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  1. Hey! Glad to see another newbie just like me, completely hooked on diving! Good luck! I'm in the same boat, saving funds for the AFF!
  2. I was thinking about doing the AFF but thought that one more tandem jump underneath me might be helpful just to take away the slight nervousness. Also, I've been doing a lot of reading around here, and still feel lost. Gear wise, I don't know where to start, and really know (that well) anyone that does this as avidly as I want to so I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Anyone have any good starter articles they can point me towards? Thanks a lot..and sorry if I sound newbish
  3. Thanks all! I am totally stoked to be here!
  4. Hey all I just did my first tandem jump last weekend at the parachute center in Lodi, and LOVED IT! I was scared to death at first but now I think I have the bug. Its now become something that i want to do 24/7! I'll be heading back in a month to do another tandem or 2 and then do AFF! I'm excited to be here! -Jason Tompkins