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Everything posted by jshaver123

  1. Thats so true..... Are the people who voted not to allow abortion serious... Thats just as bad as churches kicking people out and Jehovah Witness's being excommunicated for having abortion after being raped.... Are you saying its her fault she got raped? Must be if you think all women they are raped want to have the guy who raped them baby... thats just sadistic
  2. no no its cause you are depressed your not in the sky anymore... depressions leads to munchies lol
  3. That is where college professors screw you... They give vague instructions and requirements for a paper.... But I'm done writing my paper.... I only got 132 years out of Barter system so i wrote a paper on how it is not possible in any of the current governments in the world and you would need a honest ideal world for it to work and thats why governments fail is because there economics fail.... thanks for everyones input
  4. UH oh im getting closer 123 years this time. but now getting less this sucks....
  5. Yes the barter trade routes.... I thought about that to... BUt with the same advancements in technology we have hackers... That could alter the route to them a stockpile goods.... Also theft and misuse of the barter trade route could lead to utter Chaos Explain the barter trade routes a little more to what your saying and Ill see how it fits into the model...
  6. the incentive is to stay in the community or country... With the advancements in technology today everyone could live in a 3 bedroom 2 story house with a great standard of living while doing something in the community they enjoy.... But yes i can see where incentive to some people would ruin the system.... This project suxs and it counts for 60 percent of final grade in my economics course I dont wanna have to take another semester
  7. Can I add a option to the poll..... lol I chose Allegiance to self or family over both the other options.... I am proud of my family and my self and would do anything for them.... It is genetically ingrained to align yourself with bout 13 to 20 people... lol But I did choose state(I know it cause Im from the south)
  8. Here is where the barter system gets really screwed up in todays world.... The barter system was great when we weren't so advanced... We now travel by car, plane and boats.... (and soon to be time machines lol) We live in a world not with simple life but technical life... We have computers, refrigerators, tvs, so how would you go about trading these as u need many items to make these and many people or machines to make them and need many different items to build the assembly lines and so an so on and so on.... this is why it fails as a system at 50 years.... My other option ive been trying is communism. Communism can work for bout 100 years but fails due in part to peoples inherent need for power... I thinking im comming to the conclusion that there is no economic system that can successfully run for 150 years in todays world.... im going to try a couple more models and see will report back with my conclusions
  9. Lets say the value of cotton... Cotton from one person to another would be different.... If you dont have any cotton and you need it all you have is a cow to barter with than u may have to get more cotton than need since he cant get the man half his cow... Barter also can produce scarcity as economic system... If one man owns a majority of wheat he can ban with other people who own food supplies such as cattle and other food sources to get what he wants and to control people..... I actually like the barter system but within 50 or so years you would have people controlling goods and producing scarcity.... I have ran it through a model before posting on here and didnt seem to work the ten times i ran it....
  10. I was thinking along that line but in one of our stipulations the economic system has to have value growth and with the barter system.... Under barter system there was no measure of value. Even if two persons met together who wanted each other goods, they could not find a satisfactory equilibrium price. Under such conditions one party had to suffer. Or, It was difficult to divide a commodity without loss in its value e.g., a man who wants to purchase cloth equal to half the value of his cow and other commodities for the rest half value of cow; he could not divide his cow.
  11. Today as a finale paper in my economic class, I was given an assignment to create a Economic System that successfully runs for 150 years... I have yet to find away.... Any opinions on what you think would be needed.... Since my research shows that no economic systems has ever ran 150 years I'm thinking this is an assignment based on backing which economic system is best...
  12. in plain English: once the State government has been formed, the State is considered admitted to the Union... Well, If thats true the Puerto Rico is the 51st because they are a territory of USA and has a state government as they elect a governor and mayors as well as has there own state constitution... or at least they should in plain English.... many of states received statehood in diff ways. There is not one definitive way to receive statehood... There mostly diff scenarios....so to say just because they had a state government doesn't mean they are a state.....
  13. not at all I like the fact it gives another option... I just like debating controversial topics... I didn't say I believe exactly what they say i have my own opinions. As everyone should... But most people try to debunk something cause its not what they believe... And the same people dont understand that people can debunk the bible or other things they believe as well.... However, I dont wanna live in a place where everyone agrees with my views or everyone to there views it would be boring... Thanks to those who have posted and keep open minds. BTW, I love that quote lol... by far one of my favorites so far.. ALso pirana is right in that our nature is survival.... And is the reason everyone will never agree on a single topic.... But the ones in power know this and use against us..
  14. Dreadlocks are heavy matted coils of hair which form by themselves eventually fusing together to form a single dread. This is possible in all hair types, if the hair is allowed to grow naturally without combing or using conditioner for a long period of time. However, they can also be intentionally formed as well through backcombing the hair into dreadlocks. There is the definition of dreads....
  15. Yes its true however Secretary of State Philander Knox fraudulently announced ratification. For the 16th amendment to be ratified there need to be 3/4 voter in congress that never occurred. Congress only got 74% of the vote not 75%. because Ohio wasn't officially a state yet... If Ohio was a state then that means 36 out of 48 making 75% but since they weren't a state it was 35 out of 47 making only 74% There is a current court case going on U.S. v Benson that is fighting to show this never truly happened... So yes I have done my research on the income tax paper and have wrote a 22 page paper on the court case stated above.... Also William Taft, the one who proposed the amendment in Presidential speech and introduced it to Congress, was born in Ohio in 1857... Why is this important... Because in 1857, Ohio was yet to become a state. And all presidents must be a natural born citizen. Ohio didn't become a state officially until 1953. So Taft should never have been given the chance to be president. Which makes the amendment unconstitutional since he wasn't a natural born citizen and in the constitution it states all presidents must be natural born....
  16. Anything can debunked. But most debunkers use the bible as there evidence. How can someone use something that it self is not proof to be 100% accurate or the truth. With the second part they debunk it by saying it conspiracy theory... without giving why they think it is. And yes I was in NYC on the day the towers fell.... The third part is normally debunked by people saying that if you take these arguments to court without paying taxes you will basically be laughed at..... Which is true... But the fact, and I am finishing up my degree in accounting and finances, is that there is no written law that says you have to pay income tax... and that its unconstitutional because its is a apportioned tax... and all taxes must be apportioned to be constitutional.... Watch the movie with an open mind and do your own research.... Just because someone else says its right or wrong doesnt mean you will think that...
  17. Yea that is my fault... hahaha normally people pick one extreme or the other because of the inability to be open minded.... I would have to agree that its a good movie as well not necessarily awesome. Next time ill put the middle ground as well.... And I also agree that the movie isnt completely accurate like any film or text... For someone to say that everything they put forth is accurate or the truth is just being ridculus
  18. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197 here is the link to the movie. also go to zeitgeistmovie.com to watch zeitgeist: Addendum the second one if you like the first
  19. Zeitgeist was first released in June of 2007 as and experiment for freedom of speech and thought... The Zeitgeist Movement is a grass roots campaign to unify the world through a common ideology based on the fundamentals of life and nature. This movement ignores politics, religion and the like, and instead attempts to communicate how all humans are the same at the fundamental level and how it is time we start to work together on a global scale to end the seemingly perpetual conflict and suffering in our current world society. If you haven't watched I highly recommend it. It's hard for some people to have an open mind to watch the whole movie.... You may not believe or change your views on everything but I guarantee at least one thing u believe will be altered after this movie Best Quote from the movie "They must find it difficult... Those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority." -Gerald Massey
  20. Torture = unreliable information.... If you go back to Fri, Oct 13th 1307, Philip IV convinced the Catholic Church... That the knights templar wore worshiping false gods, having homosexual acts and many more things on the list... The king felt he was losing power so they had to get rid of this group... They tortured the templars for many of days before finally getting alot of false information and false confessions... After they got the information they wanted they burned the templars at the stake..... All backed by and partially funded by the church.... So for many years now torture hasnt been effective in getting useful info and the government main reason in war is the thought of losing power....
  21. Yes Casablanca is a great movie.... My top three would have to be.... 1. The GoodFellas (Best Movie Ever I think nothing comes close) 2. Godfather(Who couldn't like this movie) 3. Casino(Lets just say Robert Di Neiro Joe Pesci are great) Wait those are all mafia mob type movies oh well... But yes Casablanca is a must see adn changed the movies forever
  22. I'm gonna be in Tampa area for work prolly about 2 months I was wondering what people thought would be the best place to train around Tampa. I want to go through the AFF training and get my license while in Tampa... Any advice also what does it normally run to go through all 7 levels of aff then to 25 so can get my A license