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Everything posted by samlukeanthony

  1. Hi there You will have probably seen me post already about a TV series I am putting together for Discovery Channel. And many of you have kindly come up with great suggestions for locations. Now I have a different request. Do any of you know of any geologists or geographers in the sport. I am looking for characters who could tell us what we are seeing from the air- and why- before jumping into the view! any ideas gratefully received- and you can email me if you like on Many thanks from London, England. Sam
  2. Following on from the previous post, I would also love to hear from you if you have experience of jumps outside the conventional arena of skydiving, particularly any jumps that turn just getting home afterwards into an expedition! As before, you can email me at, or just post here, and thanks again for your help! Sam
  3. Hi there. I am a television producer in the UK making a show for Discovery about the world's ultimate drop zones. I am putting together an initial list and would welcome any feedback from forum members. So why not email me at and tell me what you feel are the most incredible DZs you have ever dived- or dream of diving. Or just leave a post on the forum if you prefer. I am particularly interested in Drop Zones with spectacular and interesting views. Thanks! Sam Anthony Executive Producer Multichrome Media