I am new to the forums so first off hello everyone. I started jumping after friend and I were watching RealTV one night at work, we saw some pondswooping footage and started talking about how we would like to jump. Minutes later we were on the net looking for a DZ and a few calls later booked for our tandems. After a long week of waiting the day comes and we get to the DZ an hour early, watch a video, get some instruction and then wait for our slots. After a long but worth while wait we get the call. While I was gearing up my friend was climbing to 10,000 feet. My TM and camera flyer got me out to the runway just in time to watch her come in. After congratulating her I hop into the C-182 and take the 20 minute ride to altitude. At first I was just checking out the scenery, then I started thinking damn I'm finally going to do this. (I had wanted to jump for around two years.) A tug or two on my leg straps, a quick gear check and the door flies open, all my senses start working overtime. The smell of the jet fuel, the sound and feel of the relative wind, it was just amazing. The feeling of freefall was absolutely incredible. Then while I'm checking out the view under canopy I hear "Hey, get ready to hit that arch for me again ok....ARCH". I never really knew what had happened until I was handed a bunch of handles while on the ground. A week later I was back for ground school. Blue Ones! Jamie