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Everything posted by Robert99
One of the other stewardesses on the flight, Florence Schaffner, and co-pilot Bill Rataczak, have said there were legitimate fears that Cooper might set the bomb to explode remotely after he jumped - to rid himself of the main witnesses. Fortunately, this was not the case. While the airliner was on the ground in Seattle, the flight crew was informed that the Chief FAA Psychiatrist in Washington, DC predicted that the hijacker would probably take a prisoner with him (hence the four parachutes) and blow up the airliner as he/they jumped. This information can be found in the radio transcripts.
ExBlue, Thanks. Robert Nicholson
Alex, I'll take the "codes" for the maximum amount allowable: QRN : Are the atmospherics strong? - . ., - . . ., - . - . : What are DB Cooper's initials? 7500 : What is the aircraft transponder hijack code? Alex, I'll next take "Hot Nuns" for the maximum amount allowable: Flight 305 FA - Who is Tina? City name in Oregon - What is Sister's? Fred MacMurray's Spouse(s) - Who are Lillian Lamont and June Haver? Farflung Fantasy - Who is Vicki? Alex, I will now retire from the game since I have enough winnings to get a hamburger down at McDonald's.
Tacomaman, You have been pushing LD Cooper as the hi-jacker since your first post on this thread. You are also criticizing people who are pushing other non-viable Cooper candidates. And LD Cooper is not a viable suspect either. So you are doing the same thing as what you are criticizing. If you have any valid information on LD Cooper to support your allegations, this thread would be a good place to mention it. But you don't.
Note that the article in question is from 2008 and that chute has now been ruled out as being Cooper's.
There is a picture of L. D. Cooper on at this very minute.
If you are looking for "trust" you are on the wrong thread. How about some "facts" from you. Where did L. D. Cooper, or whatever his name was, get his very specific information on the 727? Are you working on the book with the niece?
I believe that his niece said that he was NOT a paratrooper.
It's not how long you have been on this thread, it what you say in your posts that count as the fresh meat. So far Mr. Green, you seem to be quite acceptable. Enjoy.
Jo & Blevins, Here (Tacomaman) is some fresh meat for you.
Ms. Weber, Regardless of how you spell the words, the meaning is clear that Cooper died in the jump. Jerry is right! What does a ticket stub from SeaTac have to do with Cooper? Absolutely nothing! The only ticket that Cooper is known to have purchased was at the Portland International Airport and for the flight that he hi-jacked. Also, I happen to have personal knowledge that TV is available in the South (yes, even Florida) and if you know what a TV set is, and how to turn it on, then you should be able to get news about the latest suspect from the over-the-air TV networks as well as cable TV networks. Otherwise, try a radio. In addition, you need to line up an emergency appointment with a mental health clinic so that when Cooper is finally identified you won't have to go through the same thing that you have been through since last Saturday night. Plan ahead! Robert Nicholson
Jo, I hate to be the one who has to tell you this, but you probably have more questions than the FBI has answers to, ever will have answers to, or even wants to have answers to. The FBI only has about 100,000 employees and they can't all work on trying to figure out who Duane was and/or what he did or didn't do. And I doubt if you would believe the FBI in any event. We must learn how to distinguish between "facts" and "wishful thinking". Finally, there is an old saying something like: "The first person a con man cons is himself." To that can be added the following: "The second person a con man cons is his wife." Robert Nicholson
ergo: he got away. It sure looks that way.
A story on MSNBC's web page this evening quotes Agent Gutt as stating that Christiansen has been ruled out as a Cooper suspect, that the tip on the new suspect originated over a year ago, that the new suspect has been dead for 10 years and that he had ties to the Pacific Northwest. Robert Nicholson
Let's start casting "appropriate" actors: Charlie Sheen Robert Downey Jr Lindsay Lohan Maybe we can get Phil Spector to write the score from prison. 377 Robert Downey, Jr.? He overcame his drug problems and appears to be sane which would probably rule him out. I doubt if the same can be said of Sheen and Lohan. Would Spector get to keep any money that he earned or would that go to his victim's family? Robert Nicholson
With all the traffic today, it looks like the D. B. Cooper thread has been "discovered". If the previous 1000 pages of posts on this thread are ever reviewed by an impartial viewer, it will probably result in a screenplay for a musical. Robert Nicholson
It was a thought experiment that you became obsessed with. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't have a reason to do any other thought experiments here. It's not unethical unless I'm from the FBI, but at this stage, they're the ones expressing the most optimism. I'll go ahead and extend the offer to anyone ever affiliated with the FBI, but I want them to give me some odds. I'll gladly bet against the FBI all day long when it comes to Cooper because they've shown me that they'll never figure this out. If you're reading, I will be your counterparty and we can make a deal. I didn't realize Blevins liked to wager. I've read where he was 90% confident that KC was Cooper. If someone here is willing to split the cost to get KC's fingerprints or DNA independently tested against what the FBI has, I probably would be willing to make a wager to make it all worth our time. Blevins and KC should be out the discussion, period, and anything I could do to help expedite this, I'd probably be willing to do. The primary benefit of having Blevins involved is that his PR machine keeps Cooper in the mainstream media - but the benefit is balanced with us having to hear more and more BS that doesn't add up in the slightest. It's a bit irritating to see on TV, and even more unbearable to have to skip his posts on here whenever I make my annual visits. I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way around here. Safe, I'll leave the betting to you, except as noted below. This story has been picked up by MSNBC and CNN this morning and I imagine that there will be other news organizations jumping in now. It should be noted that the FBI did not "leak" the information but, rather, "planted" it. And if the FBI identifies Cooper but doesn't have a body, I'll be interested in your odds of finding Cooper's mortal remains, if any. Finally, I am interested in doing a ground search for Cooper's remains just as long as it is not anywhere near Lake Merwin. Robert Nicholson
Jo writes: I got a call this morning regarding the news release, but have found nothing other than what you guys posted in the thread. Until I have read an actual article or know exactly what the FBI has - I hold with reservation. My blood pressure which normally reads very low at 115/66 w/ a P 58 was OFF the wall. The reading 3 hours ago was 158/83 with a P of 99...that is heart attack time for me. It has taken a tranquilizer to bring it down. I have NO idea how high it was during the 1st hour, but I was having chest pains. Jo, Just plug "D. B. Cooper" into Goggle and you will get hits from Seattle, to London, to India. You may need another tranquilizer after that. Robert Nicholson
Jo, You need to Goggle "Camp Sibert Alabama" and see what turns up. One interesting thing can be found at "http://www.coax.net/people/lwf/CMP_SBT.HTM". You might want to get a copy of that book and see if that story had anything to do with Duane. Maybe that is the reason for a cover up. Robert Nicholson
It seems obvious to me, that had Duane ever served in a formal or even a informal capacity for which there were records (of any kind) he not only could have, but would have filed for benefits later, based on that service. Duane never missed an opportunity that was a sure-fire thing. That was his nature. Duane never filed for benefits of any kind related to his supposed service, nor have you ever claimed he did or was even entitled to benefits. Thousands of veterans whose records were lost for whatever reason later filed for benefits and most got them ... It seems to me you need to be taking this up with the War Dept or somebody. ??? Jo, Georger is right about this. Why don't you take your form, and any related information, down to the local offices of a service organization such as the American Legion or Disabled American Veterans (check your local phone book for their addresses) and tell them your complete, repeat COMPLETE, story about Duane's legal and military problems. And if they don't summarily throw you out, ask if you are entitled to any federal benefits based on Duane's military service, such as it may have been. Perhaps they can provide additional information about Duane. Go in person and don't try to handle this over the phone. Good luck, and you will need it. Robert Nicholson
Jo, See my reply to your earlier post about your form for comments on this. Robert Nicholson
Jo, The good news is that I am not going to make any effort at all to obtain a copy of your form, whatever it is, from anywhere or anyone. But if you want help in understanding the information on that form, it would be nice if you could look at the bottom of the form and relay the number that you see down there. Also, there will be a title at the top of that form and it would be real sweet of you if you revealed what the title is. The remarks above and in a later post about the terms of enlistment actually make sense. That statement was typical for someone who had been drafted. But I can't state with 100 percent certainty that the statement wasn't also applicable for at least some volunteer enlistments. If you wish assistance then please restrain yourself and keep the games to a minimum. Robert Nicholson
Jo, The real question is what documents do YOU have? Back up your claims with some facts! FULL DISCLOSURE: I am NOT an FBI agent or FBI employee. In addition, along the way, I have been certified sane (or at least sane enough) as a mandatory requirement for my participation in a specific research project. Robert Nicholson
Jo, Pay attention this time! This is about the third time I have pointed this out to you! My reference to Wikipedia refered to US Military Service Numbers and NOT to Duane Weber! Even if the Wikipedia article on Duane Weber is bunk, that does NOT mean that the Wikipedia article on US Military Service Numbers is incorrect! In fact, the Wikipedia article on US Military Service Numbers agrees with my own personal experience in the US Army! Robert Nicholson
Jo, If there is no prefix in front of what you claim is Duane's serial number, then you don't have his Army serial number! Period! The number you list could be part of Duane's serial number but it is NOT his (complete) Army serial number! Where did the number come from? What is the form number that it is on? What is the date of that form? What is the title of that form? How about backing up your claims with some facts? Robert Nicholson