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  1. It's the way we used to launch h as well. I used to find it not too much of an issue but am not the smallest bloke. On faster run ins like caravan and kingair where I needed both hands on the bar I took the grip on the 'set' part of the key.
  2. It's great to see some progress in this area, regardless of which nation it comes from. If humanity an crack Fusion it should end our reliance on fossil fuels (make fuel almost free). It's rather exciting to think that this is something we may see in our lifetime - I remember my old physics teacher claiming that we were about 50 years off from it back in 2003.. Lets hope he was a bit pessimistic :)
  3. Personally I like the NHS on the whole but to be honest I've not really had an emergency situation or requiring more than a dose of antibiotics for a few years. However, I have private cover through work (for a small fee ~$30 / £20 a month) in case something goes wrong and I get broken that requires a long fix. In a lot of cases you hear of people getting worse whilst waiting for their turn. I could wait, and take longer to get fixed on NHS or get a referral to a private hospital / doc. I can afford the fee, and my time and health is worth that 1 jump ticket a month I pay. The NHS is great, especially for those who don't have the income that allows them to do this. For general GP issues which can wait a few days I'll go see my GP (NHS)
  4. Ouch, still wearing the seatbelt by the door.. thats an embarrassing one. Nice work by the student although should probably have pulled when given the finger (although it looks like sun is behind the cameraflyer so student might have been unable to see it)
  5. Apart from those already mentioned Your Song - - Elton John cover by Ellie Goulding Whiskey in the Jar - - Thin Lizzy song covered by Metallica
  6. Still better than a pair of these..
  7. I can't comment on the Aussie progression but general bit of advice for 4way (or any dive) is visualisation. Use your time in the plane to work through how the dive is going to look, work out what moves you need to make to go between dives and think about how you'll do it. Nice deep calming breaths as the door opens / green light comes on and crack on.. and don't forget to smile if there's inside camera ;)
  8. There is already a couple. Chris from hyrokken has made a nice one for his G2. It's basically the go pro flat mount with two button cutaways (like the 2k composite ones) on one cable that hold the mount in place. If he cuts away the mount goes, along with camera but the helmet stay in place and looks pretty sweet. The only slight issue is apparently it's not the most stable mount and wobbles a bit but not an issue for FS.
  9. Bloody NIMBYs, I can't understand how the local authorities can then carry on to object on safety grounds when the FAA have cleared it. Nice work for the FAA for putting forward a sensible line and for Jeff Bodin to push his cause. Hope he wins and gets the DZ established :)
  10. The vast majority of my jumps are 4 way FS and I find that I do rely quite heavily on my audible for breakoff (we all do).. I've got mine set to: 4500ft break off 3500ft time to think about pulling 2000ft - hard deck (/ get something open you dumb #@!* ;)) If doing formations where the organiser has suggested a different break off / pulling then I'll change the first two beeps.. I've heard the 3rd beep a couple of times after tracking a bit longer to clear airspace and a snivelly pilot opening.. Does get the heart pumping to hear it but a good reminder during a snivel (I have the L+B Solo II which only sets in increments of 500 ft)
  11. If money were truly no object (i.e. a substantial lotto win) then I could see myself spending the next few years on a hardcore training plan with my 4way team. Doing in excess of 1,000 jumps and many many hours in the tunnel too. Now just need those lucky numbers to come up..
  12. I've made that mistake.. banged my head of the door/wing and fell off the step... bit embarrassing as had 200 odd jumps at the time..
  13. Happy with the idea of this one, just need to make sure that the water quality is constantly and randomly assessed to ensure that things like fecal matter (Pooooo!), pathogens and chemicals are all within some predefined 'safe' level.
  14. We tried it the whole getting rid of monarchs and decided that we worked better without a republic. Us brit's also had the Guilotine before the french ;-)