This boogie is a tribute to the men and women that have pursued their passions without fear of reprisal or prejudice, wanting to be normal people doing extraordinary things. Not everyone can understand the addiction involved in skydiving, but it’s not just about the jumping. It’s about the camaraderie, brotherhood, and sisterhood developed between fellow skydivers. The Anvil brothers have created this boogie as a tribute to this special camaraderie between fellow jumpers and their dead brothers and sisters. Through their understanding of this bond, hopefully annually, I can spend a day of mad fun jumping, along as a time to memorialize my friend’s death, Jason Fitzsimmons.
In 2001 I met a great guy named Jason Fitzsimmons. We worked together, but quickly became good friends. He had started skydiving at Skydive Houston. He knew my desire to skydive so we talked a lot about his experiences. Every time he spoke about jumping he’d light up, became exuberant, and passionate about his experiences. It was so powerful I could almost feel what he felt. Spring of 2001 I went on a tandem at his home DZ of Skydive Houston. My heart was dedicated. Due to financial reason, and most of you skydivers can understand this, I couldn’t start my student program. In 2004 on August 24th I started the AFF program. Ironically it was the day of his death in 2002. I knew where ever he was he wanted me to experience his passion and love for the sport. It was due to this singular skydiver’s passion that gave me the courage to move forward with a desire I was scared to fulfill. I will never forget that. Thanks to the Deadman’s Boogie I can feel the same passion Jason felt with the rockin jumping you can experience, the flowing beer and the time spent with great friends in remembrance of our much loved friends that have moved on before us.
Thanks Anvil Brothers for having such big hearts and remembering those great people that have gone on before us.
If you’d like to check out Jason’s memorial website here is the link.