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Everything posted by johnmatrix

  1. General article on this stuff... Therein lies the rub. Safety advocates say it is not possible, as seductive as it might sound, to take in simultaneously two streams of information: the real-life action, and the virtual performance data. "You're effectively skiing blind; you're going to miss a mogul or hit somebody," said David Strayer, a neuroscientist at the University of Utah, in Salt Lake City, who for more than two decades has studied the science of attention and distraction. Even the briefest glance at the information takes over a skier's field of vision and focus, he said.
  2. I'd rather be remembered for achieving something awesome after a long period of time spent playing it safe than end up in the Darwin Awards.
  3. Now all we need is some feedback from Giselle and the thread will be complete.
  4. Wow - thanks for posting.
  5. What about with missiles on the grippers and a laser targeting system on the helmet where the primary GoPro would normally sit? With cutaway of course, to address the snag hazard.
  6. It was built by Skynet to infiltrate online forums and terminate the sanity of the members.
  7. Haha - I must say, I am still a bit sceptical about the project, but it looks like fun. :) But what are you going to do if/when this thing actually takes off?
  8. I think you've missed the point of Jarno's post - there's only a limited amount of distinctive shapes possible for this sort of purpose. Eventually, at the larger end, they're all going to look very similar. I still remember when I first discovered wingsuits (way before I was able to jump one) and this forum; back then it seemed that the two most well-known manufacturers were PF and Birdman (and the GoPro HD didn't exist). I don't recall people trying to make a pissing contest out of the fact that a Raptor looked like a Ghost or that a Blade looked like a Vampire. Before the X-Bird turned up the flying carpet was the Stealth2 - and so what? It was almost like people were more concerned with how much fun they could have jumping them rather than who thought of what first! Now we see other manufacturers coming out, e.g. Aliensuits, Squirrel, and if you only pay attention to the shadow they make on the ground then they do seem very similar. Just a thought, can anyone here aside from Giselle come up with a design for a wingsuit with the largest surface area possible, that doesn't bear any resemblance to an X-Bird/Venom/G12/Colugo/Apache ? I don't know about anyone else but the biggest problem I have right now is that I don't have enough money to buy one of every model from every manufacturer.
  9. Free hotdogs for everyone! Yeah but there's no pork in them. No chicken either. And no beef. Oh yeah and it's not lamb or mutton...
  10. I believe these are the 'chicken handles' at 7.36?
  11. Just curious, how could you make a canopy that's for subterminal only? I know you could do it by modifying the slider to say a bikini slider or something but someone could just replace that with another slider. I've heard that the forces canopy pilots are subjecting their wings to are greater during the recovery arc than on opening, or maybe that was the risers and not the canopy. Either way I'm no expert. What, will it tear in half or off the lines at terminal?
  12. Neither. What have you been taught about EPs? Head back and ARCH sound familiar? What happens with your arch when you look down? Look at the main canopy departing? Why? So you get it on video? Yes that's what I was taught - but then I started to wonder about the possibility of entanglement with the reserve bridle. I haven't had to chop yet but I think when it happens I'll do it as I was trained to do - i.e. arch. As far as looking up at the main is concerned, yes I believe it's a dumb idea to try and get it on video but I reckon in the heat of the moment it would tempting. But then again, if you're arching, you'd have your head back, so it'd be the same difference wouldn't it? Like I said though I haven't had to chop yet so it's mainly a hypothetical discussion for me at this point. Anyway thanks for all the responses, I couldn't be bothered putting all your names in the subject line. :)
  13. My setup: Top mounted CX100 on Cookie helmet Cutaway on chin cup Skyhook No camera wings (yet) I have the RSL connected at all times and plan to do my EPs as normal, unless something snags on my helmet at which point I will cutaway the chin cup. Am I going to get killed? One thing I've thought of regarding the Skyhook is that I should probably keep my head down when I have to chop, rather than look up at the departing canopy, as the reserve bridle will be getting pulled up by the main directly behind my head.
  14. This is a good question - I've read a lot of posts intimating that someone or other is doing it wrong but I'd like to hear exactly what the experienced people do...
  15. :) I do have a serious question though - won't you have to incorporate a parachute system into the design at some point during the testing, once it starts going higher?
  16. Wait until the wooden frame burns up on re-entry. Hey wait - didn't the ancient Greeks did some research into this too... ?
  17. I put 1 jump on a Havok and really liked it. 5 of my mates are jumping them now and I think they really like them - mainly using them for flocking, acro and backflying.
  18. 10 out of 10. I think this is the best video yet. Thanks.
  19. "It's an inanimate carbon rod!!!"
  20. Actually hese were the afternoon DJs. These are the morning ones on that station: