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  1. I flew one and a former female friend jumped out. (she was a was planned...I'm really a good guy!!!) The door being open definitly affects the handling of the aircraft. If you do it, do not get to slow, side slip abit, open the door, and go. Other than her being able to log it as a jump, it was not fun. We did not do it again.
  2. We have all had those moments. Makes one glad to be alive.
  3. I can't say if it is a superstition or not but people tell me when "jump run" is announced, I start to rock back and forth abit. I would say it's the upcoming excitement of the exit.
  4. I agree. $10 is a lot. I will pay to supersize.
  5. Nice jewelry Pam. Hope things are well in OK.
  6. Let's not read something bad into my reply. I have never met Freaksister but based on her opinion I purchased a canopy. I would consider that a show of respect. Her sex never entered into my decision. (From reading her postings I decided she could be trusted) I was raised to open doors, pull the chairs out for the Ladies, etc. I have younger women that work for me this very day that get pissed when I hold a door for them. The only thing I can say to that is, "To damn bad. I'm doing it". I truly have respect for everyone until it is lost. I have no idea who you are but be assured I meant nothing bad. If you were here right now, we would go have a beer. Not because you are female, but because you jump. We all have that in common.
  7. I tell ya.......due to my job I've had the pleasure of seeing marvelous and beautiful things all over the world. But nothing can compare to a pretty girl in a jumpsuit and frap hat. Watching her fly is poetry in motion. If she rides a sportbike that's even better. Give her a Texas/Southern drawl and I'm whippinn' out the plastic to buy her anything. Hold it.....gotta go do something....wacka...wacka...wacka.. (she must have a sense of humor)