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Everything posted by Farflung

  1. When you spend as much time as I have working around a ‘bunch of knobs’ you become rather adept at identifying them from a fair distance. The images of the instrument panel offered a few hints as to their pedigree. The choices are relatively limited as to the potential makers of commercial avionics and instruments including Collins, Gables and Sperry among the suspect pool. So gaze upon the knobs, dials and needles and become one with the cockpit filled with switches and lights all blinking and flashing. That segmented RMI needle and orange slice flag on the HSI were indicators of the Sperry Fairy visiting the panel. Nice round ‘steam gauges’ just like God intended us to use instead of these laptop screens with Hello Kitty displays and Latte dispensers. Whoa, for a minute there I almost betrayed a bias.
  2. So I wanted to get a handle on the Bubbleator before the revisionists took this story and made it all freaky and weird. Apparently the Space Needle was one of the few survivors of the futuristic fair. In 1973, just after the hijacking (coincidence, yeah riiiight) there was a tepid attempt to ‘Save the Bubbleator’ in order to preserve some of Seattle’s history if not dignity. Just like DB Cooper’s crime this device was hidden in a secret location away from public view and research as part of a cover-up, no doubt. Sometime later when the heat was off, the Bubbleator was sold to a private citizen who hid it where no one would ever look. You got it, his front yard. The owner claims he uses it to grow plants (read 420) and to get away from it all. The Bubbleator control console and chair was discovered in another undocumented act of private ownership and was ultimately ‘donated’ to a museum for display. Yet another ‘coincidence’ involving Seattle, space travel and the future where we still drive cars (getting less intelligent) and shun monorails. At least there are three places in America where the monorail is a preferred form of transport. That place where acting like a child is encouraged with endless entertainment featuring colorful costumes, dwarfs and wild rides along with Disneyland and Seattle makes for the tri-fecta of transportation. Sadly the Bubbleator was too advanced for our primitive minds and was discarded like the Segway, Wheelsurf and Treadmobile. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmLLGYn9Fo8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpssUPqNyG4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUuwEq98ByM We better wake up and smell the future or end up looking stupid.
  3. We had such high hopes in 1962 with the construction of the Space Needle, entry into space flight all the while dreaming of wearing silver Lame’ suits and being all cool and atomicy. What happened to us? We abandoned manned space exploration still build our homes on the ground (ewwwwwww) and still use trains with TWO rails. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOUx0OiVw0k&feature=related Don’t we all long for the good ‘ol days when a guy could take his best girl and her favorite four foot diameter, hoop skirt to a location where man’s progress could be celebrated with cotton candy, line cutting, the harassment of people dressed differently laced with astonished pointing with mouths agape? This was a vision of how great things were going to be in the future and there has been a long tradition of these predictions being awesomely accurate. The Bubbleator was no exception either. First it is round and more efficient if you don’t care about construction costs or useable space. This was designed by farsighted engineers who knew the future would be powered by the atom with automatic monorails transporting future people from point A to B; excuse me, I meant from Lambda to Epsilon. Yes they even predicted the future would still require a ‘Bubbleator Operator’ to safely move those people one floor. This included a set of molecular devices with flashing lights above the control console. Cause that’s the way things have turned out. Be that as it may, I managed to find some images of the Bubbleator and several Bubblenauts in hopes of blundering into one of Sheridan Peterson at the controls. The kid operating the Bubbleator in the center is actually Jay North (Dennis the Menace pre Dairy Queen) but the guy behind him could be Dan Cooper.
  4. That never made much sense to me either: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaMEtmBMWlQ&feature=related RobertMBlevins said about lies: “They roll off his tongue as easily as a Life Saver candy.” This is another perplexing simile in that I was not aware of situations where LifeSavers candies had a reputation for rolling out of one’s mouth. I have traditionally placed the confectionary broadside on my tongue as to maximize the flavor experience while maintaining a perfect record of keeping the thing trapped till being completely dissolved. A ‘Horehound Drop’ is another thing entirely, where a candy with such a misleading name could actually have the flavor of rotting poison. That’s right I said rotting to amplify how bad this invention tastes and actually prefer eating honey bees over this stuff. By the way, should you doubt this description a purchase of these offending treats can be made here and at other locations which specialize in making children cry. http://shop.crackerbarrel.com/online/shopping/Product.asp?cat_id=45&sku=575600 I know a ‘Clam 49’ is a lot to throw down to sample something that will induce such a violent and primal gastro intestinal reaction but look at the glass as still being impossibly full. You will have plenty of temptations left over to place in a candy dish for supervisors, the’ company mooch’ and any relatives you’re cursed with via the institution of marriage. Truly a situation where so very little will accomplish so much. I do feel a better vehicle for something (lies) being produced easily while using multi-flavored candies as the foil would be PEZ. This has everything for a sweet simile along with universal understanding. Although the candies actually come from the neck rather than the mouth, this has been a long accepted generalization. Plus PEZ dispensers have been produced in a myriad of configurations and there could be some tasty profits (for those who care about money – ewwww) in marketing a ‘DB Coopez’ version to the vast market which would make such a purchase. Still, I have to wonder if there will ever be a perfect PEZ dispenser created.
  5. It’s abundantly clear that parallel research, independent verification or the allowance for multiple theories is to be rendered extinct with the one true answer guarded by some self appointed Cerberus. Between asking about paper bags, dredging operations and providing links to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics about wages in 1971 being met with self serving and non-sequitur answers along with poorly veiled steering; I think I have enough data. Why would writing a book carry such contempt? It’s not like there is a legacy of irrational advocacy where ‘competing’ truths are repackaged and regurgitated in an attempt to match every scenario until they have the literary appearance of cud. How did the money get on the bank? The answer ‘I don’t know’ isn’t possible because there are three rational, true and righteous solutions already polluting the thread and there simply isn’t room for another. It was all done so adroitly and with such acumen that I didn’t even notice the loaded questions, cries for an individual’s qualifications which are then ignored in the next sentence or the endless Q&A about minutia to the sub-atomic level. Yes, they really are that good. The only plausible action going forward would involve the combining of answers into a singular hyper-truth that will produce a whole greater than the sum of its parts. This is the chain of ‘obvious to intelligent people who had parents that were married’ events: 1. Duane jumps from Flighty 305 2. Lands in the Washougal watershed 3. Encounters and kills an indigent dairy worker 4. Straps the worker in the rig and hides body in the Washougal 5. Fills milk can from dairy worker with Washougal River water and stuffs can with money 6. Duane buries money on Fazio property between daily beach checks for debris 7. Brian Ingram discovers money after Duane buries it and before Fazio’s next beach check 8. Money goes to FBI and remains for years 9. Fazio’s surmise unseen money must have come from Washougal because they own the land 10. Kenny spends weekend in an Airstream teaching Bernie the meaning of the word ‘respect’ Now that’s certainly inclusive of all the parties that happen to have pre-plotted answers to every situation and satisfies my desire to approach this with a focus of science. Because that’s all I have ever cared about, science… oh and the truth, because I’m so noble and stuff.
  6. JerryThomas suggested: “… a simple phone call to the fazios brothers will tell you that the money was deposited there due to heavy rainfall ….” I’ve had mixed results when approaching private beaches and tend to avoid ‘electronic talking sticks’ the same way others avoid spell check and the ‘Enter’ key. But that’s enough about my weird freaky behaviors; this post is about amazing skills people possess. I’ve had my share of walking along the beach and discovering artifacts of various forms and functions. The ubiquitous can and bottle along with assorted Jimmy Hatz, Frangers and strangely an occasional Saran Wrap carton. Yet I’m incapable of telling where they came from. However the Fazio brothers are able to tell the origin of beach debris with astonishing accuracy. What a unique gift that these local residents can gaze upon some waterlog ephemera while divining the path it has taken. I’m humbled again at the Cooper Alter/Thread. That would make for some fascinating television where local residents look at things on their beach and tell how these items arrived and what course was traversed. It would be a ‘thinking man’s’ program so I crafted the name ‘Beachhead’ as it would fit perfectly with the ‘Jersey Shore’, ‘Spartacus: Blood and Sand’ and ‘Pirate Master’ motif so widely enjoyed today.
  7. I wanted to know more about this dredging business so I decided to do a little research about this industry which is largely a complete mystery to me. Apparently dredging is a sort of way to keep the waterways clear for the transportation of bulk goods and is a near constant affair. The following link has a little info about operations around a small patch of river from a bridge to the Columbia for the Port of Portland. http://www.portofportland.com/Prj_Mar_DMMP_Home.aspx That seems like a great deal of material to collect and dispose of every few years, but where does it go? I could find a couple gravel yards along the Columbia, one near the town of St. Helens and the Fazio operation. Guess the idea of spraying debris along the banks as the dredge operates is not that appealing to most people so there are areas contracted for transfer. I noticed some large fleets of equipment (dozen or more) like front loaders, belly dump trailers and other big ‘ol Mogambo, stuff that has an unknown function; but it sure makes the people who operate them look cool. It hints of having large volumes of material being handled with so much equipment spread across a large processing yard. How would one determine where dredging operations ceased via observations from a river bank? As one can see on the ‘Dredge Report’ the image on the lower right side, has a tailing pile being processed on the North end of the Fazio operation. I can’t tell where these materials were initially dropped nor the total volume or the source or frequency of operations. Is the 91,000 yard transfer that took six days to complete in 1974 the only spoils deposit received by the Fazio’s’ between 1971 and 1980? For an eight years span this would represent a very small accumulation considering the size of the channel maintained. Guess I’ll never know enough to operate such equipment and will have to restrict myself to simply watching.
  8. Something went wrong with the link 377 posted. Instead of being about ‘Bar Pilots’, it was about a bunch of tug boats and stuff. Stupid technology is wasting my time or perhaps this is just another example of the government trying to keep me off the Cooper case by redirecting my computer to some other website. Here is some material that is apropos to the aforementioned subject: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f1UPl8ANe4
  9. There was digging on the sandy banks of the Columbia to a depth of three feet. For what possible purpose would a person do this experiment? A three foot trench along the river would be a valley which would fill with water in short time and the process of deposition would fill it to a grade level with the rest of the bar. Geology 101 and Hunkyness 304. The dredging deposits would have to be transported to a ‘sand corral’ to be stored or the very expensive process of dredging would be nullified as the river reclaims what it had been transporting in the first place. The storage area would contain the aggregate in the form of a man made mountain flanked with conveyer equipment, front loaders and a flashing light or two; if they are cool. How high would the mountain of sand become from the valley excavated at the dredging deposit site and what width would the Columbia have to be in order to arrive at a reasonable, sane and logical answer? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGBXIK5TZjs I’m sure that the money would have been stopped by wind, rain or winter’s cold in any event.
  10. So I raided Sluggo Monster’s website (again) for some aerial images of this mysterious beach named Tena Bar (maybe) and attempt to show the amorphous nature of the shore and apply some scale and proportion. Could an area, with a 20 yard radius, be searched carefully (like an archaeologist) to a depth of three feet in four days? Or would it involve a backhoe and some sample holes? How many yards (hundreds of thousands or millions) of material were moved to the Fazio site on average? This appears to be a very active area for materials storage which is also protected from erosion. What area of the Columbia River bed is dredged which ends up at Tena Bar? Miles, acres or tons could be the measure as I have no clue. I would bet (code for I don’t know) that the Fazio Sand Ranch has a number of attributes which made it an attractive site for aggregate processing and hiding Roswell UFO bodies.
  11. My suspension of disbelief has been in overdrive on the subject of this cash discovery. How many barriers to common sense have been erected over this stuff? Money found on the bank of the COLUMBIA. Must have come from Lake Merwin or the Washougal or fallen from the aircraft or been buried by one of many suspects between 1971 and 1979. Money was deposited from dredging operations. Nope. It was too deep or was it too shallow to be the product of dredging. Besides that was last done in umm…… ahh…. 1974(?) so that can’t be it. What percent of the banks of the Columbia can even receive dredging spoils? Really. Micro-biological life will render a clue as to the origins of this booty. Nope, nothing but the usual forensics anything which has been in the Columbia River would produce. There is nothing at all to give anyone a clue as to where this money may have been for the last nine years, just boring old Columbia River stuff, how strange. Why won’t this money which was discovered in the middle of a dredging deposit on the banks of the Columbia River laced with microbes common to the Columbia give us some sort of clue as to where it was and how it got there? I’m sitting here beside myself.
  12. Most of the time I have to engage deductive powers of reasoning lest I assume a fetal position and cry myself to sleep, again; because some human has deflected, minimized or distorted some situation. But I’m very sure that I live in a unique and tiny vacuum where questions like “What time did you get to work?” receive “I brought my lunch” as an answer. As Darwin surmised, I have in fact evolved into a subspecies that can face a person spinning such a fantastic yarn, that a cerebral aneurism would manifest, if not for some immunity developed from years of constant exposure to such abject, unbridled and unashamed ignorance. Is there a report on shards of money being found on Tena Bar? I don’t know is the best answer since I can’t say ‘yes’ and produce that report and saying ‘no’ would infer that there is none. Confirming a negative is difficult. Yet when I wake in the morning and see snow on the ground, I can infer that it must have snowed during the night. I don’t have to observe snow falling to come to an accurate conclusion about what produced the new ground covering. Same is true about the origin of kittens. One can make a simple assumption about their creation without being a firsthand witness to Satan’s coven of witches inseminating a fur lined bag of razor blades and barbed wire with skittish and frantic reanimation fluids. So it is in that spirit that I have attached an article from 16 Feb 1980. According to news reports, the money was discovered on the 10th and spent the evening being ignored as little more than a pile of worthless mush. Yeah, riiiiiiiiight. Then on Monday (the 11th) a bank was called about redeeming the worthless pile of glop. Could be done but the numbers would be checked. Next the FBI is contacted and given some details. Quite a bit of chatter and action for a soggy heap of garbage but this can happen. Next the site is searched and combed for anything by teams of experts with 8 X 10, glossy photos with lines and arrows with a paragraph description on the back. Was anything found? I don’t know. But by Friday, the 15th the area was returned back to private citizens, tourists and various treasure seekers. If there was a trove of missed shards and fragments, it would be difficult to believe that some enterprising person would not bottle or package it (Elvis Sweat) for commercial consumption.
  13. skyjack71 asked about Duane’s photo: “- where is the big NOSE…?” Well I’ll be darned. Duane does in fact have a little, pinched, Florence Henderson, type nose after all. No one in their right mind would ever describe him as having a big nose, not ever. Clearly, I would be the only person to have made such an observation and given some very bad data to the FBI sketch artist. skyjack71 also passively inferred: “Why use that picture – that was distorted” How would I know that the picture of Duane was “distorted”? You certainly gave no evidence as to how this was carried out and why, so what chance would anyone have of knowing this? Even on Sluggo’s website, in the ‘I Am D B Cooper’ page on the section about ‘Duane L. Weber (aka John C. Collins)’ scroll down to where you are quoted “All I want is the truth,” and that same ‘distorted’ image of Duane is being displayed next to a 1988 sketch without ANY mention of this distortion. http://n467us.com/ I’m sure you are in violent agreement that this error must be corrected as soon as possible. Sluggo must be notified and told to update this page indicating caution when viewing that photo as it has been ‘distorted’ by mean people who lie and conspire in an attempt to impede the truth. The lengths some people will go through is astonishing and it makes me very sad. Who would distort his picture to give him the appearance of having a freakishly large proboscis in order to eliminate him as a DB Cooper suspect? Well it is good to finally know the TRUTH and how I was used and manipulated by someone as of yet unidentified. They have done no more than forged another link to add to a “Chain of Irredeemable Shame” (ref: Jacob Marley) which they will have to carry as an eternal demonstration in the afterlife of just what a petty and pathetic being was represented in their flesh and blood existence. This just goes to prove, that I would make a terrible witness as I tend to focus on my perceived and totally incorrect pattern recognition (as pointed out earlier, before this post, previously). I have no idea what made me associate Duane with Jimmy Durante or what my problem is with describing people or situations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCsJzFK7_as Durante looks nothing like Duane and Duane is a complete and absolute match to the FBI composite drawing of Cooper.
  14. I no longer trust my own judgment about things on this thread. But it is a blessing no longer having to think and simply accept the honest and free (sometimes) information offered so nobly by others. Le’me give ya an example of just how impaired and corroded my cognitive processes have become. I’ve read over and over how the FBI composite is being used improperly and how unreliable eye witness accounts can be. So I did a little ‘What If’ exercise and imagined what happened if I found myself having to describe a couple of individuals. What would be a prominent and plainly visible feature to the point of being self evident? You can see (Attach: Who Nose) what an utter failure I would make as a witness as my sense of proportion is warped to a level that Salvador Dali and Frida Kahlo would find freakish and painful. That is why I leave the composite analysis and DZ geo-location to those with a better, if not much more frequent answer.
  15. 377, Of course there were photos of Duane that more closely resembled the FBI composite but why would anyone reveal them? The people who see them would just steal them and tell lies and NOT do their OWN private research which is not for public disclosure at this time, now. Those photos from the past which were taken earlier should be kept away from all people who may see them before Cooper is apprehended and NOT afterwards at a later point in time from then. If you have been following this thread; which has a greater word count than ‘War and Peace’ and ‘Les Miserables’ combined, then you would know what has already been said in public. Recall that Duane went to the river and buried something to throw the police off his trail. It had to be done. I bring this to your attention at great personal risk and I can only pray that I live to marvel at the splendor of another sunrise, the laughter of a child or to have one last meal at Hooters; assuming they actually serve food. For it was the brilliant and intentional diversion of the buried money which triggered the next step in the ‘plan’ where upon the eventual discovery of this money, the person who buried it (as a diversion) would immediately and without explanation resign from a job (damn good paying one at that). This was obviously facilitating the brilliant ‘end game’ which resulted in Duane NOT being apprehended which was his plan in the first place. Otherwise, why would he have gone to the Columbia River (alone by the way) and resigned from a good paying job the day after money was discovered at Tena Bar? I hope this clears things up for you.
  16. The legal system has a standard called reasonable doubt which allows for the dismissal of the wild ass and feral scenarios some people seem born to produce with little or no effort. I guess the founding fathers were all too familiar with Elvis spotters and Roswell alien ‘probees’ even though they were not to be invented for another 200 years. Strange, isn’t it? Is there a 100% certainty that Cooper was a male? 100% certainty. This should be easy. Roger Keith Coleman was convicted of murder with less than 100% certainty. That is something that our court system does on a daily basis. Moreover he was sentenced to death. But he said he didn’t do it and his last words were about how an innocent man was being killed. Then a group of people take up his cause and screamed injustice. An ‘innocent’ person has been executed and this is an outrage. Then DNA samples are tested and this group hangs their hat on how this will finally prove his innocence. They even had cameras on scene to record the phone call which would verify this perfidy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/10823771/ Well the DNA matched Coleman’s and it looked like the right guy was convicted. The odds of another match was estimated to be 1 in 19 million. Which is NOT a 100% certainty. In fact it leaves the possibility open for 16 other people in the US to have committed this murder. Perhaps Coleman should have been set free since there still is no 100% certainty that he was guilty. Is there a 100% certainty that DB Cooper was a male?
  17. You’re right 377 I was not paying the proper homage to maritime statuary which happens to be shaped like a ship. I should be celebrating the innovation displayed by that dude that turned this vessel into a ‘rock’ing party boat during that national ‘Board up our ass fest’ called prohibition. I would have designed the Palo Alto with a swimming pool shaped like a giant bowling pin with a bar. This next to a runway illuminated entirely with flaming Tiki heads (from Easter Island) which is just long enough to accommodate a Twin Beech. Back-Course approaches only, as GPS is for wussies. Music would feature all things with a lapidary association: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkkZLD20_rQ Of course Nuns and Lesbians would receive free transportation. But what would I name such a perfect place?
  18. The attached image has the USGS representation of a ‘pier’ with a couple registration points added to an aerial image of said pier. Hey! it is not a pier at all, but a ship. One formerly named the Palo Alto. Apparently during WWI there was some concern about steel shortages and it was suggested that some ships should be made out of more traditional materials…… like concrete. Yep, hard as it may be to comprehend; Uncle Sam was talked into financing the construction of concrete boats. I guess they floated OK but were so heavy that engines were not powerful enough to move the things. Didn’t they have slide rules and pencils back then? So they turned out to be colossal losers and served no useful purpose. Nice going all knowing and seeing guberment. So after building and sailing some concrete ships and winning WWI what would we do next? Well, prohibition of course. Some old bat got her flannel panties all knotted because she married some lush loser and figured he would have been Mr. Perfect if not for that Devil brewed liquor. Then she gets some like-minded representatives to outlaw booze. Next some enterprising soul with a tape measure and a brain buys the Palo Alto at scrap prices (from the government) and anchors the thing exactly three miles off the California shore. Ferry service is supplied to the floating stone in order to deliver customers to guzzle libations produced by Canada so American’s could avoid the Federal law. After about a dozen years of this abject stupidity there is a groundswell to repeal the 18th amendment. One may take a moment to ponder the depth and breadth of this blunder by the fact that there was more outrage displayed over limiting the production of alcohol than the existence of the 16th amendment which allowed the government to take a person’s income. Proving once again…. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RQrOHpJKvQ So what does this have to do with Cooper? After reading the before mentioned tale, is there anyone who could possibly believe the government is remotely capable of orchestrating any type of cover-up?
  19. Odd as this may sound, I’m usually more stimulated (intellectually) when there are some visual cues. I crafted a map readers tutorial and photo interpretation graphic for those who also just happen to want to be Pirates AND Cartographers. This may (just may) give some insight to the lost wreck of the pirate ship Catepilla-rrrrrrrr. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTQ5eWBlApY Yo Ho, Yo Ho…..
  20. 377 ambiguously communicated: “Duane’s various clemencies and sentence commutations could be described as getting off Scott free.” Does this mean that Duane was getting off Scott (5?), free? As in Scott (5?) was not expected to render any payment? Or was Duane getting off Scot (NO YF) free? One can already appreciate the value of the List of Many Scotts (WTF4) and how getting off Scott (34C) free is a good thing. Sometimes I take Scott (32B) for a ride before jumping on a Scott (10SPD) and then get off really fast.
  21. I got a little confused about which Scott was being discussed and decided to do some problem solving. I hate being complete or succinct as much as the next guy; yet still have this expectation of being thoroughly understood. I see no lack of alignment in my perspective, so you can imagine my surprise not knowing what ‘Scott one’ meant. The key lies in disambiguation which will then eliminate my natural bias to favor one Scott over another. This called for a comprehensive crafting of the ‘List of Many Scotts’ which include every conceivable Scott and contraction or corruption of the same; with an associated alpha-numeric reference. Here is an example of its use: I used Scott (4B2PP) to clean up my report. Isn’t that better? No more confusion on this subject will ever happen again and this thread can get back to efficient and effective communications.
  22. 377, I’m busted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Lpc1x87Huo&feature=related You’re right, I can’t kick the ‘habit’ and you can guess who’s sorry now… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjHJ_snG3RI Could you imagine a raven haired beauty like Connie Francis as a nun? Too much to ask… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0S3vtQB68o Who’s sorry now, huh? Not me that’s for sure.
  23. Barbara (better call her Babs) Graham was one tough chick. Legend has it, while she was getting strapped into the gas chamber, one of the guards told her if she would breathe deeply and not to fight the poison gas it would be much easier on her. She looks up at the guard and asks, “How would you know?” Classic last words if true, still pretty damn good if not. Just goes to show how often things are not as they appear at first blush… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8vP3XmC0go I’m not afraid to admit some tiny affinity for dominant women like Susan Hayward in ‘I Want To Live!’ or Carola Standertskjold with her enchanting performance of ‘Perfidia’ where this Finnish woman, sings a gentle Latin ballad, about treachery and betrayal, by some unknown lover; possibly another woman? Susan Hayward? I honestly (code for massive road apples ahead) have not given the possibility much thought. At least I left out any mention of nuns since this thread is about DB Cooper.
  24. Some good points about the tie clasp smokin99 exposed. Kind of hit me like a bucket of cold wet mackerels after realizing the function of the device is to keep the tie from taking a dip in the bathroom sink or ending in the business end of a paper shredder. Then I began to think if there was some possible way that I may have missed more. Well, not likely considering my dazzling level of hunkyness and humble ‘Right All of the Time-ness’ which I possess. Yet I collected some more data about the Cooper neckwear which may be interesting. First is the way the accessory was attached to the haberdashery using an FBI photograph. With the lack of background references, simply flipping the image changed the entire ‘left handed’ clasp dynamic. That was easy. Is there another data source for the tie (0:35 - 0:53)? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLOgfkv4alk&feature=related Now is the time when we suppress what we don’t like and amplify, repeatedly to the point of becoming a mantra what we do like; under the auspices of seeking the truth.
  25. Vicki was able the break the code through her powers of observation. I wonder if anyone else took their eyes off the ball and what the reason could have possibly been. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PUZyDycj1M&feature=related Fortunately real life is not filled with such distractions or individuals possessing asymmetric intentions or goals. Everything will turn out just fine as long as you do your own ‘homework’. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjuVvluaPEI&feature=related This is a society where everyone takes and abuses extremely high titles in the most banal ways. Credit cards begin at silver rather than tin or antimony. There are no ‘Pauper-sized’ beds or restaurants called ‘Burger Peasant’ or ‘Dairy Serf’, this is America and we are all winners. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xxQs34UMx4 It is for that very reason that everyone should take some time to enjoy the products of our gross national kitsch. Be it through Googie architecture or ‘Lesbian Alien, Disco-Tiki, Night’ bowling.