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Everything posted by serls

  1. I've scraped my ankle on an exit and had a pretty nice case of whiplash from a wicked opening.
  2. I'm a picky packer. I don't use a packing mat, but I'm really anal when it comes to my gear. I like consistant openings and since I'm a student on a budget I'd rather not pay to have my reserve packed until it's due. I also agree with Dave that plan B is no guarantee.
  3. I would like to see more extensive canopy control education as well as a WL regulation as long as that regulation includes an option for competent canopy pilots to test out and move to another canopy. I could be selfish, but if it prevents someone with a tiny canopy and no idea how to fly it from taking me out then I'm happy. WL 1.3, 235 Jumps