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Everything posted by Pegandmeg

  1. It's funny that no one is telling him about the hard drugs and the floozies, not that I would know.
  2. Pretty difficult to skydive as a quadraplegic. @ Chris: Check out Youtube! Fatalistic bullshit made up to alleviate yourself from responsibility for your own risk management. Nothing is 'meant' to happen. I completely agree. However, it was a hypothetical question.
  3. The funniest part of that movie was the outtakes where Dom DeLuise was cracking everybody up. That was the first time I saw a movie put that in the credits.
  4. Thanks a lot for the replies. A guy got a tattoo that was mostly about something else with a closing pin slipped into the tattoo. He just got his A license and has 30 jumps. Another guy with 250 jumps and a B license gave him a hard time about it. He doesn't need me to fight his battles for him, I just wanted to know other people's opinions.
  5. A VERY good question. Though more people have voted for option 1 at this time, more than half the people voting have made themselves tattoo police by voting for another option. I'm of the opinion that anyone can get a skydiving tattoo. There are people with tattoos of animals they've never seen in real life. People with Japanese symbols they couldn't read before they were tattooed on their bodies. Some of those people even ended up getting symbols they found out didn't mean what they thought they meant. People who weren't alive to see Elvis with his portrait. Whatever they want, they should be allowed to have and I find it odd that a person would be upset if someone with less jumps had at one time honored their sport with a tattoo. That guy that was embarrassed to have the tattoo with only 22 jumps shouldn't be embarrassed. At one time, it was important enough to him to get a tattoo and he's still a 1 percenter. My dad has a navy tattoo and he was in the navy for only 3 years, and it's a part of his life that he never thinks about anymore. He still likes the tattoo.
  6. I hope those 7 options are enough. I left off "There should be no skydiving tattoos" because I thought that would be silly. Hey, the whole question might seems silly to you, but there are people out there who care. I'm posting this poll to prove a point to someone.
  7. Try thinking outside of the box a little bit (or maybe just try THINKING) and you won't be so quick to throw red flags. Pick it up. Put it in your pocket, and walk away.
  8. When there are this many people at a dropzone, there's bound to be a few unfriendlies. Once you know who they are and avoid them, the place is ok. Avoid Gareth, Ego Mike, the older rigger, and one of the owners, Vic. They don't try to be unprofessional, they just can't help letting their natural personalities shine through. Let's just say that if you have questions, ask someone else to avoid a smart-aleck or unhelpful answer. They have a knack of treating a new person like an outsider. Don't worry, there are others that will be helpful. The hangar is big and really close to the plane. The landing area is a decent size with places for the sky god or the newbie to land. The aircraft is decent, they're using a Pac750XL and I think they have a Cessna. There's no running water, so port-a-potties are there. Bring your hand sanitizer. The winds during the summer are pretty brutal. Newbies beware there. Can you imagine being a new dzo and saying, "Hey, I'll put a drop zone near a bunch of windmills and near protected land that won't allow plumbing"? At least it's sunny there most of the time. Note: One of the staff members listed above just contacted me with a very nice private message apologizing and explaining things. He made no excuses for the others and took ownership for himself. It was really a stand-up thing to do.
  9. Even if you're right, and I don't think you are, this thread still serves a purpose. Phizzie...I think this is a good thing. I'd rather you go to jail and learn your lesson and THEN skydive. You may have been caught three times, but you've driven recklessly more than that. If it takes some jail time to teach you your lesson and fly around with us safely, then it's time well spent. BE SAFE!!!
  10. I love it when people come out of the closet. You're an inspiration to us all. The person who talked about the reasons why was correct. There hasn't YET been a reason why he developed the split personality. There's no real benefit to it. The Tom character obviously doesn't have a split personality. He has a normal life under another name, but he's not programmed. I can see the point of the person who says, "What's the point?"
  11. I thought you might want a little realism in your straw poll so I created another account and voted a second time. I'm also opening an account for my dead grandfather, getting illegal aliens to vote and later on I'm going to hang some chads.
  12. Really? Those would be your last words? Fuck me? Looking for any takers? He said what I thought a person would say, "OOOOPEEENN!!!" I think my last words (knowing I had a camera on my head) would be an "I love you" to those I love. Would it be too sick of me to start a thread asking what your last words would be?
  13. I'm no expert on video, but I couldn't see an edit to something fake. It looked real. I'd like to know if anyone knows for sure. Weather's no good for jumping right now. Nothing else to do.
  14. That one has a lot of links to a bunch of stuff, but not to what I wanted. I finally found this.
  15. Ok, that makes sense. If we the 800 pound gorilla decide to "declare bankruptcy" so to speak, our credit is shot, retribution of a different sort. The next questions then are: How much of our debt is to the American people? In the site I saw dated 1996, it was almost 75%. Is that still the case? Another site I saw said that the debt is going up by more than 3 billion a day. Is that interest alone or are we borrowing more principal day after day?
  16. Now read my edited version of the post above yours. I just found a website from 1996 that says 3/4 of the debt is owed by trust funds (social security, retirement and the like). Something I did not know at the original post. Of course, that info is 12 years old. Don't assume I have an opinion in the original post. It's simply out of curiousity.
  17. That's not what I wrote. Read the post again. As a matter of fact, it was rather presumptuous of you to assume I was advocating or condemning such action. It was a question to sate my curiousity. Go ahead. Read it again. You'll see no opinion one way or another. I'm just curious, and I don't have a lot of time to google through thousands of website that give extraneous information that does not answer my question. By the way, those two website linked above don't answer either of my questions. I want a website that says who we owe every dollar to. I know some are banks, some are treasury bonds, some are foreign governments. I want to know how much we owe to whom. I also want to know if there are entities (foreign governments, banks, eic) who have lent us money and have gotten back several times the principal.
  18. I know someone started a similar thread but it's already gotten off on a tangent. I need a specific answer to something I don't know much about. I do know that a large portion of our budget goes to paying off interest on our debts. Just the interest. We haven't paid off the principal on that interest (plus we're borrowing more money). My question is...there has got to be some entities that have been getting interest after interest year after year and by now has probably gotten back their principal back many times over. My question is: Is it possible to declare any of these debts paid off in any way? What sort of legal ramifications would there be? Could such ramifications be enforced? Um...that's three questions, huh? Ok, might as well add a fourth. Is there a website that shows exactly who we owe every dollar to?
  19. Although my personal debt is nil, I have to say that at one point it was HUGE. It's just that my house had so much equity that 10 years ago, I consolidated all that debt into my mortgage. It was 8k.
  20. This is the first I'm hearing of this? Was he in uniform or not? It was unclear from that article.
  21. That's ok. As long as it's not only about guns. C'mon, guys. Free speech, abortion, regulation, deregulation. But tie it to the Constitution.
  22. I know the subject title is a very broad question, but I'm hoping for a shit-load of various responses. The American society is based on a document that was written well over 200 years ago without any idea what sort of changes in technology, culture, morality, etc. would occur generations later. Yet time after time, I hear (or read) people argue that the founding fathers would have written this or that in the Constitution if they knew about this or that would occur 200 years later. Did the founding fathers create a Constitution that was meant for their times or for all time? I had a history professor that said Thomas Jefferson was the sort of person that wanted a new government every twenty years or so to keep up with the times. I don't know if this is true; any historian let us know. Automatic weapons, gay marriage, television, abortions, the internet, boogies, Easy Bake Ovens. Who could foresee such things? So, my question is: Does the Constitution apply today or is it archaic? Follow up: Are there PARTS of the Constitution that archaic? Which parts? As I said, I realize it's a general question, but I want it to be to get diverse answers.
  23. True, but I'm lacking time. Get online, get offline. Get on with my life. If I see something, I respond before reading the rest of the thread. I don't really care if someone has already said it.