It looks like it's not his first hobby ... and 3 jumps says nothing about the person who made them!
yea, i forgot, he's riding bikes. yea, that makes sense.. and he's shown us what kind of guy he is too, already.. i'm well impressed!
skydivers aren't quite as special as you think they are. There are a lot of expensive hobbies out there, and a lot of expensive ones.
A decent quality shinken (Japanese sword) can cost well over 5000.00. For a GOOD one... well into 10,000.00. A menkyo from a reputable martial arts school can cost up to $300 per rank + the cost of instruction and your personal time. A liscensed weekend seminar can cost well over $1000.00 for 2 days... A trip to Japan can be REDICULOUSLY expensive. The same goes for many, many, many other "hobbies."
The big difference is if it's just a hobby you won't spend a lot of money on it because it's just something to do... It's stops being a hobby when you start sacrificing for it... Doesn't matter if it's stamp collecting or sky diving (I bet I could spend 1,000,000.00 on stamps if it was an obsession).