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Everything posted by nipp1e_boy
Do they have to be airworthy? Any old rigger ought to have a box of old risers laying around. What do the volunteers have to do? Thanks for the response, I've contacted a couple of riser makers, but I havent heard back yet. I've begin the process of getting a patent on this idea so I think its ok to disclose. I call my new trainign method IAFFUC - Instructor Assisted Freefall and Flight under Canopy. The reason why recent AFF grads suck at canopy flight and static liners suck at freefall i sbecause th etraining methods focus on one area only. My new method is based on a new training design - the Detachable Tandem Harness and Container. The DTHC is a modification to existing H&C - four rings are attached to the harness like a tandem harness. The existing container remains in place but has to be a bit small or flat. I recentl ycame across the BaseR and think it's ideal for this application. Then, the instructor harness is modifed to include 4 attachments via 3-rign and cable release and a static line to the main container. The cable releases are connected to a single handle on hte instructors hip. My incredible design combines Bill Booth's Skyhook with the BaseR and the latest tandem technology. Now when a student needs to learn you simply put a BaseR on them, hook them up to the instructor and do a tandem exit. The instructor deploys the dogue and instruction proceeeds like in an IAF jump. Then at around 9000 feet the instrctor deploys the main and the pair is under the instructors canopy. When its time to teach the student about canopy flight and flying the pattern (very necessary today with yahoos landing all directions)- the instructor can point out the LZ, tell the student what to do and then pull the cutaway which lets teh student fall off and the skyhook deploys the student main. As th estudent progress you add a throwout. I thiink this is an idea whcih will result in th efollowing benefits: 1. Cool new technology (added bonus - easy to do Mr. Bill jumps). 2. Improved student skills in freefall and under canopy 3. Improved tandem safety as student can be ejected from malfunctioning tandem main. 4. Improved tandem instructor morale as tandem I can now jump pocket rocket since he is jumping tandem but landing solo. Any thoughts and feedback? Any volunteers to go in front of my new system? Thanks! Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Hi, Does anyone know a reliable source for 3-ring releases? I need 4 and maybe 8 for a revolutionary project I'm working on. I am looking for experienced jumpers (100 jumps and over) preferably jumping smaller gear to volunteer for the project. If you or anyone you know would like to help please let me know. Trust me, if thsi works its gonna revolutionize skydiving training. Thanks Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
It may be unusual and entertaining to you but I am in real pain here. Yes my stories may seem a bit out there but I started jumping in an environmnent that is very different than what the yuppie jumpers of the 90s and the last few years are used to. All I hope to do by posting my experiences is to share with newer jumpers and hopefully encourage them to be safety consious like me. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
At first I thought you were serious, but I cant say for sure anymore. Like I said before I have nothing against the harness or reserve manufacturer. And suing the DZO is out of the question. He is an ass but they all are to some extent. If you are a lawyer and can still contribute something useful please advice on whether this is worth pursuing. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
No kidding. I see so many of them around me (not just at the dropzone) its no surprise some of them learned to skydive. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Theres some truth in what you say. But I guess what made it worse was I was expecting a snappy main opening when I pulled not an instant reserve spank when I was just about to declare victory. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Sorry I dont get it. What does band camp have to do with skydiving? Has this happened to someone else before? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
I don't think that's a good idea at all. I mean I hate frivolous lawsuits. Its pretty clear that the problem was with the AAD. Why sue the harness mfr or anyone else? Even if it doesnt succeed I think its important to let people know that if youre gonna do a low pull contest dont trust your AAD to pull or in this case not pull your reserve. As for posting what happened I prefer to keep it honest. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Thanks - someone who knows how these work. I set the altitude to 0 just as a backup. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
16 jumps? No offence but you sound like a noob. The old timers here will know what a good old fashion game of chicken with the dirt feels like. The story isnt bulls*it. Re. growing up - any more growing up and I'll be pushing daisies. "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
OK I am PISSED!!! A couple of weekends ago a buddy that started jumping around the same time as me happened to come to my new home DZ for the season opener. It had been a few years since we saw each other so it was great to catch up and exchange no shit stories and remember our friends who arent around any more. At some point we agreed that modern skydiving is getting boring and wanted to bring back some of that oldtime adventure. A lowpull contest was arranged. As it happens I usually jump a Specter 170 and I did not want to be sniveling through 500ft (been there done that had to throw away that pair of underwear). So to be safe (as I am a very safety consious jumper) I decided to rent student gear. My buddy still jumps a Monarch - hes really old school. The DZO at this new place is a bit of a jagoff and a lowpull contest would really get his panties wadded up his crack. So to avoid any unpleasantness I told the student gear lady I wanted to rent a student rig because I wanted to get recurrent as this was my first weekend jumping in 6 months. So I got one of the ragged old Telesis rigs with a Maverone or whatever spankalicious canopy they use for students. When gearing up we were both careful to turn off our AADs - no sense leaving them on. The student rig had a pin-puller FXC. I got a penny and made sure mine was off. My buddy jerked his right arm around a few times and told me he was trying to train his arm to stay off his pud - hehehe. In the plane we could not stop grinning. It was just like the old days. We insisted on letting the freakflyers leave before us and wondered if they knew what we were doing. My buddy and I exited right after the freaks - me first and he pinned me pretty quick. It was great to get back in the air after so long. As theground got bigger, I looked at my buddy. I could tell he was getting nervous as he kept looking at the ground and then back up at me. When we passed the pussies deploying around us at 3000' I knew it was ON! Just as I saw him start to reach for his hackey I felt the biggest fu*king jolt as my reserve deployed. The damn AOD had fu*ked up. I was at (I think) about 1400' when it went off and at abotu 1200 in the saddle. My buddy was the first down I was second. When I checked the rig on the ground the AAD the screw had been turned off so I'm sure the thing malfunctioned. Added to that the DZO was very suspicious about why it fired. I told him I was in the saddle around 2500 and that it had misfired after I set it for 1500. Luckily we were so fast to open the wuffos on the ground didnt rat us out. We told the freakflyers we had left the Caravan before them - didn't they remember? Anyhow this week my back has been hurting like a mofo. I think I may ahve cracked a rib and maybe even a vertebra. I want to get legal advice about getting FXC to cover my injury after the AAD fired AFTER I TURNED THE DAMN THING OFF!!! I think its understandably that AADs dont work sometimes but when you turn it off for a lowpull contest you have some expectation of performance. If anyone knows of any lawyers who I can trust (I am willing to work with lawyers on a share of proceeds basis) please let me know. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
...start your own bigway team. Crazy Eddie's Wild Wild 100-Way Camp. There has been some changes to the rules for the 2009 camp: 1. If you can do a good momentum dock without missing the formation at least 50% of the time, you're in. This is stricter than last year's 25% requirement. 2. We were able to only get Three Twin Otters again. Additional jumpers will be strapped to the top of the plane. Do not forget to lean forward during takeoff to prevent stalling the plane like last year. 3. At breakoff time, the organizer in the base will take a gun out of his jumpsuit -- it's everyone for themselves when he starts shooting in the air. We will try to remember to use blanks instead of live ammunition this time, after last year's incident. We thank you for your interest in Crazy Eddie's Big Way Camp. Where is this camp going to take place? Have the dates been decided? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
...start your own bigway team. Similar to what I was going to say. If the OP, obvious trolling aside,doesn't like the Establishment, man , he can always organize his own event. As the organizer, he can even impose a "everyone must barrel roll" rule. See how that, uh, flies. Thank you - but getting 100 people to show up and jump is not feasible at a Cessna dropzone. I have a hard enough time getting 3 others to show up for four-way. But if I get good enough to become a big-way organizer I would change a few things about how they are currently done. Its easy to say "if you dont like it here go home", but I was trying to be constructive and improve the situation. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Buy the organizers drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. Don't insist on talking to them (or being anywhere near them for that matter) while they are drinking, just be sure that they know who's buying. Be generous with your stash. The candyman is always welcome at a big way. Offer to take an organizer to Hawaii (or other warm and sunny place) for a well deserved vacation. This one will probably work best on that well known organizer who lives in Belgium, and needs to be done soon, before the sun comes out in Europe. Thanks for the reply, but your not serious are you? Unless I have been grossly misinformed the organizers dont like to drink or smoke the g. during jumping hours. I'll be sure to offer some to them during the TSR and see if it helps. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Hi Ms. Cooper-Jensen, Thanks - it was a pleasure to jump with you. I can't recommend your camps enough. I am really looking forward to the TSR. I'm hoping to apply what I learned at the last camp at the record events and perhaps share my knowledge with some of th enewer jumpers. If you like I can demonstrate the safe big-way barrel roll technique at the dirt dive. Sorry for misunderstanding re. the sweatshirt. I was confused when you asked me to put it on, but I figured I'd keep my mouth shut to avoid sounding like an idiot. Can someone explain why the sweatshirt goes on the outside? Isn't this a huge safety hazard? As I've said before I'm very safety conscious. I'm sorry for the low pull. I really feel I was being safer. Vertical seperation is good right? I wasn't actually spiraling down. I think it may have seemed that way because I was adjusting my booties and slider as soon as I had opened, and when I leaned in my harness I may have begun to turn. First clockwise and then the opposite. I think Dan was just offended that I swooped that far :). Seriously I landed the way I did because I was a bit low to continue my 360 into a 540. I really was trying to be safe. Hope to see you in May! Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Yes. Just because the dropzone.com click piles on to every post as a troll, doesnt make it so. You can ask some of the camp participants if you don't believe this. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
The internet is your friend. WomenInPrison.com can introduce you to a wide variety of women who will be dating in 1-3 years (depending) on behavior. So I'm a bad speller and my grammer sucks. Big woop. If you read the responses including some from people that were there, you can see that my story does check out. WomenInPrison.com? How about showing some compassion for those that have encountered problems in their life instead of objectifying them sexually? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Thanks - and to the rest of you remember what your momma said. If you cant say something helpful dont say anything. So who wants to join my click? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
I don't follow. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
OK - I need some advice and turn to the braintrust that is dropzone.com for advice. Forgive me for the length of this post (that's what she said!). I was at a bigway camp at a dropzone not long ago (it's name rhymes with Herris). I wasn't there to really learn anything new as much as to "see and be seen" by the powers that be. I know there's a lotta politcs that go on in skydiving especially in teh bigway crowd so I wanted to get off on the right foot. The problem I have is that I get the feeling that I was "shunned" in some ways - it was almost like being a 20-jump wonder or the new kid in high school. I'm not sure if it was becuase of my age, because of my southern accent, or because or because of somethign else. The "popular" jumpers all had their clicks within clicks and at times I felt quite out of place. 1. On more than one occasion during the debrief i was picked out as "needing to address" issues. On the first few jumps where we started out small the base just wouldnt fall fast enough. I have a bit of a beer belly but I suit u pand can slwo down to a good 125 mph when I have to. On one of the early 40-ways (my first - Beeeeer!!!) - I offered to go last out but the skygod plain captain suggested i go in the middle of the line. Well - thats what threw my timing off. On exit, I dove out tucked my head in and did a max-delta track to directly to the formation. I was tracking down so hard, all I could see was the inverted horizon. I was expecting to be diving for a good 10-15 seconds based on my visualizatoin of the jump which I had practiced being last out on, so had to slow down to stop. I was trying to slow down and get close to my slot to be efficient, but the base was falling too slow! I went past and spent th e rest of the jump watching the formation build from 100 feet below. During the debrief I brought up th e point about the base fallign too slow, but I felt the organizer (IMO) copped out by saying I needed to be prepared and to deal with it. 2. On the next few jumps there wer e other jumpers who went low after a funnel so I didn't have a chance to get noticed, but on the last jump of the second day of the camp I ended up low thanks to a funnel where a well-know jumper took me out. As the formation was rebuilding I decide dto be efficient and pop back up into my slot. But the "A-team" in the base were not switched on and when I slid under them to move up to my slot in the first line of dockers, they came crashing down on me! On the ground, the debrief was very unfair - I was told I must never get under the formation. My only point to the organzier was that I was very heads-up and I thought she would be OK with doing a vertical move in the middle of the skydive. Anyhow, after that debrief I could sense the other jumpers were sort of "shunning me". 3. The final straw was on day 3 - during breakoff. I was in the second line behind the base. As the formation built, the base (again!) got lazy and began to slwo down and there was a funnell as some of us bigger guys tried to keep the fallrate up. Anyhow on hearing my dirt alert I turned to track. But there were people everywhere around me. I'm one of the best trackers at my DZ so I knew I could make it out of there without trouble. As I got into my track I really felt the wind speed increase as I jetted outt of dodge. But at pull time when I did my usual barrel roll, I see jumpers above and ahead of me. I'm very safety-conscience so I decided to wait for them to pull. This made me pull a little lower than I'm used to. When i got on the ground (I was first down), the DZ manager/ST&A walked up to me why I had pulled so low. According to him I was in the saddle around 1200'. I was a bit pissed off abotu the jump so I kind of brushed him off - I mean I'm from a time when we routinely pulled at 1500 and below. And my Cypress didn't go off so I dont see why he was annoyed. Finally, I pulled low in order to be safe. He should have been thanking me! After the debrief, the organizer talked to me. I think I impressed her with my skills. She was especially curious about my barrel roll which she said was interesting when she saw it from above, but she suggested I don't do it on bigways, I guess to avoid giving less experience d jumpers a complex. So my experience at this event was mixed - I think I impressed the organizers but I realized that politics and clicks are alive nd well in skydiving. If we don't welcome newer faces to the fold I don't see how the sport can survive. And if you were one of the wannabe skygods at the camp, I hope you realize that you dont know everything about bigways and can learn from the more experienced jumpers. So my question to the dz.commers is - I hate politics and the clics, but how do I get into the "mainstream" to make sure I don't end up on the infamous "do not invite" list? Should I get back in touch with teh organizers and try to explain concern? I'm frustrated, so any advice is appreciated. Thanks Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Tandmterry, Snuffy, JerryK, MOM, Treetop, David Ferree? They really livened up rec.skydiving and made it the great place it was. I wish they'd post here too. What happpened to them? Do they know about this forum? If you have their email addresses please tell them to sign up. This place is fun. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
I used ot post a lot more in the days of rec.skydiving, but I lost my posting logbook. Otherwise I would have you all beat by a mile. Some people like to thinj that posters who don't jump are not real skydivers well I agree. If your not a jumper you should not post as much. You should listen and apply what you learn here to when you decide to make a jump. Theres a lot of great advice on this website and you have the benefit of thousands of peoples experience instead of the small minded skygods who are the big fish in your little pond at the dz. Sorry for the ramble, please keep posting and dont let jumping come in the way of sharing your knowledge with others online. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
I don't see waht that would do. I mean its not like I need to advertise my religious beliefs. Live and let live is my philosophy. What I am really pissed off abotu is that my cypress fired when it should not have! I think its very irresponsible of the manufacturer to make a product that can be set off by f*cking airline toiliet!! Since then I have lost faith in my AAD and only use it when I have to, on student jumps and bigways or when I'm jumping with a group who I have not jumped with before. At all other times I turn it off. I wonder if this should be in the Safety and Training forum instead of here. Any admins, if youthink it would help, could you move it there? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
Hi guys, As the holiday travel week approaches I know many of you will be traveling to see family and to warmer jumps in places like Florida and California. I had a bad expeience a couple years ago and I thought I should warn you. . When I travel for skydiving I like to travel light. I carry my rig on my back and my altimeter on my right wrist. I just check in my clothes, fraphat and other stuff in a separate bag. What I like about this is that I don’t have to carry a gear bag, I’m ready to bail out if sh*t happens to the airplane on route and most of all it gets me some funny looks at the airport lounge. So I show up at the airport a good hour before my flight is to leave. The lady at check-in looked at me a bit funny but I guess that’s normal when wuffo chicks are in the presence of a skydiver. She gave me my boarding passes and I headed over to security. At security I wanted to make sure the TSA rent a cops wouldn’t freak out so as I laid my rig on the conveyor I yelled out to the dude at the x-ray monitor “Yo! It’s a parachute comin’ thru”. I saw a lot of heads turn and I felt the eyes of the hoochie mama behind me on my ass lol! I’m not an idiot - I put my altimeter, my watch, wallet and glasses in a tray. But the damn metal detector went off anyway. It was probably my titanium femur rod – spring of 2000 when I was first experimenting with 540s or the closing pin necklace I’ve worn since 2002. The dude with the wand patted me down – it was a bit uncomfortable since I was carrying the presentation material for my next safety meeting “in my prison pocket”, but no big whoop. It was the closing pin necklace that made the detector go of. Still, one of these days, that thing is going to get me laid. At this point I noticed my rig was beign held up by this guy behind the conveyor – I went over and dug out my cypress card. I pointed out to him that though he may have seen what looked suspicious, it was just my cypress. I told him how it works and how the explosive cutter can slice through steel. Theres a reason these highschool dropouts are manning the gates to the airports – he didn’t seem to get it. Called his supervisor over asked a bunch of questions and swabbed my rig, all the time giving me attitude! I just barely made it to the flight, found my seat and put my rig on the floor under the seat in front of me. I like to keep my rig in sight at all times. As I’ve said before I am very very safety conscience. I like to educate the general public about skydiving so I told the people in my row that it was a parachute and to put their mind at ease, I joked “Hey – if something happens I don’t know about y’all but I’ll be just aaight!”. They were a humorless bunch. After takeoff, I as we were settling in, I needed to use the john. So I got up, took my rig and headed to the business-class lavatory up front. Like I said, I never leave my gear unattended (one of my instructors told me to do this after it got around that I had tried to nail the rigger’s wife). Once in, I realized I hadn’t checked my gear after getting out from security (did I mention I am very very safety conscience)? So I checkd my pins, the zip-tie around my reserve handle and the temp pin on my reserve. I checked my main pin, the RSL and all was cool. I turned on my cypress to cycle it and let the dragon drain while the cypress did it’s thing. I’d been holding in at least 4 brews since that morning before I left for the airport so it was a loooong one. What a relief! That’s about when my day really turned to shit. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but airplane crappers are different thatn regular crappers. I pressed the button and heard the sudden whoosh. Then I heard a sound like a gunshot went off and felt a thump on the back of my head. My fu*cking cypress had fired (again!). The best I can figureout is that flushing an airline crapper with an armed cypress nearby is not a good idea. Then the door crashed in and I was confronted by a huge dude pointing a gun at me and yelling “Get down!! Get down!!”. My first thought was “damn I’m having a sh*tty day – first I need to repack my reserve and now I’m on a hijacked plane”. I saw him point a shaver at me with a spark between the foil. The next thing I know I’m on the ground in agony and I passed out. Welp– the dude wasn’t a hijacker. He was a roided up air marshal with an itchy trigger finger. I mean WTF? What the f*ck did I do that was so suspicious? When the plane landed a whole f*ckin SWAT team was waiting. The judge they brought me before was not impressed. I was able to convince him it was an honest accident plus I think he may have thought I was a bit slow. The a-hole gave me 30 to 60 for possession of weed! I guess I sh*t myself when the pig tased me. I guess the morale of the story is dont get a cypress or if you have one and you turn it on in the crapper when you go take a p*ss, turn if off before you flush. I'm not sure about the vigil, but this may happen with it also. I wanted to sue the sky marshals, airport police and the TSA but cant find a lawyer to take my case. Are there any lawyers on dropzone.com who can help? Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"
A hop and pack is when you jump and pull immediately. As youget more experience, the jargon will make more sense to you. No one is packing in freefall. Though it may not be such a bad thing. I think packing neatly is overrated anyway and if you cna pack in freefall, good for you. When i started jumping camelbaks ere not popular. Nowadays evreyone in Eloy seems to have one in the summer - probably just to look cool. I suspect most of the wannabes carry around empty camlbaks anyway. Who wants all that weight. Camelbaks under your rig will squirt beer down your throat not unlike a beer bong. filling a camelbak with beer flattens it. If you can do Vodka and diet Redbull do it - the regular Redbull is stickly becaus of sugar. Of course, wait until you have over 100 jumps and cna find the DZ under canopy when buzzed. Landing off and wasted and passing out in Farmer Creepys field and waking up in his barn with a sore ass is not cool. Not tha thats ever happend to me. Nipple Boy A-19820 "Safety First! Fun Forever!"