What I need is content so that i could after put a language selector, but i think we can put any languages tutorials here.
gona make the traduction of the first ones, so that everybody can enjoy them...
Gravity Tutorials !
Hey I wanted to make a website where I could regroup all sorts of tutorials related to skydiving.
Well I just made it.
the purpose is to help the skydive community.
You can easily register and post your tutorials for the others.
Hope this will serve.
feel free to contact me for critics
the website is in french but you can post tutorials in any languages ..
I wanted to know if anybody has vibrations with a CX116 and wide angle 0.3 top mounted on a rawa or an other helmet.
I got some small vibrations and even with a cage or cookie support.
A good Freefly session on june 2009 at Brienne DZ (France)
Thanks to Kariboo, Tomtom, Fabrice, Bruno, Luc, etc etc...
Enjoy !