Since you are already using the single element lens the only place it can be forming is on the video camera lens itself, or in the space between the single element lens and the camera. If you watch the video closely, you'll notice it only forms after you have been in the cold air for awhile at altitude and it shrinks closer to the ground in the warmer air. At landing it's gone.
You can test this the next time you're on the way to altitude if you sit by the door and it's reasonably cold at altitude. Hold your camera lens in the cold air stream all the way up. Just before you get all the way up, fire up the camera and see if the spot is there, if so, take the lens off and look in between them, I bet it will be on the camera lens itself. I've used Cat Crap in the past, I'd be surprised if it fixes it. Most of the time, condensation on the outside of the lens forms at the edges and works it's way in, not from the center out.