people who hunt for food or out of necessity, then fair enough, who am I to say they shouldn't.... but people who hunt purely for the thrill of killing and nothing else are weapons grade cockspanners
Does anybody think Obama would be as popular as he is if he was properly black and not half cast?
Is America ready for a real black president? Somebody who looks like he's come directly from Africa? or Jamaica?
Faction, extreme right wing facist
Legislation preferences, No further immigration allowed in to UK
Energy policy, Go nuclear
belief systems, facism
And how many first time black voters are voting only because he is black?
How many first time female voters voted in the primary only because Hillary was running.
But it you are a white male, you can not use these reasons or you are a racist or a sexist?
I've made it clear why I'm voting McCain, but to call one side of the coin racist and not the other is a bit hypocritical.
he's not really black though is he..... not like african black, the real black. I'd say he's only half black