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Everything posted by WFFC

  1. They also consider the cash discount a fee for using the credit card. It's the same thing, just packaged differently. If one were to call Visa/MC and complain, they'd still get their account yanked for charging a fee for CC use. ----- ~~~Michael
  2. Not a problem dude...btw, I'm here...What time does the taxi arrive?
  3. Garrett posted something about it I believe...I'd have to look, but I did see it. btw, I'll be home for the boogie... ----- ~~~Michael
  4. I've not gotten mine sprayed in yet - I want Line-X, but it's a 2 hour drive one way and then sitting around till they're done. I'll check the sprayliner out though.
  5. Spray in - Rhino liner or Line-X. Haven't heard of Sprayliner.
  6. WFFC


    No damage here...Just lots of water running down the street. The two tornados I was in were a while ago - One in indiana and on near chicago. Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong times. Didn't lose anything though.
  7. WFFC


    Survived 2. Deal with it.. ----- ~~~Michael
  8. Nah, they just have a better marketing plan.
  9. Snopes is an awesome resource for debunking things quickly. Now, Paul Harvey definately gets my nod for doing his research.
  10. Where's Mr. Donut? Krispy Kreme? Over glorified. unless you get the KKs right at the store and consume right away, they're crap I tell you crap. Either way, they'll add to increasing your wing loading. One last thing, June 5th is National Donut Day. ----- ~~~Michael
  11. I saw the artist reditions of it - it's sweet looking!
  12. Snopes counts as fact doesn't it? Part of the story in the original post is true, part is not.
  13. speaking of pictures, I'm pretty much done rebuilding your computer. There's this one directory called porn. Where did you want me to put it again?
  14. I'll be home on Thursday for the 5280 boogie next weekend...
  15. WFFC

    Laptop PC?

    I second that. I love my Sony Vaio. I'm using it right now! I don't have wireless, though. I have cable. Vote 3 for a Sony Vaio - I've got two of them and hardware wise they've been reliable machines. Check out for auctions and such. Both mine are refurbs and got them for 5-600$ off retail. ----- ~~~Michael
  16. I can balance my checkbook using Quicken. Does that count?
  17. I think you were also the first person to say "Look at me, I'm naked." ----- ~~~Michael
  18. Different shops have different variations of the same training. My experience (SSI Dive Con - never sent in the paperwork though) everything got repeated over and over and over again. The pool time on Saturday started at Noon and went to as late as 7:00 PM. Sunday would generally start at 9:00 and go to whenever the group was done. The group didn't move on and only went as fast as the slowest student. I've only observed other shops training from the outside, generally during open water dives. Some (read most) of the things I saw other shops doing scared me. The shop I was involved with had enough dive cons that if there was a 'special' student, one dive con could take this person and work individually with them. On one open water trip, I was observing the gear up of two students under my watch. The shop that setup next to us had 8 students, one instructor, one divemaster. The instructor and divemaster were both in the water yelling at their students to hurry up. All 8 of the students were having difficulty with their gear up. Another Dive Con and myself handed our students off to another dive con and went over to assist these 8 students with their gear up, 3 didn't have their air turned on and didn't check it during their buddy checks. this was their second dive on Sunday so day 2 of open water dives. It's all about the instructors and the shop. btw, some dive shops contract their instructors, others have them as permanant staff. Get references from friends who are divers and ask lots of 'dumb' questions at the shop. Find one that you're comfortable with and also a training method (cram or extended) that works for you.
  19. No...Was just curious...Damn. I really haven't bashed anyone.
  20. Just my experience, the weekend 'experience' was cheaper than the extended classes. Check out the different options. You know your learning curve. Choose the best option that fits your learning curve. ----- ~~~Michael
  21. Since they didn't stop by my place on the way to borrow my digital camera, I'm not sure i want to know what stranger they convinced to take what kind of pictures and such... ----- ~~~Michael