Alright fellow skydivers i am fairly new in the sport and now its time for me to buy a new rig. i need your help ha! i am looking at getting a micron and trying to figure what will work best for me. i am trying to figure out if anyone knows what pilot or pd 150 or 140 main canopies have the least amount of pack volume, because thats about where my experience level is at. i have been looking at the v310 vector container and it looks like it might work, but it would be nice to have the v308. trying to figure this out has been hard so i thought i would ask all you pros out there for your help. i am going with that size container because i do not want to go smaller than a OP 143 reserve but still trying to get the smallest container possible which is the 310 and 308. i also want it to last me a long time so i can down size as much as i can on it when the time comes. so if anyone can help me with that it would be awesome!!