Hi all.
I am a newbie. I have 6 jumps now and I am fascinated with my new sport!
However, I´m still worried about safety. In my introductory course I was told that it may take 4 seconds for an advanced skydiver to detect a problem, break away and pull reserve, open the reserve.
While thinking about it, I imagined myself having a malfunction and I couldn´t see what was wrong and was running out of altitude quickly.
So given this scenario where the time to detect the malfunction is the longest of all the process, I thought that it could help to have a convex mirror on the right hand, to actually SEE what´s wrong and save the head turning time. I also thought that it could help advanced skydivers to differentiate more quickly and precisely a snivel from a streamer for example.
I´d like to hear your thoughts about it.
1) Is this sound or I´m FREAKING NUTS?
2) What are the reasons nobody uses one?
3) Is it hazardous to have a mirror on the deploying hand?
4) Would it help as I think it might?
Thanks guys for keeping up this wonderful forum! It´s just great!