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Everything posted by WFFC

  1. Got it...Damn Chi-town postal system... ----- ~~~Michael
  2. Haven't gotten my Skydiving Mag yet...let me type the other up... why don't you get parachutist anyway? SDC is a USPA DZ last I checked. ----- ~~~Michael
  3. The one on the right or the one on the left? ----- ~~~Michael
  4. I'm on the countdown though. House goes on the market March 1 so I can break out to a place that has more sunny days than Florida or California... Damn that Mary for answering her phone at the top of Peak 9 and telling me the snow was great. ----- ~~~Michael
  5. Read your January Parachutist when you get it... page 9, letter right in the middle. ----- ~~~Michael
  6. WFFC


    He forgot to mention his wife is a divorce attorney... ----- ~~~Michael
  7. least you'll see sun this winter. Come to Illinois, we're in the grey season now. ----- ~~~Michael
  8. And the local news today said the clouds were good since it helped to keep the heat in. Just over 90 days and the house goes on the market... ----- ~~~Michael
  9. WFFC


    same reason you open christmas presents on christmas eve - curiousity. Sometimes you're not happy with what you get though and wish you never would have done it. ----- ~~~Michael
  10. WFFC


    had a friend that was heavily into it with her spouse. Something that he really wanted, she could have cared less, but definitely liked the variety. She didn't come from a 'stable' background so all the swinging did was screw her up even more. Too many emotional attachments to too many partners and also too many people she didn't want to play with but felt obligated since he spouse got to 'play' with the other partner. If it was just sex with no attachments involved, it could be done. but by human nature, there is generally an attachment that gets involved with it. not necessarily health to the mind in some aspects. ----- ~~~Michael
  11. Yep, once again Mary has managed to put herself in front of the camera (go figure)...Inside front cover of your parachutist when it arrives. Feel free to give my media whore friend as much grief as you'd like. Love ya Mar~~~ ----- ~~~Michael
  12. 1. Skyride and its principles have used copyrighted artwork without proper compensation to the artists. Skyride continues to ignore cease and decist letters from said artists. 2. Skyride practices bait/switch sales in their call center (read: A tandem gift cert is $x. OK, now that I've got your credit card, there is a B fee, C fee, D fee, etc. bringing your total gift certificate to $z.) 3. Skyride will deceive their customers by advising there is no dropzone within X amount of miles and you need to drive to X DZ to use our gift certificate. Customer can drive by several, closer, DZs on their way to a DZ that accepts Skyride gift certs. 4. Skyride has a multitude of 'fake' dropzones that are 'in your neighborhood' when in fact they do not even exist in the state. 5. Skyride also has stolen copyrighted website designs. (see: original -, copy - or (depending on your browser, these may spill over 5 lines but the points are there) ----- ~~~Michael
  13. And you would be.... Please complete your profile and you might get an answer. You've just joined and this is your first post. Do not expect an answer from anyone until you identify yourself in your profile. ----- ~~~Michael
  14. She's in rare form it... ----- ~~~Michael
  15. if you look at their code, your is all over it. ----- ~~~Michael
  16. Banks make errors. In the 18 months I've been with this bank, just under $10.00 worth of errors in their favor. A quick phone call to he bank while I was balancing fixed it. There were also about the same amount of errors in my favor that they didn't get a call for. ----- ~~~Michael
  17. and some David Spade '1001 ways to say No books'? ----- ~~~Michael
  18. Back to Colorado from a 2 year hiatus for family reasons. Southern CA is nice and I'll visit someday, but not a place I'd like to live. I've got this fear of falling into the ocean... ----- ~~~Michael
  19. I would, but I won't be there. It was either spend the money and go or leave it in the bank and put it towards the get the hell out of Illinois fund. I chose the latter as it's more rewarding to me right now. year I will venture to the holy land... ----- ~~~Michael
  20. YEPPERS! The snow missed here so it's just friggin cold. If it's gonna be cold, I want snow. None of this depressing grey sky crap. ----- ~~~Michael
  21. Good luck with your endeavor. now, the question really is, did you get grass stains on the suit? Godspeed ----- ~~~Michael
  22. I agree, and I paid for a full lift after the fact. What was I thinking? Ron needs to fly too... ----- ~~~Michael
  23. Ummm...probably not. We're just getting back online now from losing an engine in June (read: Sunny's fault since she made me go). ----- ~~~Michael
  24. PM Replied... ----- ~~~Michael