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Everything posted by Farflung

  1. I don’t think your photos are fake at all Pat. Looks very genuine. Reading past comments on this thread, you will notice that ‘suspects’ are discounted if they have ‘hairy arms’ for some weird and freaky reason. I say this because I’ve not seen a description of Cooper’s bare arms yet. Quite the opposite from me, I think your photo is spooky similar to the Cooper composite. In fact, closer than any I’ve seen this far. Keep at this and you will quickly discover what I’m talking about. Just look at how smokin99 ‘backed me up’ when I needed it most. She’s righteous and a hunkette with an uncanny ability to spot the trees through the forest while the rest of us (excluding Robert99 and Vicki also) try to figure how may Bigfoots can hide in a Roswell saucer.
  2. Welcome to the thread Pat. You bring something new and intriguing to the sandbox which is kinda neat. OK, I’ll have to betray a slight tingle going up my spine when I opened the Colonel’s photo. He may hold some slight resemblance to the FBI composite sketch but the light may be distorting him or making him look taller since he is not in an aircraft. But then what do I know? Then I feared I would be the first one to begin the filtration process which has been long established on this thread. Of course we all (code for just me) want to know about the Colonel’s arms. Were they all hairy and not DB Cooperish or did they resemble some of the arms on the attached graphic? Take your time and remember there is no wrong answer nor is there only one, so pick as many as you wish. I know smokin99 will back me up on the hairy arms details and the left handed tie clasp. Smokin99, I said – back – me –up. Because if two of us say this; it becomes truer.
  3. Heresy, sedition and perfidiousness all practiced with the adroitly skilled hand of an apostasist and stuff. I REBUKE ANY verification and vetting of statements at the altar of all things Cooper. “Nay though I walk through the valley of the shadow of logic, I will think medieval. For you think for me; you trod on facts with your staff and it comforts me.” – Phlight 30:5
  4. RobertMBlevins highlights: “But the truth is, I never bought into the idea of just ‘throwing the money into the river’ anyway.” Yet on 2 Aug 2010, RobertMBlevins explains his theory on the Cooper money like this: “Our information says may have put these offered bundles back into his pockets when she refused them, rather than back into the money bag.” Numerous people have used this device as part of their ‘theory’ on how the money arrived at Tena Bar. As far as I know (and I’m sure I’m wrong), this originated from Richard Tosaw to explain the serendipity discovery of three lone bundles after Cooper hit the Columbia in a ‘no pull’ configuration. Making the three bundles offered to Tina significant since they have a reason to be separate from the mother lode of cash since Cooper was dead and could not hide or bury the three bundles in his coat pocket, because he was dead and dead people are terrible at hiding things. Oh, except Zombies, they can hide money and eat brains. No wait, they are part of the undead so I guess they don’t count either. Plus I don’t recall any Zombie ever hiding money. Whew, caught myself just in time on that one. Why these three bundles (the ones offered Tina) are crucial or even part of any Cooper survived story or theory is a bit baffling if not part of a ‘look how well MY theory fits ALL the evidence’ sort of shotgun scenario. RobertMBlevins continues with: “We believe he simply tossed them into the river some time after he reached the ground, as a red herring to make the police think he drowned in the river.” This may (just may) appear to be in contradiction to the truth being that he never bought into this idea although it was previously endorsed with “We believe”. RobertMBlevins reinforced on 17 Oct 2010: “I’ve been asked how we (Skipp Porteous and I) believe the money ended up at Tena Bar. We have a simple answer. We believe the hijacker simply tossed a few bundles of the ransom into the Columbia.” RobertMBlevins then invokes the spirit of Occam on 7 Dec 2010 with: “What would Occam conclude about the money find? (That Cooper tossed some of the money into a local river to make the FBI think he’s drowned and died in the jump)” I’m so confused. I feel like something ate my braiiiiinnnnnzzzzzzz.
  5. I guess my use of broad sweeping generalizations like large, tall and far are as mysterious as every other individuals. Distance is relative and different people have different tolerances to drudgery and overhead activities. What is a ‘short drive’? From Paradise Point State Park to the Fazio Brothers aggregate operation where hundreds of thousands of cubic yards of material are deposited on the banks of the Columbia, is 25.4 miles. Going to the grocery, bank or liquor store are what I classify as short trips and all are within a five mile radius from my digs (actually less than 2). I guess I would call 25 miles a mildly long distance which I travel infrequently or situations of great distress; like going to a ‘Bjork’ concert or finding a suitable cliff to leap from after going to said concert.
  6. Vicki precisely observed: “The Big Mogambo Ocean? Do you mean the ‘Pacific’ when you’re not being all cool and hunky?” You tell me Vicki. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3Kuaa0HhTk Now really, aren’t you compelled to call the Greatest Body of Water on the Planet – Mogambo!?
  7. RobertMBlevins in cooperation with Skipp Porteous concluded: “2. The money was found just downriver from the park. This is one of the biggest reasons we, think.” Tena (or Tina or Fazio’s) Bar is UPriver from Paradise Point State Park and has been since the dawn of the Precambrian time frame, which supersedes the hijacking by more than three months. Once again, if you chuck something into the drink at Paradise Point State Park it will arrive in the Pacific Ocean after a brief trip DOWN the Columbia River.
  8. “In times of peace, it is the job of staff officers to simulate the enemy.” – A. Crewdog http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsksSWOxq2Y Imagine if you will 377, a world where DMV clerks have been elevated to the rank of royalty and the greatest reward issued came in the form of ‘less punishment’ and you will understand life in SAC. Stern, humorless and perpetually baffled at the low personnel retention rates where crews spent weeks living within a short jog to Armageddon. What could have made the task of working in such a surreal environment even better? Being witness to the birth of Satan’s spawn - ‘Political Correctness’ along with a rigid adherence to totalitarianism in order to defeat…. totalitarianism. I know, I know, cynical and iconoclastic viewpoints on an organization which must have been effective since the Soviet Union did in fact collapse. No doubt because they knew we were officially forbidden from using the phrase ‘Crew Dogs’ and ‘COCKpit’ in favor of crewmember and control cabin. Good lord, if a group of men were willing to subject themselves to that level of humiliation without rising in revolt; then assuming they would blindly following orders to drop a ‘big one’ is not much of a stretch. The commies knew they had to dismantle their political structure or some cowboy may push a button releasing legions of Major Kongs and Captain Yossarians. Yes sir, we were not allowed to dare modify, customize or personalize any piece of flight equipment to include that head vise called a helmet (HGU-26/P). No paint, stickers or water transfer decals allowed (no running, spitting or diving). Just bland, uniform and Matterhorn white in color. Perhaps some fighter jocks or trash haulers were allowed such a deviation but I don’t recall any at Camp Happy. http://www.best-of-flightgear.dk/hgu02helmid.htm Nicknames were usually issued by fellow crew dogs and typically highlighted some sort of blunder or lapse in judgment versus the Hollywood version where everyone is named Ace or Goose. So you probably won’t have anyone regaling you with stories about how they earned names like ‘Stinky Anderson’, ‘Bagman’, ‘Pullup’ or ‘Two Dogs’. Same was true for the aircraft, Stratofortress, Thunderbolt II and Fighting Falcon; I don’t think so. The nameless masses that crewed, fueled or maintained those aircraft branded them the BUFF, Warthog and Lawn Dart which were more endearing, fitting and enduring. But I was not some mindless drone in a lockstep march blindly following regulations about life support customization, nope. I had my nickname (which was wicked cool and must be kept secret) in 2 inch, block letters painted across the top of my visor shield in Matterhorn white. Equally defiant and elegant as a sort of silent scream which clearly demonstrated my hunkyness.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bd1oA47Ti0I After searching the FBI FOIA files for any FAA or NTSB reports I came across some evidence from the BFRO. Quoting from a ‘Class A’ (that’s Class A people) report numbered and certified as #7399: “Large Hairy Arm ……” This is the first information I come across that confirms that Cooper had hairy arms which is in direct contradiction to the perpetually unnamed source that vividly describes Cooper as having clean cut arms. The report goes into great detail and even identifies the day the report was given which is a rare hallmark of how painstakingly accurate it must be. http://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=7399 Then I came across a contradictory report with an extremely long list of attributes which is rather difficult to dismiss out of hand. They (either the multiple ‘they’ or singular trying to sound big ‘they’) go into great detail about how unreliable or varied eyewitness accounts have been. Once again I quote: “…heights ranging from 2 to 12 feet tall, willowy to muscular bodies large eyes to small…” “Skin textures have been described as fine scales, to the feeling of eel skin and hairless….” I will again offer a source for verification of these diametrically opposed versions with Cooper’s arms being both hairy and some sort of weird and freaky eel epidermis. http://alien-abductions.com/species-2/ This leads any intelligent person to the same conundrum. The majority rules - just as soon as that description of Cooper’s hairless arms is referenced or retold. As he removed his black raincoat and rolled up his sleeves before taking seat 16C. A seat he selected once he noticed the fetching Stewardess with the long hair tied back allowing her to better serve the customers in that cramped, hot aircraft where it was difficult to judge height. She noticed Cooper’s bulging forearms and the power they represented even though they weren’t clasping her in a breathless embrace of desire, which she could not initiate even though her passions hungered like never before. She had to make an effort and break her fixed stare at Cooper’s flexing, throbbing arms as he checked the time or thumbed through a magazine which only fed her burning lust. Suddenly her attention was broken as the Captain walked down the aisle and began to speak with the airborne Adonis with the perfectly sculpted limbs that continued to taunt and beckon a side of her which was becoming increasingly difficult to restrain. Cooper opened his briefcase and the Captain glanced down, nodded then returned to the cockpit. As he closed then latched the leather covered case, she silently wished she could close and lock this primal stirring over which control was becoming impossible. Never has a man held her so powerless and the feeling both excited and frightened her. She had a fever and the only cure would be to act on her instincts or join a convent. Ya know, something like that.
  10. It’s tragically come full circle again this week with another graduate of the ‘University of Hold My BEER And Watch This’, home of the Fightn’ Face Plants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH87jt41xyA&feature=related Whom may you ask has dared to grasp this distinction through nothing more than sheer determination? Anthony Weiner has rapidly traversed the slippery slope from, elected representative to internet photo sending denier to DB Cooper suspect to internet photo sending admitter to attending rehab then to the world’s most ‘cringe worthy’ airport greeting when his pregnant wife came home to resigned elected representative. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbQluo1gazc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6CMSuT98-E What a difference a week makes. The ripples of this action have cast a wide net of relief to those who traveled a similar path of self absorbed behaviors, in a universe where there is no risk or consequences to certain select individuals. At least until that universe is destroyed by some teenager in Seattle, porn star who was sworn to secrecy or some other domestic whose sole purpose is to serve and be humble. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZpaNJqF4po Who will Cooper bring down next? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDhGDfxoJxw
  11. Why is there any credence given to that downed pilot story which materialized very early after the Amboy discovery? Published on 1 April 2008 (4 or 5 days after the discovery) He was a WWII pilot and he bailed on December 1945. http://www.seattlepi.com/default/article/Suspected-D-B-Cooper-parachute-may-actually-be-1268879.php Once again ‘time travel’ is suggested by the experts who were aware of a date stamped on the fabric of ‘FEB 21 1946’. Whether that represents a repack, repair or manufacture it happened three months after the pilot jumped. Yet a few days after those kids find the chute there is a report that even after the date is disclosed Agent Burroughs said it’s “definitely possible” that it was that WWII pilots chute but the agency did not plan to investigate further. That is the way the government says “OK whatever” and not an endorsement that they actually think this thing was involved in an incident three months prior to the date stamp. Call the FAA for a weather briefing during a hurricane and they will coolly report wind velocities, cloud ceilings and barometric pressure with flights not advised. Well, they didn’t say no and it looks clear now so…… Man can these things get legs or what?
  12. Orange1 thoughtfully queries: “…how many men have ever actually ASKED for a personal urinal at home?” Therein lies the answer……. None……. but why? Because we instinctively know this trail leads directly to the killing fields of manhood cloaked in a compromise to male centric bathroom fixtures. Much the way the wiser male Praying Mantis knows the limits of his authority in that relationship. Men ask for and receive SUVs to drive to a desk job, kegerators under the auspices of saving money, riding lawn mowers, motorcycles to ride twice a year, airplanes to fly even less, second homes for their second lives and country club memberships to get away from it all. Yet one thing remains ‘unwanted’. That’s right Orange1, you got it, I’m not afraid to admit that the pain of not having a urinal in the home is far less severe than touching the ‘third rail’ of asking for one. Think about the economic impact of 2 billion men staying at home due to the lack of nagging about the toilet seat being up. All those businesses which once served as a haven for those urinal-less men would shutter within the week. Men are wired differently and appreciate our pain and suffering in that, we are all silently and desperately aware of how much worse it can truly become from the slightest of miscalculation….. who was it that ate that apple after all?
  13. Orange1, It is neither good nor bad, simply an intergalactic condition which exists in spite of considerable denial. Men all live with constant reminders that we are second class citizens in the very castle we pretend to play the role of King. But evolution combined with anxiety about experiencing another soul crushing defeat keeps us quiet and malleable. In order to exercise being all manly man we are forced, by design, to leave our homes. For the offense of staying out too late, wives and girlfriends have crafted a real time, judge, jury and executioner response in the form of a withering browbeating complete with finger pointing and neighbor waking volume. Oddly, this well considered deterrent experiences a recidivism rate of 100%, yet remains a favored response. Go to any machine shop, strip club, tavern, gun shop, pool hall or bowling alley where future archeologists will ponder then finally identify the cause and circumstance of the downfall of the human male. I am of course referring to the urinal. Of the over 100 million households in the USA exactly zero have a urinal installed in spite of the population being half male. Think the subjection ends there? So there’s no room or the plumbing would be too expensive? Gee, that wasn’t mentioned when the two sinks were installed or that non-toilet thing called a bidet was bolted to the floor. Yet we all conveniently look right past these incongruities and carry around this lifelong humiliation like some sort of freaky underdeveloped parasitic Siamese twin on our backs. Simply put, the residential urinal does not exist because men don’t exist. Well they may ‘exist’ but are relegated the powers that Guam and Puerto Rico enjoy in congress. So what’s the solution that we have collectively agreed upon deep into the 99th percentile? The seat will remain in the down position since women can in fact be fooled into sitting upon the cold cruel porcelain while taking a midnight tinkle. Why they insist on doing this in the dark is a mystery which will deliver one to the third level of hell should they dare to question this technique. We just accept this time tested anecdote heard multiple times, with or without provocation. I’m sure that Bernie felt he could get away with skipping Thanksgiving dinner without an explanation and it would never, never, never haunt him. Of course men are compelled to remain silent on this subject since the pain of discovery by their spouse is too great and we all tacitly agree it can never be used to impugn our masculinity.
  14. The subject of the Amboy chute will and must live as there is some great value associated with this artifact. Apparently the Kenny story would fall apart without this in the architecture. Already it has been elevated to being used by a jumper then cut from the harness and finally buried in the native soil. This of course adds complexity to any tale and therefore lowers probability but this paradox has found a home here and will live to be a ripe old age. As it stands the chute is likely Cooper’s and either his primary or the reserve he threw out the stairs as a decoy. Decoy sounds good but I would have littered the forest floor with the other two chutes to really add to the mystery. Anyway Cooper jumps and lands in Amboy where he cuts the lines and gathers his canopy. He was certainly lucky avoiding all those trees. Guess he planned on landing in a meadow or open area because he brought a shovel with him. I presume it to be one of those awesome collapsible Army shovels that make digging an utter delight. So he buries the canopy which allows him to keep the container and harness to pack out the money which makes sense and is more efficient. After completing all these steps Cooper then walks the 50 yards to the road then on to Amboy and does whatever. Seems like those kids should have found some skeletal remains of Occam wrapped in that parachute as well. Now Cooper is wearing his harness and reserve container strapped over a black raincoat and business attire walking down a rural road all casual. He keeps walking till he gets to his car or a phone where he calls an unpaid accomplice to pick him up. Back at the trailer these two men do ‘whatever’ which could be anything except depart the area and go home. Instead of jumping at 8:15 PM, landing at 8:25 then hiding the canopy and walking into Amboy (10:00) to use a payphone and get back to the trailer by midnight and drive to Bonnie Lake arriving around 5 AM; they spend the night doing something else (I can’t imagine). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YXuq25BMVI Then on Thanksgiving they spend the day not going home or crafting a cover story for the wife. Husbands are notorious for forgetting such things and typically chose to invoke their right to remain stupid; while an understanding spouse forgives his absence since she slaved over a ‘hot stove’ (Amerrhea) to make a ‘Rockwellian’ dinner then goes into the ‘World’s Longest Slow Burn’. Attention men of Earth: Women NEVER forget. They simply marinate emotional explosives until they can be used to produce the most damage at the worst possible time (think award ceremony at work) long after we have purged such transgressions from our memory banks. Like that time you neglected to agree that the movie ‘Sex and the City’ was the greatest entertainment ever produced or savagely omitted a fourth compliment about her new hair style within an hour. Pigs. This makes the inexcusable absence of Bernie during Thanksgiving without an excuse, inexcusably unacceptable as no male in the history of, life on Earth, would have attempted such a stunt.
  15. Another improbable story of aviation is in the news today with the auction of ‘Balloon Boy’s’ UFO shaped balloon. A couple years ago some parents reported that their son had climbed into the craft and floated away like a mini Larry Walters. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIYKGz7cABg&feature=related That’s right a Blackhawk, several news choppers and two SUVs staffed with people that believed a six year old boy was inside that device filled with the most powerful lifting gas in the universe. But the balloon boy named Falcon (I know), was actually hiding in the garage and did not fly that balloon at all. Later on CNN he (the Jr birdman) confessed that he did it for the ‘show’ and this episode was exposed as a hoax perpetrated by his parents (fame whores). Hard to believe these two have three children yet I’m required to get a license to fish. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wI6UONWCq7A&feature=related Excluding those awesome parenting skills which I’ll never possess, I worry that I may not be able to participate in this happening. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw_FZorE4p8 I needn’t worry because this piece of aviation history is on auction with a suggested bid of $1,000,000. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20070888-504083.html What would an authenticated Cooper parachute bring if some two year old hoax has expectations of this sort of payout?
  16. I’m certainly starting to notice a marked increase in strangeness lately that should be easy for the government to cover up. Of course this will buttress those already in the ‘told ya so’ pose. DB Cooper has been associated with Anthony Weiner. http://www.omaha.com/article/20110607/NEWS01/110609825/1008 “About 10 minutes in, I was expecting him to say he hid the weapons of mass destruction and he was actually DB Cooper.” Now this Weiner-gate has come to a head with calls for his resignation. Have we all forgotten that this man is a newlywed who had is marriage presided over by none other than Bill Clinton? Who better to certify the sanctity of a marriage between a Jewish and Muslim couple than the one man who could feel your pain and restore peace in the Mideast? This appeared to be another statistical sure bet if ever one was to exist. After all, Weiner’s wife was Hillary Clinton’s personal assistant and would surely be mentored on what to keep an eye out for. Instead his junk got emailed from his Blackberry in the congressional gym and will serve as the ultimate foil to finally complete the Cooper government conspiracy. I for one am more than willing to admit I was wrong about the conspiracies and freakazoid cobbling of attributes into something which simply could not have existed in my world. Like a six foot two, 750 pound man with a tenor voice playing some absurdly small instrument to a 30’s musical to become a platinum hit a decade after his death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_DKWlrA24k&feature=relmfu For when this happens the fifth seal has been broken and those who did not heed the presence of the four Cooper-men: Weber, Gossett, Christiansen and McCoy will remain in a bottomless thread of writhing litany, slowly reading comments being reborn as if new. For it will come to pass that that the wicked will flee even though not pursued and declareth they never spoketh that, so ‘prove it’. Farflungviticus 4:20
  17. After checking out the ‘un-altered’ photos on Sluggo Monster’s site, I noticed a couple things. Something associated with the transfer of materials via water as well as something to add to your bulging linguistic quiver. Alluvial Fans. Yep four (count them) syllables in one word on the Cooper thread; yeah I know. Apparently this is a micro or macro geological feature associated with materials being transported via water over a short or great period of time. And wouldn’t ya know there would be two of these features on Tena Bar near the discovery site of the money? Apparently spray or pipe dredging produces this structure due to the large volume of water runoff during material transfer. So another coincidence that an alluvial fan is near the Cooper money discovery location. I felt it was worth mention if not simply to add some sophistication and science to the discussion.
  18. Good question Sluggo Monster. They have been quiet and possibly with good reason. I knew a guy that was indirectly snagged in one of these conspiracy theories and would never mention a word of it outside the ‘circle of trust’ in the Air Force. I found the story to be so ridiculous that the discredit was beaming on the organization that created that silly tale. He said it’s hard to believe that a group of people could so easily believe that he had something to do with such a dastardly act. That gave me a quick shot of perspective on why some shy away from discussions. http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae%20Brussell%20Articles/Who%20Killed%20Larry%20McDonald.html (Search for ‘tricks’ on the page approx. half down and read those paragraphs on ‘their’ theory) This is a reprint from Hustler magazine that actually got some traction outside Crazytown and the last ‘JB’ member I spoke with (2008) swore it was true. This was at a gun show so I smiled and nodded agreement then made an appointment with a gynecologist later that day. God I’m cool. Again with cultural goggles in place since this was the early 80’s: The aircraft didn’t warn 007 that they were off course. This was long before GPS and while INS was relatively exotic. A big ole part of the planet was still void of any radio navigation or Radar coverage. If a crew reported being at a point at a certain altitude and time, the rest of us in the air would have to accept this as true. No one had air intercept radar and no one wanted a civil jet shot down on any side. I wish I could remember what was printed on those JNCs around the Kamchatka but it was words to the effect of ‘cross this line, you will be destroyed’. Either by a fighter or surface missile launch. Getting lost in that area was equally deadly and that fact was well known by all flight crews. The Discovery Channel had a program on this event and they went so far as to say the red rotating beacon (anti collision) on the top of the fuselage was a signal that meant ‘civilian airliner with passenger on board’. I think that was when I began to watch much less of that channel. Can’t believe I found it in 2 minutes. (see 6:08-6:23) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC9Uo3EsAF4&feature=related There is plenty of conspiracy about what ended 269 lives on KAL 007 even after the fall of the Soviet Union. With the former military officers telling how if a plane was allowed to penetrate their air space they would face Soviet justice and at .82 mach there is not a great deal of time for thoughtful analysis. Shoot now and deny later.
  19. 377, Why would a man (Barb Dayton) making 300% more money become a woman resulting in a lifelong side effect of wanting to commit more crime? He simply would not. You need to answer some basic questions first. Who actually saw Cooper? Oh right, thirty some passengers have no recall and the ticket agent that said he was completely forgettable. Why all the confusion constructing the composite sketch? How different could the descriptions Tina and Florence offered be? They were both ‘face to face’ with Cooper yet his wearing makeup or a toupee is hotly debated. Did anyone check to see what was on TV that night in Reno? How did Cooper communicate with the cockpit? That’s right with hand written notes from Tina. Why didn’t the pilots see Cooper? Because Tina was ‘forced’ to close the curtains between First and Tourist Class. Who grabbed the money? The parachutes? Opened the door in flight? And said Cooper put on that chute like he knew what he was doing? Said he was in the lavatory for a long time? Lost the bourbon glass? Left a clip-on tie on the plane? Claimed to be offered three bundles of money? Starting to get that feeling of discovery 377??? Or ask why would Tina join a convent right after the crime of the century? And why did Florence conduct an interview by shouting through a door, if not to hide her opulent lifestyle entirely financed by the money ‘Cooper’ hucked out the aft stairs in an unmanned parachute? There is a very good reason why the ‘composites’ vary so wildly and it happens to dovetail with why none of the cockpit crew observed Cooper; because he didn’t exist. Damn right he could be described as forgettable since nothing is more forgettable than someone that never was, so there. Sure it is easy to look past Tina as a suspect because she is so easy to look at. Why didn’t we notice before? One would have to know what truly motivates men to understand that lapse in judgment and there simply isn’t enough time for that sort of imponderable consideration which leads to nothing but dead ends. Vicki, I’m universally positive that I and every man on this thread have absolutely no idea what you could be talking about. Sure I’ve got a Full Sized truck with 16 INCH rims and a 10 INCH subwoofer capable of 120 decibels of un-attenuated, pulsing, throbbing beats of sound letting the world know just who number one truly is. But to associate that with anything else would be… kinda weird and freaky.
  20. After all the well supported analysis of what motivates one to commit a crime, I looked at some of that wussie ‘Real World’ data to see what matched. After all I conduct most of my day to day life based upon hyperbole and demagoguery lest I crash my car into the ‘Statue of Liberty’ or discover my bottled water is straight from the Ebola River. It is a ‘known fact’ poor people commit crime because they have no money. Then let them have cash. Then they will be as fulfilled and satisfied with life as Bernie Madoff, Ken Lay and Randy Cunningham. So that’s fixed. Plus when working in countries where annual incomes were lower than what I had in my pocket, people would attack and pummel me mercilessly until I gave them my cash. NOT. Are 98% of all statistics made up on the spot? Now I’m forced to look for supporting data separate from my life, where I don’t even try, and still manage to be cool and hunky. IF Cooper hijacked Northwest because he was underpaid (or poor) THEN the relationship of property crimes should be proportional to incomes. Not too complex of a theory. Although I would not necessarily assume a linear relationship between wage degradation and propensity to commit said crime, people making less WILL commit more crime. It was for a lack of better graces that I was once cast into a pit of what ‘polite society’ had branded beneath them, to be shunned and despised for violations no greater than what family name I was born with. That plus a public intoxication charge and some Victorian requirement that it is not just the lack of shoes and a shirt, which I had by the way, that prohibits entry to a restaurant. In 1971 it was OK to discriminate based upon sex, race and religion because man is inherently good. It was legal so it was done. I know my moral compass is set by the legal standards of society and not an inner spirit which makes me feel douchy when I body check some senior citizen for an open seat at the airport. How out of whack could wages have been a scant 40 years past? Take a look at the chart which highlights the degree of wage disparity for 1970. Men averaged $6,670 per year while women received a generous $2,237 which is good pay for not having a penis. Attention women of Earth: Men are entirely motivated by their penises, use them like honey bees; take three quarters of what they make and work them to death. So it is clear from this data that men are less likely to commit a crime because they make 300% more, on average than women who had the temerity to craft the ERA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWyv5Fw0JSk Clearly Dr Scott is making more than enough to sport some dazzling fashions and with what income? (1:42-2:09) Compare Dr Scott’s face to the composite and what other conclusion could one possibly come to? Same forehead, weak chin, swarthy complexion, hair color (obviously cut in the lavatory), lack of an accent, had a grudge about the ERA not being passed by the government, same eye color, looks chronically constipated, same thin lips and wearing a business suit with tie removed! This plus her impoverished median wage of $187 per month and you have to say ‘Great Scott it’s Cooper’.
  21. The wide orbiting theories are finally crossing and confirming ‘known facts’ verified by people with big titles giving interviews exposing these gubberment conspiracies. There is no way to deny this scientifically borne data which others have provided. Watch as Doctor (a Doctor) John Mack of Harvard University (that’s THE Harvard) explains in an electronically recorded and certified interview that UFOs exist when the ‘western sciency’ filters have been removed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U1WecFObQw&feature=related No one can argue with such qualifications or a person wearing a Brook’s Bros suit. Those are simply the rules long established by society and have proven valid time over time. Now that UFOs are ‘known facts’ it would be nice to hear from someone who has been involved in the research for a long time (like 42 years), speaks to groups in theaters which adds legitimacy and may have a book where less educated or intelligent can find the truth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn8OIkYwAro Stanton Friedman is a nuclear physicist and that is the highest distinction a ‘human’ can achieve in the field of science and he confirms that the gubberment has UFOs from Roswell. But how could a UFO be associated with time travel? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDWM97bs5f0&feature=relmfu Another extremely legitimate presentation, no question. She had the names and ranks of all the people involved and even knew one of them was promoted within a month of this cover up. One can’t argue with that technique since it is used so effectively on this thread by so many. But her key point (1:02-2:05) explains how UFOs engage in the sort of time travel which is reflected in the FAA’s own transcripts where recordings were started 23 hours and 15 minutes into the 24th of November but ‘finished’ 23 hours and 4 minutes EARLIER. How could this be accomplished without the benefit of time travel conducted in UFOs? I like 377’s suggestion that Dr. John Mack interview Janet to get a scientific and accurate report on just what she observed that night. Unfortunately Dr. Mack is deceased but there is a science based answer to keep this going forward. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWmEReju2w0 Like I’m the only one who wants to see a re-animated Mack interviewing Janet while Stanton Freidman and Linda Howe certify the event. Independently authenticated by, Stanton representing IUFOC (International UFO Congress) and Linda for MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) which makes sure there is no conflict of interest or hoaxes. This intellectual chowder has something for everyone in the mix. Slide presentations to include PowerPoint and computers which are technical. Doctors and scientists who have been doing this longer than Cooper has been known. International time travel associated with UFOs and the FAA transcripts of Flight 305’s hijacking with people seeing things way far away in England at nuclear weapons bases. Fortunately every one of these people has at least one book which they generously share their knowledge and purchasing two would facilitate sharing with others.
  22. We may only speak one language but by god, we sure make up for it in volume. Yet reading those transcripts I was left with a sort of odd feeling. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1fuDDqU6n4o Once in a while we do manage to hit the nail on the head and show the entire planet why we’re Number Uno. Yep it’s our succinct non verbal communication skills. Just like those transcripts which appear to have a fairly large representation of non verbal communications. An attempt was made to detangle some of the diction but I probably made the answer worse than the problem which I was trying to relieve as quickly as possible but not too soon after children’s laughter and such things which I’m pro, for and not con, against like the gentle humming of elephants. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww Word.
  23. Sluggo Monster, There is no denying what is in black and white or a dark lens and clear lens…. ever been to Utah? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFm5O-ZtKEE You hear the most outrageous lies about it…… pernicious nonsense…. Got a better explanation for the ‘time errors’ on a ‘certified gubberment document’? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4QKiYar9pI Wanna explain why exactly zero people know about Philo Farnsworth yet billions are aware of the Mayans? Don’t get so hung up on specifics that you miss out on seeing the whole thing. Human error is the easy answer ……. but flying saucers which are….. time machines…… belongs right here on this thread. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRVfGMjdGh8&feature=related Scared yet Sluggo Monster? You will be tough guy…… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZuK_wYrqp8
  24. Robert99, I’ve read the transcripts posted on Sluggo Monster’s site and got a sense of things being rushed and the reviews being extremely porous to the point of me questioning if anyone involved had any flight experience at all. Wrong dates, horrible translations like radio for radial, traffic not effective instead of traffic not a factor and Hughes 629 as use 629. I don’t blame the typist for so many misinterpretations but the FAA or whatever official that ‘reviewed’ those transcripts as ‘true and complete’ above his vaunted signature, should have been canned. What purpose was that ‘review’? There is also a big difference between typing ‘15’, ‘fifteen’ or ‘one fife’ as those styles varied with the different agencies. At least there would have been a clue as to referencing frequencies, distance, flight numbers, etc. In the absence of information I tend to take the position of that US Air 2998 pilot ( I bravely compare myself to a real hero) and wait things out. On this thread all announcements of shattering information have manifested with all the furor of a mouse fart. But in this spirit of this thread, I will admit it was sometimes a very large mouse. Make some graphics, reference sources and connect the non-emotive dots that should guide everyone to the same independent conclusion. Avoid all possible calls for experience unless you want to see this thread devolve further into endless rounds of scent marking (I was in special forces for XX years), resume postings (I have dimples on my butt) and overall puffing which numerous participants have left thousands of such examples of their parlance in past comments. What is the Co-pilot going to say that will over ride your existing solution? Is Captain Scott or Anderson’s answers worth anything? Given time and airspeed what is a ‘reasonable’ variance from the centerline of V-23 and the last referenced reporting points excluding FBI intrigue and Roswell Aliens? My silly little checks produced low wind velocities (30 knots or less) with the aircrafts position being within the plus or minus 2 mins and 4 miles centerline. I’m certainly open to read about information that does not require me to simply take one person’s word. That was already tried in Germany. Obviously I don’t believe in gubberment conspiracies since today’s news features ‘Ant Weiners photographs sent to woman’. Am I supposed to consider some clueless congressman, who is so weird and freaky, that his fetish involves texting images of insect genitalia to citizens?
  25. Just for reference when considering that Flight 305 had some sort of clearance to fly where ever they ‘wanted’. This video equally chills my blood and ended with me making an appointment with a seat upholsterer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BvgSS6kBdU&feature=related On instruments they have much more in common with Helen Keller than an eagle. It is difficult to accept that some deviation from centerline was casually selected without clearance. Not for the sake of some power trip but self preservation just like US Air 2998 holding short while the tower got ‘it’ together. 2998 was all but chided to take off and he stood his ground for safety of flight. Yes, I am glad there is a portion of the population that can think independently and go against the grain and make a good decision with very little data. You’re a good man, ‘Mr. 2998 talking on the radio all cool and hunky averting a disaster’ guy.