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Everything posted by divingos

  1. Overland Park, Kansas is going to have a wind tunnel open by October - supposedly.
  2. What an incredible boogie. LSPC went out of their way to make sure everyone had a great time.
  3. On my 14th jump, my AAD fired. We were instructed to wait until the reserve filled with air. Right before the reserve touched the main, we were taught to cut-a-way. It worked just fine. BTW - that was 23 years ago.
  4. I just took someone last weekend who weighed 248lbs.
  5. I have over 1000 Tandems from a 182. Personally, I think the best way for older people is to have them sit on your lap while you are kneeling down. Back up to the door, put your left foot out, and then have them put their left foot out(with your assistance) and then their right foot. When you leave, do a quick barrel roll towards the wing - very stable.
  6. Just let Emiko fly it .... she's lighter than you.
  7. Are there any videos of the competition for nationals??
  8. www.skydivemrvs.com c-206 goes to 13K E-mail me if you want more info. BTW - bon fire and beer at night!!!!!
  9. 16 tandems out of a cessna. I didn't pack!!! I did make a fun jump after that. If the winds are 220 we can jump 28-29mph. Must be minumal gusts.
  10. I just gave a grandma a tandem. She is 90 years old and it was on her bucket list. It was on CNN.
  11. Is it true??? I just saw $22 jump tickets!!!! Looks like 30 jumps are in order!!
  12. I can already taste the good dark beer from the kegs!!!
  13. have seen - you need to stay in for recess!!!
  14. I wonder how cheap the jumps will be this year?? Lowest prices last year!!!
  15. One of my favorite boogies!!! Great food, beer, skydives, and lots of heat.
  16. This is one of my favorite boogies!! $20 jumps from 2 of skydive AZ's Otters. The best boogie food, hands down, Great skydives, and a well organized boogie. Thanks again for another fun boogie. Steve