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  1. I've been over the canopy inside and out, with a magnifying glass. No label. :( Thanks
  2. Thanks, but Mr. Eiff says it's not his.
  3. Mystery Parachute F111, Dacron lines. Measures about 230. No label. Appears professionally sewn. Anyone want to take credit for the nice work? See pictures. Thanks. Jeana
  4. The last jump I made with Terry was a rodeo at San Marcos. He loved jumping barefoot and tucked his flip-flops into his sweatshirt. They were gone when we landed. I saw him about a year later in Oklahoma and he was nearly blind from Diabetes. I was surprised. When I asked him if he could see when we jumped together. He said "Not really, that's why we did a rodeo!" :) You will fly on in the hearts and minds all who knew you.