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Everything posted by easyglider

  1. Hi, DZ.commers, I've been lurking for ages cos I only get a few minutes computer access twice a day at work. I didn't think it'd be right to post when I couldn't reply soon enough, but this forum gives me the opprtunity without wasting your valuable "work" time. I've 17 jumps, mal-ed the last one (no arch, clipped the canopy as it opened, landed safely under reserve). Hope to start jumping again early next year. That's all I've time to type now (suck, doesn't it). Check you again tomorrow guys and gals. Speir gorm
  2. easyglider


    I've a fairly new daughter (almost two months) and I'm having mixed feelings about returning to skydiving after a 3 month break cos it'll mean leaving her for an entire weekend at a time. It's not practical to bring my girlfriend and Amber (tents only). But the upside is soooo tempting. LIVE your life or just live... your choice