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Everything posted by customkev

  1. First off I want to apologize to Luke for keeping this thread going a little longer even though he clearly wants it to stop. I am however hoping to add a little more positive feedback so ... too bad! Just before Xmas I bought an Odyssey container from Luke after looking in on this thread, which was well underway by then. Luke showed an incredible amount of patience with me while waiting for my derelict Paypal account to get reactivated. He sent the rig to my DZ promptly after I gave him a modest deposit and it cleared inspection by my rigger and DZO and I sent the balance. It was exactly as advertised and the fit was dead on. I would definitely buy from him again without qualms and would recommend him as a seller. Now if we can just get some warm weather up here so I can jump the damn thing things would be perfect! Thanks Luke