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    Skydive San Marcos
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  1. Skydive San Marcos needs an interpreter for a deaf student - If you've got a rating, all the better... Please contact ryan@skydivesanmarcos.com for more info. Thank you! Haylee
  2. Do you two need to get a room?????? Haylee
  3. haylee

    Just curious...

    Daniel managed to chow pretty hard during one of the accuracy rounds at the Texas CPC #2 at Aggieland and has some "road rash" on his knees now. The rash is starting to tighten up as his knees swell... It's quite funny to watch him waddle all over the house... Haylee
  4. haylee

    Just curious...

    Just taking care of Daniel and his super-swollen knees.... AND Looking for work as always...
  5. haylee

    Just curious...

    Has anyone noticed that Skydive Houston has a different vibe lately??? Haylee
  6. Yes, I do - but I haven't been able to access that part of my account for some reason... Haylee
  7. Yeah, the thought crossed my mind. I was hoping to get some more info before calling and asking a bunch of questions when they're probably busy taking care of paperwork from the weekend... Haylee
  8. Last rumor I heard was that someone named Paul purchased it... Any info on Paul who??? Is it true that someone actually purchased it??? INPUT, NEED INPUT!!! Haylee
  9. What's this I hear about SDSM being sold??? Any idea who is buying it? Or is this just another rumor??? Haylee
  10. Beware of the water and fish - I would not recommend eating any fish caught in the Azerbijain area as much of the area is contaminated with Mercury!!! (One of my former ecology professors does a cleanup/research expedition to Azerbijain each summer.) Haylee
  11. Does it matter if you share the time with someone? Or how much time you use at once (part Saturday morning, part Saturday evening, etc...)? I'm ready to PLAY!!!! After the 4-way scrambles last weekend, I'm ready to be a poor skydiving bum again! Haylee
  12. I'm also planning on attending the ash dive and possibly the memorial service (If Daniel can get out of doing tandems early enough). I'm still going to try and have some fun Friday, Saturday morning, and Sunday though. Haylee
  13. Wind tunnel, $15 jumps, pool to cool off in, air conditioned packing area... Need I say more? Haylee
  14. Wow!!! I've never been able to see them until now!!! Now I see what I was missing... MORE, MORE, MORE!!!!!!! Haylee