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Everything posted by WFFC

  1. It's quicker. I really hate the static mouse pad thingys on laptops. It's a cool mouse though. Unplug the usb receiver and it tucks up inside the mouse for travel.
  2. Lappy, wireless optical mouse. Doesn't work well with a glass desk. Have to have the mouse pad.
  3. So...we've all pretty much got one. So, what's on yours? Mine: Primary System - Dilbert "Technology, No place for wimps" MP3 Server - Chyron (those in the video industry should know this one) Laptop - Viagra ----- ~~~Michael
  4. Peachy- Congrats my child. If you need $ during your transition period, please contact your other parent, Grafico. Arano
  5. Is it wrong to be sexually attracted to my bastard love child?'s actually a family requirement as we mostly inbreed anyway... Arano
  6. so, dad, can i borrow your truck????? Wingnuevos # 785 bastard child of arano and slurito rodriguez...... If you can locate the garage it's in,'s all yours... Arano
  7. So did I actually...did you stat at Balmers too?
  8. With Rev, there is never any doubt... ----- ~~~Michael
  9. Have you asked 'dad' if you can borrow the truck yet? Arano Keeper of Dark Places...
  10. Ummm...Riddler got a 42" plasma to hook up to his lappy. ----- ~~~Michael
  11. My monitor is starting to do the trapazoid thing. I went out and bought a laptop instead of replacing the monitor with an LCD or something. I've got another (albeit older) monitor in the basement that will suffice if this one dies. Besides, I've got the lappy now. Anyway, found a 23" Sony LCD that seems to foot my needs now...ahhh...boy toys... ----- ~~~Michael
  12. Exactly - See here for a listing of the 1800skydive number lessees. A DZ can lease the number for several zipcodes. ----- ~~~Michael
  13. Passed in 7. Mar wouldn't take my money when i wanted to pay for the rest after my first one. ----- ~~~Michael
  14. What the hell kind of skydiver are you? She can do video.
  15. aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh... (composes self) damn...yes!
  16. Running across a few other forums I frequent and I don't think this has been posted here yet. might be NSFW, so let your conscience be your guide...well, scratch that... ----- ~~~Michael
  17. Not a pre-requisite Ahhh...a virgin... When you decide to have yourself sacrificed to the family... First, you must jump with a Rodriguez Brother. The jump must be declared. Later that evening (the witching hour works best - midnight for those who are witch impaired), your Rodriguez Brother parent will bring you to the alter and offer you as a sacrifice to the family... It is available, but... You silly really a mexican but not a RB mexican...your parents pick your name. You can choose your parents, but not your name. That is their job as they birthed you. I won't... link to dead image. Arano Rodriguez... Keeper of dark places...
  18. a.k.a. The Internet Cafe. ----- ~~~Michael
  19. I agree, but the track record has been consistently bad. ----- ~~~Michael
  20. Looking for Meigs possibly? No wait, Daley needs to pull out his checkbook and replace the runway. dolt. There's a park close enough to make a dz out of for a day. ----- ~~~Michael
  21. About friggin time. Was the photo editor on vacation and someone else actually picked pictures that are good? Congrats LEW! ----- ~~~Michael
  22. Trevor had one is what I belive you meant to say...
  23. It's a fine line...very fine line. Check the facts and double, then triple check prior to putting it out. It is possible that they still could be a pain in the keister about it anyway. ----- ~~~Michael
  24. This is already in the works... ----- ~~~Michael
  25. Really? I thought the age of majority for all states was 18. ----- ~~~Michael