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Everything posted by Jonay

  1. I finally did it! On the 4th attempt, the weather conditions were perfect in Queenstown! The feeling was crazy. Just before the jump, when the door opened and the actual freefall is by far the most awesome feeling I have experienced! :) I was pretty nervous on plane ride up though! :) But now I can relate to my own song! It was also really flattering that my jump master was a fan of the song!
  2. My jump has been cancelled three days due to weather conditions. Tomorrow is my last attempt before I fly to Melbourne. I really hope I will be able to jump before I leave town. The anticlimax after each cancellation... Next time I'm in Oahu I let you know! I was so focused on surfing I never considered to be a great spot for jumping!:)
  3. Hopefully I don't need to do a remix/remake after Sunday :) Goes without saying that your vid should have your song. Haha could be an option ;)
  4. Hi! Thanks! No problem at all, the song is available for free download from my homepage :)
  5. Hi guys. Six years ago I created the song skydiving thanks to you. Well it only took me six years to get the courage to try skydiving for the first time. The time has come. This Sunday I will skydive in Queenstown, NZ :) Best regards
  6. hehe sounds good! but who says that being crazy is a bad thing??:) "some claiming not to be crazy isn't half as smart as they think they are" :) hmm, not sure how I should interpret this :)
  7. hey skydivers! Wanted to recommend this USPA Music Video Challenge involving my song :) Make sure to check it out...
  8. a song about skydivers was a cool idea haha, I guess there is much to be said, or???:D and thanx for the great review!;) hehe what type of secrets would that be?:) btw, yesterday, the song was played in Swedish National Radio. I hope it promoted and recruited some souls to the skydiving community :)
  9. hehe I thought making one song was hard :) but the question is then what should the second one focus on?:D
  10. cool, what type of music are you into? I really hope so, would be nice to see some vids :)
  11. wow, I'm flattered, thanks for all the great comments, I'm really glad that you all enjoyed the song, cause I was a little bit nervous since the process was new to me :) One other thing,the song is for free so you can use it however you want to. for those interested, here are the lyrics: Sincerely, Jonay
  12. Hey happy people A while ago I started this;page=unread#unread thread about a skydiving song. Some of you provided me with great information. So I want to inform you that the song is ready. The lyrics are mainly based on the following information by some of you members: wmw999: On the plane trip up, new people more so than experienced (at least from what I hear) get tenser and tenser on the way up. Right before exit there's that feeling of delicious anticipation when all of the senses are pretty peaked with anticipation for the jump that's just about to happen. CygnusX-1 What do you think of just before you take a step out? UP - DOWN - OUT or READY - SET - GO PeregrineFalcon I'm relaxed. Getting my helmet and goggles on, I'm elated. Slapping the hands of the skydivers right before the green light, I feel brotherly. Then the door opens and...UNPARALLED excitement. sacamaca...If I really had to use words they would be: amazing, liberating, exhilarating, breathtaking....Without the spark of any distraction that you normally deal with every minute of your everyday life Baksteen: a skydiver who jumps from 12.000 feet and...Many special terms are listed here. besides that information I have also of course added my own vision of skydiving, so here is the final result: I hope you enjoy the song, and if you don't well you only need to turn off the stereo :) and to show my appreciation I give a shout to your lovely community at the end of the song. thanks again the song url1: url2: cheers, Jonay
  13. Baksteen, thank you so much for taking your time to answer all my questions, you really provided me with some good answers! Like you say, most of the answers are subjective but at the same time it gives me a general idea of the process, so it is valuable information to me :) Thanks again for the help. cheers
  14. hello happy people, I have couple of more questions, I hope you don't mind :) how long does a jump take from the step out until you touch the ground? From what altitude do you jump? Are there any preconditions (weather) that needs to be fulfilled before a jump? What is the best time for a jump?, morning? noon? During the dive, are you able to breathe as normal? Does your body feel cold or just normal during the dive? What is the view like during the free fall? In what speed do you move during the free fall? Are there any special skydiving terms which is used often by skydivers? . In music for instance there is EQ, Compressor Limiter and etc. I guess this was more than just a couple of questions , I hope I didn't scare you away:) cheers
  15. Aah cool you found out my city :), thanks for the link! No need to apologize of course you are allowed twist thoughts and words around :) Hope you get well soon.
  16. Hmm I'm 25, do I dare to ask you why you asked?:) I'm glad you did, to bad it is only almost as good as hehe, but probably would be just as good as if the song was named "Hungarian Ladies"?:) the question to be asked is then, whether the paper would be based on a qualitative or quantitative study... back to the main focus again, a couple of more answers and experience sharing regarding skydiving would really be appreciated...then I would have enough information for the song...
  17. wow the last answers have really been great !:) thank you so much! When someone shows the way it is always easier, so a special thanks to you CygnusX-1 for taking the first step. haha that description was top notch! so maybe an approach could be use skydiving as a metaphor for the act of making love? haha would that justify it? one thing I'm really curious about is, while being in the air and moving down in a crazy speed, what goes through your mind? are you able to think and such or are you being too caught up in the moment and just being present?? I feel like I'm not really there mentally yet to really have the courage to try. All those videos I've watched about skydiving make me dream of that "day" but for the moment those videos are the closest thing I'll ever come to true "freedom", cause in my mind that is one thing I associate with sky diving, or am I wrong? Btw if you are curios about how I sound "rapping" here is a song called Swedish Ladies...
  18. I totally respect your view. Yes you are absolutely right writing about me being to coward to try skydive is an good alternative I consider highly (I dont say this as a joke, cause there are many cowards out there just like me so it could be a fun song). But should that stop me from coming here and ask for your experience and what it feels like? and why should i write a song about sky divers being idiots?whats the truth in that? cheers, I commend you (OP) for the response you gave to the reaction I quoted. But no need to respect the writer. I certainly don't. Respect is only given to those who deserve it and always a two-way street. People who write responses like the one I quoted and you replied to are just looking to provoke. There's a word for people who write like that, it's "troll" - usually preceded by the F-word
  19. The topics were chosen randomly I let some close friends listen to the beat and they basicaly gave suggestions on topics they associated the music with, but now that you point out the fact that everything else is objects except skydiving I guess I should have paid more attention to it. but it's a little late for that now.. Yes there might be many techno songs out there addressing skydiving. But I didn't have that in mind, since this beat (wanted to try something different) is not a typical one for me because I work mostly with hiphop and rnb. Haha that's a good answer and also true, and I mean of course It would be impossible for me to understand totally the feeling and the emotional aspect behind it, but things like what people think of the exact moment they jump () or how one prepares could be shared by experience... I totally respect your view. But the thing is, every song I ever made has always based on truth so I must disagree with the poseur thing. And I think you miss the point here, I'm not deciding to write a song about skydiving, I simply presented an instrumental and people voted, what might been wrong is that I put the alternative skydiving amongst objects as nakedfool mentioned. but is to late to change that now. There is still couple of days left on the voting so you could vote on other alternatives and make sure skydiving isn't winning. And Yes you are absolutely right writing about me being to coward to try skydive is an good alternative I consider highly (I dont say this as a joke, cause there are many cowards out there just like me so it could be a fun song). But should that stop me from coming here and ask for your experience and what it feels like? and why should i write a song about sky divers being idiots?whats the truth in that? cheers,
  20. Hi everybody, My name is Jonay and I'm an artist/producer/songwriter from Sweden and I can honestly say that I'll never have the courage to skydive but I still hope you can help me out :). So how did I end up here? Well this is the thing, for one of my next songs I let people listen to the instrumental and decide the topic and so far the majority has voted on skydiving. So I thought I prepare myself and make some research for my "upcoming" song, so that's how I ended up here. Since I don't know much about skydiving, specially from a emotional perspective I wanted to ask you. Example on things I wonder about is How do you prepare yourself before a jump? Whats the most nervous thing? whats the most exciting thing? what's the process like before you take off? What do you think of just before you take a step out? what's the feeling like? what does it feel like when you land? and so on.. how would you describe the experience with 5 keywords and etc so please share any experience, feeling or knowledge, anything that could help me to make a really good song about skidiving :) Based on your answers I'm going to write my song and hopefully it will justify skidiving :) Sincerely, Jonay p.s If you curious about the instrumental and the voting you can listen here.