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    Wing Suit Flying
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  1. Thank you for giving the rest of us context... i was wondering what the hell all the noise was about... If that's true then that's just sad.
  2. They dont' have integrated radio coms, and they don't have HUDs.
  3. Beautiful and inspiring. Congratulations to the entire team for this. We only get to see the stunning end result, the videos... the adventure behind the images is something someone needs to write a book about someday. Seriously.
  4. Others have replied already, I would just add this: what are the chances that the drag force is going to be enough to finish unstowing the lines if it was not enough to pull the pin? Very very low, i'd think. Even if it did, chances are it wouldn't be after the dbag has had time to have a little party dancing around like a raver high on LSD. At best you'd get mad twists, enormous potential for body/lines entanglement, less altitude for EP, and a huge mess for your reserve PC to clear. I'd humbly submit that this is a very bad idea (or a really good one if what you're trying to do is to make things much much worse). Seems to me the OP did exactly what he should have (except for not cocking the PC ...)
  5. Please tell me there is a video of this somewhere :)
  6. No problem, I realize most of it is a bit on the fun & stunt side and doesn't really have its place within a standard progression. On the other hand, though most people realize they cannot backfly into a slot, the skills needed for some of those dives isn't always apparent, so personally, I make a point to talk about them in my briefings and mention a few well known horror stories. I don't know that it does anything though... I guess flybys and flying with the plane are a bit like swooping is. You just tell students not to do it. Until recently, it was hard to find someone who would take on the responsibility to actively teach you how to swoop, and many people learned, and still do learn more or less alone, as they feel ready, gleaning info here and there... the results have not always been so good. But yes, that's not what your pdf is about :) Glad that you'll be adding something about prolonged dives. I was the guy without the necessary skills the first time I joined one of these... I knew enough to leave the jump before I became really dangerous, but that was definitely a lesson in knowing my own skills, or lack thereof.
  7. Nicely done, I would encourage every student to read this list and organize his progression on something along those lines, it's also a pretty good way for someone to self-evaluate. One thing though, and I'm not sure where exactly it would fit into your structured progression, but I didn't see anything about abilities to fly at deep angles for prolonged amounts of time, especially being able to do so relative to other wingsuits. Though that's not the kind of dives we usually think about when we think of wingsuits, these are flown all the time and they're great fun, but they can be especially dangerous when one who doesn't have the skills joins in. Also, and though I'm not one to encourage it, pilots often offer to fly close to wingsuiters, and that often requires the wingsuit to be "near his VNE", which can result in overreactive unstable flight with a plane in proximity. Ugh. I think an item or two in the document somwhere about stable high speed flying and very steep flight angles (think almost head down) would make it clear that those also are skills, and that even when one has freefly experience, doing these with a wingsuit is going to bring a whole new dimension to it. Similarly, the temptation to flyby canopies is great for many wingsuiters, who don't really know if they have the skills the first time they'll try it. And they will, no matter how much we try to discourage them. And why shouldn't they, they see some of us do it... I'm of the opinion that it's better to recognize that people will do it, and give them an opportunity to realize that they're not ready yet, no matter how much tandem pilots ask them for it. And while I'm at it, the same thing is true of rodeos, not even mentionning the skydiving experience required of the passenger (i don't think that physical contact with the hardware is benign), the pilot gets to fly like he's driving a truck on the ice, always correcting one way or another, it's not that hard, but it sometimes requires some pretty creative flying. Bring a second rodeo in the jump, one or more videomen, and you have a whole can of worms to deal with at break time. Which brings me to the ability to organize flocking, and the subtleties that arise when organizing sizable formations. I suspect it's a skill that can only be gleaned from direct experience with other load organizers and takes a lot of time, and here again, realizing that you don't have the skill or knowledge to make it safe for everybody else in the dive could only be a good thing. You mention navigation, but in addition to being able to maintain headings, one of the most useful skill I find that I can teach my students on this subject is the ability to correct for non-straight jump runs (ie, the pilot turned during the last part of the jump run). When flying standard U patterns, and if the wingsuiter has only taken a ground reference at the door, there is a very high risk of flying back toward open canopies. This is not a flying skill, but a very important saftey one: awareness of the airspace. This may be covered under the "Demonstrate proper communication with the pilot" item, but not that many pilots realize this is actually a problem for us, so I try to get students to be very aware of what's going on while other people jump out before they do. Still on the topic of navigation, cloudsurfing feels so good that we're often tempted to go chase a cloud that's not quite within our reentry cone. The ability to know the limits of such detours is important, as off-zone landings are never garanteed to be safe. One last thing, the ability to perform stable exits at "zero speed", such as from an ultralight or a baloon. Not talking about base jumping here, but so many of us also have this activity in mind that it could only help to have the skill recognized in there. I realize that the document can never be complete, there's just too many fun things one can do with a wingsuit, but as it is, it seems a little biased toward progressing in flock flying and aerobatics. That's probably the biggest part of wingsuiting in the skydiving environment today, but it's not the whole story. Some of the other fun things also require specific skills that can be trained for. In any case, good stuff, thanks for sharing it. Francis.
  8. I explained why not :) Well, that's great, however where do you draw the line ? I would also hesitate in your case just because the difference in # of jumps requirement is so massive, and the intent seems clearly to bend the rules. On the other hand, many people I see have just as many jumps at home or abroad, and are licensees holding qualifications and insurance in both countries, which set does take precedence? especially when in my case, it isn't quite clear (at least to me, feel free to disagree) which of the standards is the safest. There are plenty of cases where such discrimination does not make sense, IMO. Do we make exceptions for foreigners who jump mostly abroad and barely ever at home? What is the cutoff ratio? It quickly becomes silly. If they have the french qualifications and if the non-ws jump I do with them is clean, I'll teach them under the french guidelines, making sure they're aware of the restrictions that come with the course. If they lie when they tell me they'll adhere to my rules, what can I do and how is it different from a french guy lying to me when he says he won't be visiting tandems under canopy anytime soon? My point is that the issue of cross-broder abuse of regulation is made entirely of people who know full well both sets of regulations, and that the decision to take advantage of them, or to simply lie, is always going to be quite independent from the regulating body at home, the coach abroad, the type of jump, and the teaching used. I don't think it's very relevant to the topic of wave-offs in FFCs. So would I, but I would also feel very bad and partly responsible if I refused training and the guy went on to get hurt at home in a big suit that he was allowed to fly there. If I thought that our rules were less safe than other countries, I might agree with you, but I don't... so I do what we probably all do, the best I can with the situations I'm given. blue sky, interesting clouds! Francis.
  9. Okay, let me rephrase, which certain aircraft+big suits do you feel some people should be restricted from using until they have those skills ?
  10. That raises a question I've been having about big suits and tail strikes for a while. Are there planes in which those suits should really not be used ? I can see it being way easier with a tail exit (modulo waiting for the tail to pass), but are there planes from which a carpet suit should really not be allowed to exit at all because the risk is too high (high speed, low tail) ? We have limited experience with huge suits at our DZ, we have a Pilatus and a Twin Otter. Any info would be welcome.
  11. You seem to be having a bit of a personnal issue there with someone in particular... i don't know who you're refering to but I don't think you'll find that money is only an incentive to french people tho :) I don't think it would be hard to find similar examples involving the reverse situation, like a french guy wanting to buy a carpet abroad at 500 jumps. Sure, then again, speaking only for myself, I saw no reason to say no to the 170-jumps spanish jumper who had a french license and all the french qualifications to begin wingsuiting. "No, you're spanish" wouldn't sit well with me, especially because I do feel he was safer jumping the collapsable wings than he would have been at home 30 jumps later with a big suit. I've since learned that he ended up not flying the big suit at all and that's he's waiting to come back here. Yay him. Precisely. And I like to think (hope!) we all do the best we can.