I would ask my instructors this but won't be back at the dz for a while so was hoping for an answer here.
I'm a student and the last 3 openings i have had have been the first ones from terminal and on each ocasion i have had quite bad lower back pain on opening.
This pain does not last more than the time it takes to the ground but on the last ocasion it was quite severe for about 10 seconds which was pottentialy distracting from what i should be focussing on (control checks etc).
I don't have any history of back pain and am a young guy, diddn't have any issues on static line jumps. My exit weight is about 186 pounds on a 290 canopy, pull was in a stable body position all 3 times.
Is this normal? parachute opening too fast? me being a wuss... let me know.