Like many skydivers I did my first tandem and got hooked! I had a couple weeks free so I immediately got setup with my AFF training at this place. The staff were great, professional and incredibly friendly. The only downside is the unpredictability of the weather... (Hence why I've haven't given location a '5') Winds tend to pick up most days by the afternoon and marine layer can take a fair amount of time to clear in the mornings, sometimes by 7, sometimes not at all. Although this gives plenty of time to chat to staff and waiting jumpers, made some life long friends there!
For A licence and above there is a nice gravelly soft landing area, and for sub A-license students like me there is a HUGE sandy river bed where we can do plenty of PLFs :) ('parachute landing falls' for those not in the know!)
There are usually 3 or so full time jump masters and photographer on weekdays, and double/triple that on the weekends. I've hung around there long enough during my training to see that weekends need to be booked! Solo jumpers (like me now :-D ) tend to be fine as you can essentially just hop onto any load with space... On the weekends usually the 208 Cessna is running which will hold well over a dozen people.
As a last word of advice if you are there on a busy day and get pictures/videos, they have the option to get it SENT to you. Use it! Despite how good modern technology is, processing huge batches of videos takes time and the last thing you want to do after such a good time is sit around and wait. Go enjoy the high! Take it from me it lasts for days!
Hope you enjoy this place as much as I am!