading some articles on safety and canopy flight on and some canopy sizing information from the PD website.
  5. Congrats on your newly found sobriety. I truly consider the self-control and determination it must have taken you to beat such strong addictions to be an uncommon trait amongst man. Best of luck on the skydiving and on your new path in life! -Robert
  6. Hey everyone, Thought I would introduce myself as a new user to the forums here. I started jumping (AFF) in July at VSA after 2 years of my brother nagging me try skydiving. Honestly, I consider myself to be moderately afraid of heights and that is why it took me so long to make my first jump. Standing under the wing of a Cessna at 12,000 ft and looking down for the first time and knowing I was ready to let go against all better judgment is something I will never forget. Hopefully this weekend I will be finishing off AFF level 7 if the weather decides to cooperate here in Vermont. I can't wait to get my A certification and my own system to jump. I'm looking forward to hopefully meeting and jumping with some of you guys and gals in the near future. Happy Skies, Robert P.S. any PM's with info on used equipment for sale would be much appreciated until I'm off the new user probation period for the classifieds. I'm about 170 and 6'1". Thanks!