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Everything posted by MudPuppy

  1. Well I think my strangest are toooo sordid to tell, from my younger evil days, but my next to strangest would be in the Whichita Mountains, right off the trail in broad daylight on a rock slope that was very visible from across the gulley, and the time in the Decontamination locker on a aircraft carrier.... it was my now ex-wife, during a dependants day cruise. Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  2. I am definitly starting to think DeLand just because of the drive.. and I made my first jump in '01 at Palatka, so I've already jumped there. Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  3. Thanks for the input folks. Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  4. I'll rent one. Other than that no. Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  5. I am going to sea this month, and will be making a stop in Jacksonville around 22 - 26 April. So I am thinking of running down to a DZ for some jumps. So looking for inputs on where. Anyone from there wanna give me a hollar? Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  6. Post your one-liner jokes.... A "homotron" is a queer Electron that runs around blowing fuses. Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453
  7. WTF Dan? I can't add you as a friend..... Neal Skydiving..... Good to the last drop© -MudPuppy the Sky Pirate- Dirty Sanchez #453