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Everything posted by Snypam118

  1. This just goes to show how all of you are misinformed about everything and are just billy vances lackeys. The military is DOD. DOD is a federal entity. Outlaw field is a federal funded airport. See where i'm going with this?... Ok i figured you wouldnt because you are all just brain dead and cant think on your own. The HALO jumpers as well as the DEMO team will not be affected. There are many reasons for us not jumping at Outlaw. Many of those reasons could and maybe will someday affect ALL OF YOU! And no 1-800-skyride is not burning DZs. Jeff Napier and that crowd of idiots who think skyride and AST are the same (even though they are actually our competitor) are the ones who started the fire in TN because they got their feelings hurt because we provide a better service than they do. In the words of my good friend Tandem Cowboy "See you in hell bitches!" Cuz thats where I will see all of you eventually... Our Freefall train up was cancelled cause jumping wasnt not allowed at the airport. DOD or not "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  2. Im sure I probably over looked it but where is vertical suit in the gear review section. I would like to give them kudos for fast service all around. Custom made within a a week and 1/2. Overnight shipping from Canada when requested "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  3. eat.. when i first started my nerves caused me to skip meals which in turn affected me in the plane. Feeling weak and all "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  4. Because before you can load and jump at the same location. Now you cant even do military related jumps at the Clarksville dz "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  5. what sucks is that the local military jumpers and free fall team that use the airport for train ups suffer. No place to go now "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  6. I have some Parachutist if you want them. for free...Fairly recent. You can send a reply to and ill give you my AKO address so you can send your APO address...if you want... "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  7. Good points. thanx for the info "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  8. To glue or sew velcro to the side of my container. Pretty plain and would like to add various patches "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  9. you can rent gear, helmet and all and wear it 24/7 and make wind rushing sounds. She'll probably go crazy and make you least once. "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  10. No dolphin..wings Spinner in Yuma? "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  11. Im not in Yuma now. Im actually talking about flat packing my 190 main.. the one i will get after coming back from the"desert" "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  12. So I know how to flat pack a 370sqft MC-4. Now can I take the very same technique and apply it to a ZP main 190. Specifically A lines on B-C on A and D-on C "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  13. I did the same thing. I re did my bathroom from the sheet rock up and everything was near perfect. A few days after the bathroom was done, I hear a pop and water rushing. There was water flowing thru the walls all over our hardwood floors that we put down right before doing the bathroom. So our floors were top it off the house was going on the market the next day. "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  14. So i have a wings container being made for a PD 190. Because it is hard to find a used sabre 2 is there a variant of this canopy. A novice will jump it. thnx Nous Defions "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  15. When I pay for the jumps I usually have the cashier/manifest sign my log. "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  16. So how do I do an Arch turn. If I had an object infront of me how do i rotate around it doing a 360? Thnx "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT
  17. The current military freefall rigs are ripcord activated with spring loaded pilot chute. My first jumps were on a MC-5 and the ripcord is easy to locate. Its on the right side buy if your right arm somehow becomes useless you can use the left hand. Its a bit harder to pack because it take some effort to collaspe the spring. i dropped my 1rst ripcord after pull but held all others after. It was "stressed" to do it by cadre. One example of a horseshoe malfunction is if the jumper is backsliding during deployment. Saw a couple of pics in Yuma. "Nobody believes me when I say riding a motorcycle is scarier than jumping"... Have 60 static line jumps and thought I was cool until i discovered REAL FLIGHT