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Everything posted by MikeRMontagne

  1. Hello, the bike, is it a BMW? Used to own an 1995 R80RT, same colour. Now I have a Buell "Blast", the suspension is hard ( I feel every little bump on the road ) and highway riding is hard on me. Good thing, it gets great fuel economy,150Kms with a $8.00 fill-up. Regards Mike Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  2. Hello,not wanting to be "labled" a student of modern mythology ( which I actualy was thinking of as my jump nick-name, but there's not enough room on any manefest for it ) I suggest searching the Web for "Chemtrails".If anything it's food for thought, or if your just bored,and want to delve into the latest conspiracy theory. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  3. Howdy,from British Columbia! Great wasn't it?Good to see your not a procrastinator, like moi. You, will love this sport, and I wish safe, expeidant,& enjoyable training.Your nick-name,parler francais? Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  4. Not a conspiracy "nut", hey if the powers that be need to enhance our ozone, because of us nearly 6Billion souls, on this shrinking little planet. All the power to them! Even up here in the northern hemispere, I need to put on SPF 50, so's I don't get burned.The least that can be done is honesty,clearity & forthrigtness,"we the people" have the right to know. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  5. Hello again Don, and thank-you for the reply. This last January my wife (Loiuse ) & I were set to go to Auckland to attend her younger sisters wedding ( Hayden & Tanya Oniel ) They had done some research for me so I'd be able to get a jump in,but just before we were set to to, I started getting some weird vibes from my then employer. Thats when the whole worlds economy was spiraling into the crapper. Even asking face to face, ( he new the cost of this trip to us ) he said not to worry take the two weeks and go. But he just seemed so disblievable I canceled my seat, which still cost me $500.Cdn. Louise went on her own and had a great time, exactly 2 weeks after she returned ( which is what I'd suspect was going to happen ) I got layed off! That's water off a duck's back now , but I do have an awsome $3000. ( Louise's plane ticket ) "T" from NZone- The Ultimate jump Queenstown/Rotorua. Their pamphlet is really inspiring, look them up at skydive@nzone.biz ( Embrace the fear, Be brave, even if yor not, pretend, no one will know the difference.) Thats so cool, the "T" is really great too. The other two Skydiving location are at Lake Wanaka also near Queenstowne, the other is NZsky dive, that has a number of D.Z."s all over N.Z. & one 45 minutes south of Auckland ( ak@nzskydive.co.nz ) Don, I hope you have a really great experience, possibly in the future, we can jump together,(when I can freefall, stable & under control ) Regards , Mike Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  6. Resist the urge to look down to the ground, try to keep your eyes on the horizon and the "ride' will be a whole lot more enjoyable. Before you board the aircraft ask the tadem pilot if you can do the superman, you know arms straight out in front, go up with the notion that your gonna have fun & you will. As soon as you land you'll be signing up for Skydiving training, guarantied Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  7. The Key wood is "Chemtrails" search it out, or just look up at the interlaced vapour/contrails on a clear day. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  8. Hello Dave, your very courageous and inspiring, and may you jump to to your hearts content. It's awsome that your proving " where there's the will there's a way" You've been able to master stability in free-fall which still elludes me. Good on ya! Mike Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  9. For what it's worth, don't be like me, thirty years ago I had a hankering to take-up sky diving and now I"ll never get all thow's years of missed jumps back! Take the plunge, no guts no glory. Guarantied you will love it! Mike Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  10. Don,your a real gentleman, and what a coincidence, I've promised my fellow Skydivers, localy and now"on-line" ,should I be blessed with a (multi-million dollars) Lotto winning I'd bring in a Twatter ( That's what Twin-Otters, are affectionately called, up in Artic Canada ), for free jump, week-end. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  11. Hello Don, better late than never, I'm 52 & just got my 20th jump in. These last two were G.F.F. self pulls and off radio too! The first (#19) there were three "youngsters" in the wide body C-182, a JM & myself. On the Way up 3500 to let the three out, this being their 1rst Jump course- jump, they looked pretty nervous, ( me too ) but I told them how old I was and wished I'd had jumped at their age. The JM smiled and it seemed to relax us all. They, myself & the JM had a really good jump and landings and as soon as they were debriefed they signed on to do their second jumps. It was a great day for Skydiving! Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  12. Hello, and congratulations on returning from a tandem for more training. I did the same myself but I spent a year between tandems, before mustering the courage to take the F.J.C..Personaly I've gone back and forth from graduated freefall to A.F.F. and now back to the graduated method, also because of freefall stability( potatoe chipping)It's been suggested to me that if I can, to spend some time and money in a vertical wind tunnel. Another school of thought more recently has been that yes a wind tunnel will quickly get you into a stabil arch, but that expence can go towards, time in an aircraft,exiting,launching,under canopy, and landing. Especialy on your own without radio ( the nipple) are all the good fundamentals. But go the route that you feel confident with! If something dosent sit well in your heart seek an alternatve but persevere! Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  13. Thanks to all for the advice and words of support, that's what makes this is the core value of Skydiving! This last Saturday I rode down to Vernon, and was with the support of the great staff of Okanagan Skydiving adventures, ( Brett, Sig, Lyndsey,Rick and Pilot Bruce) succssefull in completing the requirements to continue training. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  14. Hello, How do do I deleted a posting that I've read afterwards and I see that it has mistakes/error's? Specificaly my recent attempt to correct my last entry to the wellcome & greetings. If the first reply to Sky dive Mama could be deleted that'd be great. I would hate to offend Bruce the pilot at Okanagan Sky diving Adventures. Mike Montagne Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  15. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  16. Hello and thanks again for the advice, yestday I took an hour and a half ride to Vernon( British Columbia) While I was at the May long week-end Meet held here in Kamloops I meet my good friend & the Tandem Master "Sig" whom I'd Jumped with, at the 2008 meet.( for my second tandom)We talked about how my training had progressed since starting shortly after our jump. I told Sig of the reserve incident and what was expected of me in order to be cleared to continue with further training. Attend" sit in " on a F.J.C. and do a few paper toss I.A.D.'S. I askes Sig if it'd be O.K. if I went down to Okanagan Skydiving Adventures and did the requirement there. He said no problem, so yesterday I went and very successefully completed the two paper toss I.A.D's, and am cleared to continue with my training! Vernon is a beautifull, lush green area with a fantastic view F from 4000FT you can see Okanagan lake it was great to do those jumps, well worth it, Thanks to Sig., Brett( the owner , for the F.J.C. recap ) Lindsey and Norm the Pilot. Good jumps& great landings. Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  17. A really good group, thoroughly committed to enhancing your Sky diving experience, even for students.For what it's worth being a newbie this is definitely a Dropzone to jump at! Bret, the owner& Tandem master,which Sig is as well, also a great confidence builder. Lindsy and Bruce a really great pilot, all good people!well worth it.
  18. Great to hear the words of support, the reserve occured "officialy" as my de-arching apoun launch, thus causing the pilot to be snagged in the sleave at the B.O.C.. This was supposed to be a simple season opener 4000 Ft Hop-n-pop. When I let got of the strut arched ( and yes I clearly recall, doing that and seeing the face of the actng JM, and the departing aircraft ) Then I did the counter movement. and reached for the hacky, and pulled, but the pilot would'nt pull out. I tried again, still jammed, the I pannicked and brought my left hand over for a better purchase, which I reallized immediately made things worse. I went into a heads down spin, but the pilot wouldnt budge, so I went for the emergncy handles as I caught a glimpse of the steam from the local Pulp-Mills smoke stack.When the reserve opened I was heads down and got a good smack to the left side of my head just behind my ear ( Good thing I had a hard helmet ) and @ 1000 ft.. The javelin reserve seemed to be very sluggish to steer and after de-breif I was asked why the did'nt I try the rear risers to steer,(my head was still smarting and I was sport a good sized welt ).The Jm insist's he never only saw me immediately de-arch, and go heads down, but all seemto agree I was just about the point where the A.A.D would've deployed the reserve. Oh, yes I lost the reserve handle, but I've settle with that. As for a visit to a wind tunnel, that would be awsome! But like every thing else in life, gotta pay for it, however a new one just opened in Monteal Quebec and I do have alot of Family there. Got to go Thank-You very muvh for you concern. Mike Montagne Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  19. Hello all! Have a great 2009 jumping season and for those blessed with an endless summer, great! My first season opener could've gone better. A 4000Ft hop-n-pop, turned into a reserve ride, but hey, we learn from these events, right? My goal is first to get my solo certification with-out repeating any more levels. Last year I repeated #3, 3 times, and #4 was a fail because a knee down,put Carrie ( P.F.F. instructor ) and myself into a flat spin. then the $$ ran out. So I hope to complete the training, without any more repeats. Especialy reserve rides! However,because of that, I do have to repeat FJC and a "few" IAd's before being allowed to do any more free-fall training. Safety First Heh? Be Brave, embrace the fear, even if your not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference
  20. Hello! Thanks to the Kamloops Sport Parachute Club and all of its member Instrucutors. Beginning in order of the excellent training Wes.( FJC ), Ken&Carrie (PFF #1 to #4)Carries husband Mike, Dean, Rudy, Greg, the whole crew! This season my plan is to complete the training, get my solo certification, and have a lot of fun!