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Everything posted by airborne47

  1. You can see it on under birdmen Awesom piece!!
  2. But you know it's true if you can read about it on the internet!!! RIGHT?
  3. Awesom i'll be watching it. And hoping it shows us in a positive light!
  4. Yeah you want to slow down before you deploy. I was at a big booogie and still pretty new and they did'nt want you pulling above 3 So i took it down to 25 which was a thousand feet lower then i was use to. And being how i was nervouse i dumped straight out of my track. That was my 3rd and last jump of the day. For the rest of the boogie (a week plus) i sat around with a neck brace watching everyone else It took me over a month to heal and really taught me a lesson. The hard way
  5. Yeah i guess i'm lucky to at least be woking. As far as critiqueing goes it's simple either you like it or you don't
  6. I'm up in Washington and have drop zones in the area. But lack the finances for now
  7. Thanks shymama! It will happen someday! But until then i will miss it! I hope you get a chance to read my poems. There's some that are sad but others are good and happy. I write about life experiences good and bad and write it as i feel it. (Not always P.C.) Don Blue skies!
  8. Hi all I'm Don i'm new to computers and have been reading these forums for a bit now. Yesterday i got someone to help me post a poem in Blue Skies. So i thought i would attempt to post on my own (hope it works!) Anyhow i just wanted to say hi and how much i miss all you crazy people! I drove truck over the road so had the chance to jump all over the country. I got to meet some great people and made a few boogies. But i got burnt out not having a home drop zone and always being the new guy. So i gave it up intending to come back some day when i quit drivivng. Now i'm back home and struggeling to pay the bills with this econamy. But i still want to get back in the air and hang out with people i can relate to. (Hopefully next summer) Until then i'll keep reading these forums and looking at the sky with desire. I'm going to try and attach some of my skydiving poems. (hope it works and someone likes them) Blue Skies!!!
  9. BLUE SKIES N430A The times we got to play together were few And I never got to know you all that well But better than most of them For like me you were skydivers Those who faced their fears and dared to live And as a result. You lived large and loud You were the ones who were always laughing And on whose faces a smile could always be found For us the sky was a very special playground Where we could fly. Like in our childhood dreams Where we were one with all there is. And will ever be Where we always longed to be Where we were truly free. And at peace Where we faced our deepest fear. And found our greatest joy When you went down. We all hoped for the best Then they said. Only seven were found in the wreckage And we all prayed. For those who were missing We hoped so hard. Someone would be found alive But it was not to be. For all ten had been set free Fly free and at peace. In eternal blue skies. The ten who rode 430 in