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  1. do i think he is prompting his religion, yes, but i think he is trying to tell everyone to go to there religion, to there god. if more people went by what there religion says then maybe we could have some peace in this world. i don't believe he was saying that one religion was better that another, he was just talking about his cause that is the one he knows, the one he lives by. it doesn't mean he doesn't support what other people believe. i think a lot more people need to lesson to him and go to their religion and start making peace and follow their religion and maybe things wouldn't be so bad in this world. it is time to stop the fighting in this world, and make peace. is it really going to achieve anything by killing everyone, no. nothing will be resolved. so maybe if everyone got in touch with there religious believes, and really found out who they are them may be all this fighting would stop. no religion is better then another, no person is better then another, we are all the same. so we may look different, talk different, worship differently, but don't we all bleed the same color blood, don't we all breathe the same air, and don't we all need food and water to live? so just because we have different religious believes doesn't make us any different then anyone else and maybe if we were all in touch with our own religious believes life as we know it would be much better for everyone. are we suppose to treat everyone the way that you would want to be treated. i know i want to be treated right and like a human. so i treat everyone i know or meet with the same respect. you get a lot more with honey then with vinigar. so i don't think bush is really saying anything bad about religion he is just talking about the one he knows best his own. blue skies for always
  2. i am so addicted to this. i always have to check and see who has written what. is there a club i can join pa, post annomous. is anyone else as addicted as i, this is just as addicting as jumping. p.s. don't mind the bad spelling please. blue skies for always!!!!!!!
  3. you know i am it has been to long, since the christmas party, then left for florida to party and work and i am here just working no partying oh well i will get it again some day!!!!!!!!!!MAYBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  4. how many monkey's do we have here and why are you a monkey? i'm a monkey cause i collect then and think they are so cute, i have over 100 of them to many to count anymore. wish i had a real one though
  5. i would love to get mnkyldy but not sure if make sense or if anyone will figure it out
  6. ps stacy when and where are you moving? hope not too far!
  7. thank you it was getting on my nerves
  8. what is up with the time? it is always off. by a lot really confusing
  9. happy 21st birthday kelly! hope you had fun with the red deaths.
  10. hope to see everyone next weekend i will try to make it out there on saturday if i wake up early enough have to work saturday nite
  11. congrats on your residency i would love to come to the party but i have to work sat nite sorry i might be around at the dz that day though
  12. i will still be hanging out but not working i will be jumping. when i am off work i will be there
  13. Chris was and always will be a great guy, he is one of the few great guys I know. I remember the day I was graduating AFF witch was a big day for me, as was for everyone so you all understand. He jumped with me, well not at the same time but on my load. I was so happy and he was cheering me on. He is on my video to so watch it and remember him in every way. How he is always happy and cheerful and very supportive, and just someone fun to hang out with. I can't really describe how I feel, I am not to good at doing this, but I am trying my best. The night I heard about Chris I had to go to work, it probably was the hardest night of work that I ever had, then I had to work the two days of his funeral and I couldn't get off work. I was really hurt that I couldn't be there with all my friends, be there for them and to say goodbye to a dear friend. But when I found out that he died, I knew no one up here knew yet so I had to hold it together and I don't know how I did it and make a few phone calls and let everyone know. At that moment i knew Chris was with me I don't think I could have done that without him. We will all miss Chris very much, we will have are different memories, and we will share them and hold them close to our hearts forever. And remember every time you jump you will always be jumping with Chris. He will be there with you for you next RW jump or the next time you are going head down just think Chris will be going head down right next to you. He will always be with us down at the DZ for our little parties we have and in the air. Chris we will never forget you or what you did to touch each and everyone you ever meets lives. Who ever knew Chris you know what I mean he gave us all something to remember him by, how he was always so happy and cheerful no matter what. So just remember the next time you are having a bad day, a bad jump, or anything bad just put a smile on your face cause Chris always did. I will never forget you Chris, BLUES SKIES FOR ALWAYS!!
  14. Hi all haven't been around in a long while, and no I did not drop off the face of the earth. Nothing against you all. I have just been working a lot. If some of you didn't know I got a new job at a hospital in Pa. Just wanted you all to know I was think of you all and miss you very much. Sounds kind-of stupid, but oh well. Blue skies eveyone and do some jumps for me please. I will try to get down there soon and I will be jumping again when it gets warmer. Love you and miss you all.