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Everything posted by Farflung
I’m still staying away from any conspiracy theories. Just because a reviewer is from Seattle, has the same name and last initial as the “CEO” of Adventure Books, is referenced in the Amazon review discussion and only had one review isn’t enough to draw any conclusions. No! I’m going to keep searching till I can prove it isn’t a shill. Just like how the FBI has to prove a suspect isn’t DB Cooper. Yes! I’ve got some good leads and they may turn into scoops, whatever those are.
Your right RobertMBlevins, it is probably just someone who likes your book. Yes.
RobertMBlevins denies with: “Come on, Farflung. I don't do shill reviews.” Farflung inserts random passage with: Proverbs 28:1 “The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.” Gosh, where did I say you did any shill reviews? Nowhere in my nice and polite comment do I see any inference to anything, but your honesty and integrity. Shucks, now my feelings are a little bit hurt. I better go to the ‘Precious Moments Chapel’ website so I can pick up my chin, by golly, that’s what I’m gonna do!
RobertMBlevins is right Mrshutter45. One must let reviews on products be organic, unbiased and honest regarding products. Would you like to live in a world where Thalidomide is recommended by the board of directors from the Thalidomide Company? How about tobacco companies completing studies on the health effects of their product? Of course not because those products are dangerous and doing shill reviews are douche-y, even if there was no such thing as ethics (chuckles to self). Let’s take a moment and look at another of RobertMBlevins’ works, shall we? I selected another book which RobertMBlevins co-authored with Geoff Nelder called ‘Dimensions’. It is extremely well reviewed (you should buy it) and has a top rating of five (5!) stars. Now that’s a sign of quality to be sure. After all, they are stars, the max is five, and the miracle of the internet allows ordinary consumers to opine on products. That’s great, I’m so happy right now. Here’s what the reviewer said about RobertMBlevins’ book: “The first thing I noticed about this book were the absolutely beautiful covers. The stories are sometimes funny, and others will scare the hell out of you. The writing is tight, and each story has an illustration set on the first page of the story. 'Cruel and Unusual,' starts out this book, and just reaches out and grabs you by the throat. They move quickly and each tells a definite story crisply and effectively. My favorite was 'The Inn Between,' which is about a guy who wakes up in Limbo and tries to get out - for years. Very good, very scary. A fantastic work.” I know I want to buy this now, thanks to this honest, polite and non-bickering review! I’ve got boners! Look at that review! Tight writing and every story has an illustration! I’ve got more boners!! Wow, I’ve got to rub down the…. Goosebumps. I thought it was worth reviewing an honest, righteous and non-venom attracting review Mrshutter45. There’s so much bad stuff about the Cooper book that I wanted to give an example for the record of how to be nice, polite, honest and un-venom-y.
RobertMBlevins responds with internet text which is only invisible to 377, and an expectation of avoiding venom with: “Do you have the slightest idea how BIG this thread has become?” Yep, do you? RobertMBlevins continues to beg for a snakebite shower by adding: “You can't keep track of everything that has been said by everyone all the time.” Wow, you’re overwhelmed with this itty bitty thread, which has a search function you are baffled by, but are a master of the interview. You have also destroyed the human resource this thread represents via arrogant conduct, when you have been warned time and time again about: Dan Cooper Comics, Clydesdale horse history, Tyner’s husband, Captain Scott leaving the cockpit, the weather on Shemya, the flow of the Columbia, facial recognition software, Iditarod participation, assessed value of coin and stamp collections, photos from World War One, the freezing point of Jet A fuel, Kenny’s “demonstration” jumps for pay (also still on your website), left handed tie clasps (also still on your website), smiling pictures of digging ditches in ugly sweaters, a picture of ‘NOT’ Kenny singing in a bar on Shemya (also still on your website), Lyle saying he never believed Kenny was Cooper, the scrap wood from the attic, Kenny’s actual height, the color hazel, the lack of an NB-6 (also still on your website), the Amboy chute being from 1946, paratroopers NOT burying parachutes, being tan as a potato chip (WTF?), Geestman’s wife selling the ranch, cigarette coupons being attached to many brands, Sky Chef matches being common in airports (the Sky should have been a hint), crash pads, flight plans and a host of things which no one has bothered to point out because of the blow back. But you want to blame the size of this thread? Have some venom.
RobertMBlevins states with typical RobertMBlevins certainty: “3) No one here at DZ said anything about it being linked to the attempted scam, even after I mentioned it several times...until now.” Is that right? Well thank goodness you are around to lay claim to being the first to find a UPI or AP article about Cooper being BALD since no one else on the good Earth had read any of them. You truly are a self proclaimed legend in your own mind. I just for the life of me, can’t imagine why you are such a venom magnet. No I truly, truly can’t think of a single, solitary reason why RobertMBlevins is the constant recipient of cyber neurotoxins. It’s pure injustice and anyone who makes such a delivery is at fault, where’s the justice, I’ll scream from every hilltop, valley and placid lake. My god, how has this gone on for so long?
“Anything that can be confused about DB Cooper, will involve RobertMBlevins.” Here’s a picture of the Cooper imposter named Donald Murphy, who managed to ‘scam’ a more than willing, or at least infinitely gullible Karl Fleming. I can’t believe this odd footnote managed to cause such discourse. There are more articles which clearly stated that the man the FBI was looking for, in front of the wig shop, had a full head, of long hair. He was looking for a disguise and I frankly don’t understand how someone bald, would be given greater weight, except for some raging desire to match a bald guy to this ‘suspect’. Blind data mining at its best. Fleming, along with a couple cameramen, and his backer were involved in this ‘plan’, where an ad was placed in some Seattle area papers soliciting Cooper for an interview. Can you imagine the luck when his intermediary called Fleming? I know, so amazing. Adding to the boner filling intrigue was a Xerox copy of three of Cooper’s twenties. Apparently the FBI compared the Xerox to an image of the genuine twenty, and the serial numbers matched, but didn’t line up. End game for Mr. Murphy. Fleming said ‘he’ wouldn’t turn in Murphy, but that didn’t mean the lawyer for his book deal wouldn’t. Apparently someone sent a tip (not Fleming) to the FBI and someone else (could have been Fleming), was in contact with two reporters from the vaunted Bremerton Sun paper. They were given just enough information to make poor connections and assumptions, all the way through the FBI discovering it all was a hoax. Gosh, then the Sun must have forgotten to publish how they blew it. Just a simple oversight, I’m sure. Now Fleming is stuck knowing that Murphy was absolutely not DB Cooper, but that didn’t stop him from publishing a series of articles about his misadventure in a new magazine named ‘LA’. The crap really hit the fan when Fleming’s financial backer was served a summons to appear in court about the hoax, which was apparently the first he had heard of all this garbage. The backer kills the funding, the ‘LA’ magazine folds and Fleming is left a disgraced man for believing such a fable and broadcasting it to his audience. Strange how it eerily sounds so familiar, except for the lack of shame and ethics, which are clearly now extinct. Oh well.
RobertMBlevins sneers: “Hello...he has a Facebook page.” Oh does he? Well there’s all the proof you need to show he’s alive! https://www.facebook.com/AmeliaEarhart http://www.facebook.com/pages/Millard-Filmore/150236558402209 https://www.facebook.com/DisneyGoofy RobertMBlevins goes on to bite his own ass by closing with: “Some of you are just downright funny sometimes. It's like you're living in 1994 with the internet. No kidding.”
Are YOU baked? I said, I don’t care about Snowmman’s conduct and never did. I welcome him back and never wanted him to leave. Get it? DO YOU GET IT? You can’t have it both ways. Snowmman was ‘abrasive’ to the thick, obtuse and corrupt, but not to the virtuous or those trying for discovery. You keep up with this absurd approach of allowing deceit and stupidity, in favor of coarse accuracy. Get it? DO YOU GET IT? I want Snowmman back and never wanted him to leave. YOU make pleas for his return, attached to some brain dead straw man like the venom righteously spat at Blevins or for the sake of accuracy. Well guess what, Marie Antoinette; you can’t have your Snow and politeness too. That’s an easy decision in MY world. You want Faust, and you want him thin, GOOD LUCK.
377 says from the balcony of the Hypocrisy and Duplicity Tower: “We've lost a lot of good forum participants including….. Snow and others…. One of the reasons has been the atmosphere of squabbling and personal attacks. I wish we could be more civil with each other.” That’s the single most debasing insult published on this long and in-distinguished thread. So what precisely were the grounds of Snow’s banning, Mr. Long-term memory? Was it being less than polite to Quade? Did you observe this behavior? And you did what, other than the definition of ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!? Shame on you, shame. You have an education and the years of seniority to know better, shame! You could have advised Snowmman about his conduct, but did NOTHING. I personally think the man is brilliant, direct and accurate, but everyone has to play this pathetic pantomime of being pure and noble. You blew it on this one 377, BIG TIME. B-I-G T-I-M-E, and you want to punish everyone for your failure. Get over yourself, NOW. I couldn’t care less if Snowmman called me the source of all evil, if he included the cure for cancer with that statement. But you want to play this idiotic game of politeness living with honesty is beyond the pale. I mean really. Give it a permanent vacation. You know full well who are the blathering idiots and mentally challenged, who continually insist on electric underwear and politeness before accuracy, yet behave as if this is the first you have made such a consideration. Enough.
Skyjack71 admonishes with a detached sense of irony: “We have been over this before!” Of all people to get scolded by, for bringing up something more than once, let alone hundreds and hundreds of times, is utterly profound, in an otherworldly and detached way. Adding to this, is the fact that RobertMBlevins clearly stated that he DIDN’T use HA-HA-HA only gives the bandwidth of being obtuse a new dimension, which before had not existed. Lighten up on the hyperbole while making a flaccid point, mmmm-KAY? What also had been gone over before, but those who are too liquored or drugged up to recall, is the fact that RobertMBLevins claimed to have not owned, nor read any books on DB Cooper before the publication of ‘Into The Blast’, which would have made him a liar on that point, if what skyjack71 assumed was true. Try reading the thread skyjack71 and you would have known that. Oh what a tangled website one weaves…….
So how come when I query about who lied about Captain Scott talking to Cooper, I get a bunch of: I already answered that or just empty deflection? Who (name) made up (falsified) the story about Captain Scott walking down the aisle, as if looking for a friend (that part slays me, how could anyone know that?), then approaches Cooper and asks…… Where did that BS come from? How did it end up in your book? I didn’t ask how many copies, did I? I’m asking how this passed editing, fact checking and various reviews, only to be identified as a piece of pure fiction, and lousy fiction at that. Who lied? Who? Name the wormy coward who wriggles and hides in dirt and other things which are disgusting. Who is it?
RobertMBlevins states from the comfort of a time-space warp: “Burroughs is retired from the FBI……” And that has exactly what to do with the price of beans in Brazil? When Burroughs retired she magically lost her voice from a very long career in the FBI? There needs to be a replacement Robbie, who must repeat and validate, each and everything the retired Robbie ever said? Stating Burroughs’ retirement is a non-sequitur with lashings of diversion. She said Kenny wasn’t a viable suspect, she said that while employed by the FBI, and she said that because there was enough information for that determination to be made. Kenny isn’t the guy, he isn’t viable and the piece of Formica is just silly and embarrassing. You certainly care a great deal about those book sales as you ALWAYS respond to any query or statement about the subject. Who made up the story about Captain Scott talking to Cooper is exhausting and not worthy of an honest response. Yep, no one notices any of that.
I rest my case.
RobertMBlevins boasts: “If I were not interested in discovering the truth, I would leave the whole thing alone because Blast sells a steady number of copies month in and month out.” Code for: ONE. RobertMBlevins continues with faux nobility: “This would stop of course, if KC were discounted by the FBI, and the FBI says why by addressing the available evidence.” Robbie Burroughs, FBI Special Agent, referred to Kenny as an unviable suspect. Unviable: “not capable of working successfully; not feasible”. But RobertMBlevins determines what the definition of “available evidence” is, and that could include some moronic piece of Formica scrap wood, which no one will ever know the provenance of, or care. So this will remain open for eternity, same way Weber has not been “properly” investigated. I have a hoop skirt which came to me via secret and dangerous means, which no one can appreciate. Can anyone prove this hoop skirt is NOT Cooper’s? I thought so.
RobertMBlevins shoots from the hip with: “...you might assume Cooper buried some of the evidence.” (oh, wood eye?) Yeah, buried…. Just like ostriches do with their heads up their asses. Bring metal detectors? And the purpose of that would be……? To augment the girl repellant aftershave, fanny pack and Star Trek shirt you are wearing? Why not a GPR or is the goal in fact to blend into the surroundings by, looking like a friendless loser? Let’s see for “the 100th time” what the other skyjackers actually did! McNally- Survive – YES! Bury anything- NO! Heady- Survive- YES! Bury anything- NO! LaPoint- Survive- YES! Bury anything- NO! McCoy- Survive –YES! Bury anything- sorta. McCoy took his rig and shoved it into a metal culvert. So he didn’t technically bury it, and a metal detector for a metal drainage pipe, might help Helen Keller or Ronnie Milsap…. Oops, scratch Keller unless there’s a detector that vibrates. Oh and scratch Keller again unless she’s part of the long anticipated Zombie Apocalypse, but if she is, and there’s a metal detector that vibrates, then she would be a good choice for RobertMBlevins well planned expedition. Here’s an exercise. Why not take a can of soup out of your cupboard and go outside right now. Take whatever could fit in a briefcase, already crowded with flares and a battery (think large spoon or pointed stick of moderate length), and bury the soup in your backyard. That‘s right, don’t talk about it, bury it! I said bury it. When you’re done with this tiny task, check the amount of time consumed and the volume of what you buried. Then reconsider every part of your adventure with invading Southern Washington with metal detectors, shovels and absolutely no test plan, protocol, standardization, skills or ability to avoid every child and citizen openly mocking you. I’m sure someone will ‘accidentally’ alert the media and proceed to ‘play the victim’ with being interviewed and making press releases. The false modesty and denial are cornerstones of failure and humiliation. I wait with bated breath.
Twas the night before, non-specific, holiday celebrations, and all through the forum, No logic existed, not even decorum. The suspects repeated, the devil may care, Kenny and Duane, an eternal pair. The data is published, all through this long thread, While visions of grandeur, exist in some head. Some must be stupid, or simply a sap, To read all these comments, which are nothing but crap. When out on the news page, there rose such a clatter, Who thinks they are Cooper, and why does it matter? Through Microsoft Windows, and Adobe flash, I launched a new browser, and emptied my cache. Who could this be, to add to the show? For if it’s on Cooper, then I’ll surely know. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, A woman named Marla, with a hypnotic rear. She’s hot and vivacious, her hair she would flick, I knew this blonde goddess, would make Blevins sick. His loathing is epic, and always the same, For all of us know, his suspect is lame. Now Marla! Ms. Cooper, you smoking hot vixen, Please read this and know, just what I’m affixing, To chase you away, took hubris and gall, I fell in a funk, a bottomless pall. As I read this thread, I ask myself why, Can’t Blevins become, a regular guy? He thinks he’s an expert, a first rate gumshoe, Most of it’s guano, or Cooper voodoo. Then I was told, although without proof, A rumor, some gossip, and it may go poof! A book had been written, and then shopped around, Unlike ‘Into the Blast’, this one is hardbound. A voluminous tome, based on output, For Blevins was thinking, his book was kaput. Now Blevins is thinking, that’s quite enough flack, For Kenny is perfect, and you’re out of whack. His eyes filled with tears, and became quite scary, When it was established, LD’s arms weren’t hairy. His droll little mouth, was drawn up like a bow, Most want to see you, but he will vote no. Now Blevins will tell you, a picture beneath, Of a shabby apartment, with prominent wreath. For Kenny had lived there, and it was quite smelly, Therefore he’s the man, who jumped that plane’s belly. His book doesn’t sell, just sits on a shelf, A constant reminder, of lost fame and wealth. His future is darkened, and now filled with dread, At least Citizen Kane, could remember his sled. So Marla take time, and this site you should lurk, I see you as welcome, a cyber space perk. I hope you can see, past this horrible prose, And know you are the subject, I happily chose. So let others stew, and let others bristle, For this is the part, where you get a wolf whistle. It’s the end of this poem, as most will agree, Merry Christmas to all, and Marla….. Call Me!
Robert99 notices: “You state above that "F-16s followed flight 305".” Nope. I posted a link to a radio interview with Richard Tosaw. Try clicking the link which will magically open a window of audio from a person who is now departed. I’m referring to Richard Tosaw. He wrote a book you should read some time and use it to compare and contrast what others say on the subject. Might do you some good. Anyway….. the ‘run-on’ paragraph of fragments is actually an “executive summary” of what Tosaw said during his interview. Executive summaries are valuable to those who are executives and have valuable time, so they can glance to see if anything is relevant or significant. I guess you have never seen an ‘executive summary’ for some odd reason. But if you take the time to listen to the interview, YOU will understand that it was Tosaw who mentioned F-16’s as the chase planes. So you (robert99) can see that since Tosaw didn’t get that right, anything else he says is of equal suspicion. Like all the stuff you quote as gospel from him. Thanks for the laugh robert99, your attempt at criticizing my knowledge just blew back on you, since you now have to disregard Tosaw’s book. Still don’t see a picture or video of that 727 flying with the aft stairs down and ‘locked’, with paratroopers leaping off them as YOU claim. But don’t worry, it’s out there and not BS.
All Army veterans (naturally), including the woman who hijacked the helicopter for McNally (coincidences?), NONE special ops. All simply wanted money. LaPoint was in paratrooper training, but discharged under ignominious circumstances. He was a car thief before magazine sales specialist. McCoy Warrant Officer and chopper pilot, civvy skydiver. Taking college courses in criminology. Robb Heady former paratrooper. McNally ground pounder, never jumped before. None of them worked for Boeing or any other air framers. McCoy was the only pilot. All of them opened the aft stairs. Two of them brought their own chutes, one of them also requested a helmet (LaPoint). The least experienced stole the most money, hijacked the most planes, escaped the farthest and the longest, and was the least injured. Three jumped at night, by design (LaPoint jumped during daylight). All of this information is available via internet searches (as should ALL information not accompanying some ‘factual’ claim).
Hear it for you own bad self (it takes a while (2 mins) to load): http://www.stevenrinehart.com/uploads/DB2-48br.mp3 Cooper picked good chutes, F-16s followed Flight 305, Brian picked up bark, Cooper is on the bottom of the Columbia, boys find body a year after Brian’s discovery, money came from Cooper’s body and no other source, no other explanation for money possible, $6000 found with some taken, entire Tena Bar Roto-Tilled by Tosaw, money came from Cooper’s body, Co-pilot said plane flew over Tena Bar, Cooper is buried under sand, WWII parachute used, 82nd Airborne says you die in water, twist buckles on chute, again-MONEY washed from his body which was in the river, Cooper is under two or three feet of sand, spent $2500 per day searching, convinced the body discovered is Cooper’s, bills will last 100 years buried, the serial numbers didn’t enter circulation because the money is on the bottom of the river, Cooper took matchbook to eliminate evidence, not possible to have DNA, no need for DNA since the skeleton will have ID and parachute, not in middle of river or Oregon side, Cooper was obviously a parachutist, money discarded as deception not logical, money found by Brian was ‘tip’ money, money came ashore the day before discovery by Brian, money came from Cooper’s body, eight years later the money washed ashore where the plane flew over, no variables beyond the money washing ashore from where the plane flew over from Cooper’s body, urgent call is made to program with new Cooper suspect! Cooper called on intercom and told crew to slow down so he could get the stairs down and Cooper was a pilot, Pilots of 727 had to look up flap settings since Cooper knew more than them, placard was torn from plane by wind. There you have a rare interview which is utterly free of any bias or pre-conceived conclusions. Anyone listening to this should buy a shovel, and go to Tena Bar and dig no more than three feet in the sand, about a mile up and down stream, on the Washington side.
20 January 1972, Charles LaPoint, Telephone Magazine Subscription Salesman, Hijacks a DC-9 and opens two doors before successfully bailing out. 7 April 1972, Richard McCoy, College student/ National Guard, Hijacks a 727 and somehow navigates from San Francisco to within 10 miles of his home, then bails out successfully. 3 June 1972, Robb Heady, Part Time Parking Lot Attendant, Hijacks a 727 and opens the door to bail out less than 20 miles from Reno. 23 June 1972, Martin McNally, unemployed gas station attendant, Hijacks three 727s, aimlessly flies over the US and Canada, then without prior jump experience, bails out and lands in Indiana, then makes it home to Michigan. This is truly a list of exceptional professions, educations and backgrounds of individuals who hijacked different planes, opened hatches and stairs, navigated to an acceptable geo-positional resolution, and successfully bailed out. No spooks, secret agent men or specialty trained gubberment workers, just a collection of losers who managed to do something very similar to Cooper, except they were all captured and lived. In the interest of accuracy, since the DBC thread is known for that, Martin McNally was part of hijacking four aircraft if you include the helicopter in that failed escape attempt. I’m not quite sure how to categorize that one. The biggest mystery I can see, involves the process which was mapped, which would render Cooper as some blazing example of aviation experience and skydiving, with a black ops background when he couldn’t use the interphone, open the stairs and jumped with a dummy chute. Too complex, just like seeing a photo of a 727 flying with stairs down and locked. But I’m sure it isn’t BS. But I’m sure there are sane and logical reasons for how these hijackers selected their alias and what their particular type of clothing said about them. Anyone know? Will there be deafening cricket chirps on this subject where Cooper is surrounded by such often repeated knowledge, spoken with faux authority? Four examples is a pretty good sample rate of contrarian behaviors.
Robert99 says: “As I have stated a number of times before, Cooper was probably a former US Government employee (whether military or civilian) or had worked for a US Government contractor.” You have been registered since 2009, and said this “a number of times before”, why all the butthurt over something you have studied so closely, for years? All I did was ask for the source you referenced when you said: “Anyone seeing the video of static line parachute jumps from the aft stairs of 727s, reportedly made in SE Asia, should note that the stairs were "locked" down.” I want to meet the qualification of “ANYONE SEEING THE VIDEO”, is that too much to ask regarding YOUR well thought out claim? This is already iteration three and you have deflected and dodged with the best of those caught being inaccurate. Why not link the video? Why didn’t you do a screenshot of the video for your files? Why can’t you publish the URL without the imbed feature? Why can’t you answer a simple request for a source YOU claim to have used in formulating some facts YOU published to the World Wide Web? I know what people being pissy when they are challenged typically leads to and would be delighted to be proven wrong this time. In fact I would have been happy to have been proven wrong every time. What are to odds of me asking for some verification which is so utterly illusive to the person who created it? Strange.
Let me assist some folks with their “theories” and “conclusions” on some things. Regarding Cooper knowing how to operate the stairs, perhaps he did know, but there’s nothing to indicate that. Other than a pre-selected conclusion and wishful thinking. I do know how to operate doors, hatches, stairs and some other non-flight critical devices on planes, most wouldn’t have a clue about. Therefore my knob is massive and…. If I was in Cooper’s shoes, there wouldn’t be any time or effort wasted negotiating having the aft stairs down or not, that’s just stupid. He was a total noob, if he was worried about opening those stairs. Does the thought of that make anyone want to cry? Less than two months after Cooper, another psycho named LaPoint hijacked a DC-9, and not only opened the aft stairs and jumped; before choosing the stairs, he opened an over wing hatch, peered into the intake of that screaming jet, then opted for the back door. And what did LaPoint know about the DC-9? Absolutely nothing! So where precisely did Cooper demonstrate knowledge of the stairs? Skydiving? Or 727s? By failing to open them unassisted like the other hijackers? By picking a dummy chute? By using the intercom feature on the interphone? For such an experienced dude, he sure was doing a great deal of pooch screwing that the other hijackers, simply didn’t demonstrate, and one of them never skydived before. Oh well.
For something that you have studied for “years” it sure is amazing how no one ever has a source at their fingertips, thus causing every query to go through half a dozen iterations. That is also absurd. Here’s the only video I can find on 727, Black Ops, super secret crap and there are no stairs on the airframe at all. Which is precisely what I would have anticipated. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjJPNx72JBc Hope you weren’t referencing this video since there are no stairs. But since YouTube only offers this video with my search query, it’s back to the usual DBC, "because I said so" crap. No available sources, means it came from the back of horses. Just attach one of the many images you must have and that will be fine.