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    Wing Suit Flying
  1. Thank you dqpacker for your answers; you made me discover SkydiveSpaceland :-) I also received a good advice: “what sort of jumping do I plan to do?” (as some DZs seem more suitable for flat fliers, others for free fliers). Actually, I mainly fly flat and I’m beginning with RW. But I’m very tempted by free flying and I plan to focus on free fly in October. The choice is going to be though!! You guys have so many great dz, whaaow :-)
  2. Hello everybody, I’m new in the sport (about 1 year and about 100 jumps) and on dropzone.com End October 09, I’ll have the opportunity to do a 1 week stop-over in the US on my way to central America from Europe. I could stop pretty much where I want (Florida, Arizona, California) as the price difference on my whole air fair is quite small. I’ve spend quite a lot of time on the forum and read a lot about Deland, Perris, Eloy and others but it’s very hard to choose. Could you help me please, eg: • I’m looking for a beginner-foreigner friendly place (I’m sure they all are but some maybe more) • I don’t own my chute and will have to rent one (what about rental price? can I keep it the whole day or do I have to wait for a free one? can I repack it myself or do I have to pay someone to do it?) • Weather “usually” friendly end October? • Proximity DZ – motel? • Activities around the DZ? • I’d like to take a canopy control training during the week. Any other advice you may think about. Thank you very much, Paul