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Everything posted by blair700

  1. PsychoBob, WOW!!! Thanks for sharing the pics, and hosting a great event with your Emerald Coast family. I had SO much fun!!! DUDE, your enthusiasm and hospitality are as epic as the Boogie itself. THANKS!!!! I left a hat and BASE DVD with Becky for you, sorry we didn't get to see you on Monday, although I'm sure I felt your presence on the return flight Everyone else (too many to mention, but you know who you are SKYGIRLPC) there a big thanks as well!! Best memories yet, next year we shall do some big way flocks over the Gulf I'm sure, I could feel the wingsuit sickness spreading while there Hope to see all of you before next year, my home is always open if you find yourself in the Carolinas. And Bob, get with Rick and get some advice on what to do to prepare for October, I have a rig that will fit you great for Bridge Day. Stay in touch, here are a couple of pics, one of Chuck's 1000th and one of my family in Emerald Coast. Cheers! Blair AKA Pelotas Fuego "loving the bushwhacker" Rodriguez
  2. I don't think you are being shunned at all. Once you've been there, you will understand the nature of the posts and the seriousness of the site. These folks care about human life AND site preservation, but the two go hand in hand. The 'danger disclaimer' is usually somewhere within all the posts on this subject. I've seen first hand what happens when someone gets over ther head there, and it aint pretty..... If you set your goal to jump this site, hard work, research, and training will help you get there. But not without Adrenaline Exploits. Thanks again Jay, ditto what Avery said, sign me up for next year and one way or the other we'll get that 2-way (or more)WS jump in
  3. "that" cliff in Mexico is SPECTACULAR!!! And Jay E (adrenalineexploits) run a top notch trip. You will not be dissapointed, just make sure you bring your A Game Later Blair
  4. GTI 2000' V-1 from full altitude, probably pull around 3500'-3000', the ONLY reason is I'm such a fat bastard that my arms are really fatigued by that altitude, and I want to get a strong pull. However, if I'm exiting with the V-1 from 5-6000' or lower, I'll fly it down to 2000'. ANY NEW SUIT, I'm opening at 5000' until I get the pull dialed in...and YES ROBI, I am working on a much faster pull Good topic, thanks Blair DISCLAIMER: This is one of those "do as I say, not as I do" things, especially for the student fliers. I DO NOT recommend ANYONE opening at 2000' with a wingsuit. YMMV
  5. Yo!! I have ZERO jumps on the Prodigy (ordering within a couple of weeks though) and was wondering if anyone is jumping this suit now with HP canopies. Personally, my wingsuit skydiving rig contains a larger Pilot, but now with a wingsuit that allows you to reach toggles/risers on opening, I'm thinking I'll be able to jump my elliptical canopy on this suit...? Thoughts anyone?? As of now the only suit I jump with my elliptical is my PF Tracking Suit . Damn this is an exciting time for human flight, THANKS ROBI!!!! Later Blair
  6. Lou, What is the S3S?? Also any further info or pics of S5?? Thanks Blair
  7. Yo, How about on Saturday?? I know that's supposed to be the official 'practice' day, will there be lift capacity for other jumpers not doing 4-way?? Thanks Blair
  8. Alright my .02. I agree with Canuck, and after conferring with Scott Miller, the dude who coaches the stars, I 'understand' that a transition from Rear Riser to toggles EARLY on results in a longer swoop....ON MY CANOPY (VENGENCE) This is easily identified by video of my landings, I 'feel' more speed on rears all the way, but in the end, I sacrafice distance by maintaining too high of an angle of attack ON MY CANOPY when langing solely on rear risers.... That being said, the guys at the top of the comps, aren't neccessarily flying 'FACTORY' canopies, like the ones you and I can buy on the MAYBE a top competitor goes ALL THE WAY on rears, but could that be because his wing is SET UP for that??? So, to get the longest SWOOP, you need to get coaching on YOUR wing, hope that helps. I really just wanted to say hello to Mono Uno Later Blair
  9. Not me, I made my first BASE jump on Friday 13th 2001, on a Mojo that had 13 patches....its been my lucky day and number since Later Blair
  10. I have less than a dozen WS BASE flights, all but 2 are off of towers in the dark. Personally, on the first couple my sensory overload was such that I opened high without really trying, I mean if you are used to taking 12 off an object, and suddenly you find yourself in 'freefall' for 14 or more seconds, my mental clock said PULL!! Once I got over the sketchiness of the exit, I began to FLY, so you watch for references, what worked for me was watching a tree line that I was used to seeing from above, once I could make out individual branches, at night, it was time to pull. This scenario only works sometimes as other flights have been done over open fields with NO trees or reference points. In this situation, I still rely on my eyes, and KNOW that groundrush is NOT going to be the same as a non WS jump. I can definitely see how someone with Outrager's experience can find themselvs trying to make a LZ etc....but for someone with little experience like myself, I just remind myself that if I can't see OVER the horizon, I maybe getting too low, if you can't see anything but trees and ground, well its probably over already The other issue I have, is so far most flights require some sort of navigation...meaning I have to turn at least once before opening or risk landing in trees, and you MUST remember that you will lose more altitude in the turn than on a long straight flight pattern. All in all, I think Mike has the right approach, stay conservative for a while, feel it out, enjoy it, and open high. There is plenty of time later to humm-it to the basement () or fly across the fjord etc. One of my favorite parts of the WS BASE jump, is the auditory senses you get that are quite different than a terminal non WS BASE least on the GTI. On the faster suits the difference you hear may be negligible. Like I said, I am a TOTAL ROOKIE on WS BASE with less that 12 flights, so seek GOOD advice and plan you flights accordingly. FWIW, it changed me forever, and is absoluetly the MOST fun I've had jumping yet. TRUE FLIGHT!! Can't wait for my first 2 or more way, that would definitely top solos!!
  11. Yo, I was able to fly the V1 all weekend, WOW are my muscles tired today All but one jump were flocking jumps so no max performance, I did however do a helo jump from about 4800'. Protrack said I averaged 42mph for 47 seconds. The DZO and manager both came over upon landing to pick up their jaws off the ground
  12. You should have bought the pants and jacket with the gloves Not sure if I understand you correctly, but the answer is yes. Later Blair
  13. In the immortal words of Dwain Weston: "I am so over the James Bond shit." Amen, Brother
  14. Also, has a good deal with a $50 rebate on it, service is awesome too. I should have mine in the air this weekend, I will post a shot of the helmet with the GPS in place to show all you folks how kewl 704 made my 'in flight recorder'
  15. YO!! I'm in fo sho!!! Also, scarryperry just confirmed he will be sending demo Birdman wingsuits to me for the boogie.... Although its not an 'official' Birdman presence, I will be offering flight instruction and suit rental to qualified mexicans..... Let's go BOOGIE JUNKIES!!!!!! Blair Pfuego Rodriguez
  16. blair700

    Congrats 850

    Congrats dude!!!!! Blair
  17. YO!!!! Yes that search will yield some useful info, I recently purchased the Garmin etrex vista-C, my friend 704, is making a mount for me so I've not jumped it yet. ANYONE ON HERE JUMPING THE ETREX VISTA????? I NEED HELP
  18. Thanks for sharing this video, and again I'm so grateful for an epic adventure
  19. blair700

    Travel insurance

    Sorry for the hijack but TOM, NICE F__ING AVATAR!!!!
  20. Hey man, On a side note (sorry for the hi jack TA) NICE BOOK!! Thank YOU for writing and sharing it! Blair BASE 700
  21. Yo!!! Yup, EXACTLY what Gabo, Jason, Bryan....all said, and much more!!! I got home Sunday from the BEST vacation I've had, the BIG WALL in Mexico is an incredible place!!! Long delays over that intense landing area made for the most exciting and rewarding jumps to date for me