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Everything posted by fonzi

  1. hi nacmacfeegle, gravitymaster and airdrew20012001 first of all I'm always impressed how fast one can get qualified answers in this forum. i do not post a lot but follow the posts in all categories in here very freequently. i think i have to get some things right. i have 126 jumps now and it will take some min. 50-70 more before i really do a jump with cam on my head. i do quite well in rw and ff, according to what the peolpe on my dz say. before starting skydiving i had some 1100+ paragliding flights. my homedz is in southern bavaria around munich and as i assume more than 90% of the people in this forum here are us citizens they wouldn't even know where it is. i have a german daec (see if you know some german ;-)) licence. when i said that there is not many experienced people here in europe, i did not want to offend any of them (just in case they are reading this) what i meant is, that at my hdz is just a limited n° of cameraflyers, and it is not like in the us. we just jump on weekends, small planes (cessnas, pilatus pc6) and therefor there is not as much people to talk to as in the us on dz's, for not everybody is there every weekend. i'm aware of all the new aspects on security and try to enlarge my very personel horizon as much as possible. reading this forum, books, contacting people and discussing probs and questions. i'm actually more the "i-want-to-know-it-all-before-i-start-something-type-of-guy" ;-). the question on the SONY CCD TR705E was more on the technical side. like "dont't do it fonz, the cam is not tough enough etc." actually it is not mine, yet. but this weekend im going to visit my parents in the very north of germany, and knowing that my dad is not using the cam anymore, i wandered wether i should take it with me and start to make a plan on how to fix it on the helmet, adjust angles and so on. i thought, that if it was ok to start with, then it would be nice to have the helmet and the cam in hands, when starting to discuss with people on how to mount it. topfixing was quite clear as it is bigger then the digis. i did not want to take it with me and discover that it was no good for flying at all. then i'd rather leave it with my dad for his evry once in 3 years shots ;-). but if i get you right, you a) don't know the model in detail, but b) don't doubt that it will work. this is already the next step for me, ask dad to give it to me for free ;-). (and i bet he will) so thx again, and be sure that i will take my time before i get really into it. buy the way, any further help or hints are always very welcome. (see the jpeg of the cam, just in case you are interested ) bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  2. hi @ll, i'm right about to start with videoflying. as the equipment is not very cheap and i do not want to crash an expensive cam right on the start, i was wondering if my old one is good for starting out. i got a SONY HI8 TR705E. of course i know that editing and all that postjumping stuff is very limited, but that's not the question. i only would like to know wether it is possible to take some vidoes on a jump with that cam, or if it is not worth even a try. what have all you veterans out there done before the digital-age??? is the cam capable of the speed and tough enough for openings etc.? once learned how to fly with a cam on my head i will get into digitals 4 sure, but for the moment it would be great if the old machine would do it for a season and take some decent shots of my friends and me ;-). experinced people here in europe are rare and therefor i hope that u guys, beeing the natives in our sport could give me some reports about the good old days. bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  3. fonzi


    hi @ll, i know that this topci was discussed before, but i did not find the information i was looking for in detail. i started ff and have (according to some jm on my dz here in southern germany) established a stable sit. i can turn without making horizontal movement and feel quite comfy now to start with transitions. fwd and bwd loops should be the next skills to work on i think. my question: could some of you help me with advice how to train these loops or should i start with something else first? any detailed info's are highly appreciated by a newbie like me. bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  4. cheers aggidave, that was what i was looking 4, although the opinions vary as usual ! thx again, bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  5. i went through many many posts here in the forum, loads of infos on starting to sit-/free-fly, but nothing very detailed on pulling out of a sit for beginners, as far as i was successfull on my search. could you be so kind an tell me which "fairly lengthy discussion " in detail you are referring to? bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  6. hi @ll, could anbody of the freeflying skygods describe in detail pls how to pull the first time when trying to sitfly?! i'm working hard on my skills to sitfly, and would like to know how the cracks in here consider the proceedure of pulling when sitflying. at my dz in southern germany i always jump last, solo, with a min. of 8-10 sec. of distance to the previous jumpers. when i get into a sit i work on getting the position stable. when it comes to pulltime, for the moment i feel safe to go back on my belly, stabilize and pull. am i doing right or should i consider a new way for pull proceedure on freeflying? any detailed info's very appreciated! thx and bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  7. fonzi


    could you comment this a bit more, as i feel when i try the first time and anything goes wrong, e.g. i'm spinning so badly, i think i'd instinctively arch and go on my belly. and... how do i pull in as sit without getting unstable and then haveing an off heading opening? don't i pull in a box position? blues bsbd, fonzi life is to short for the pimp
  8. reading this forum since january i feel free to start with my first posting ... just started in dec. with aff , and finished my german license