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Everything posted by JumpsOffCliffs

  1. when i say master i just mean to be extremly experienced and talented at, i know the term is relative and all. and i know all of this is relative to each person, so i guess if you dont understand my original question in my opinion this is a synonym "which dicipline progresses faster. or if u had 50 minutes of free fall vx 50 minutes of canopy control, what do you think you would be better at
  2. i mostly ask out of curiosity of experienced jumpers opinions, because i see basics easy to get in both. but really good free flyers and trackers and such against the swoopers and CReW people. i have only done basic freefall and basic canopy control, but find all of it awesome(im tall and skinny, so im interested in tracking) oh and i also understand that its all relative to each person, but still like hearing peoples opinions
  3. ive actually never been freaked out so far, but i do get a bit of a stomach turn, but its out of eagerness. i want that door to open and such. like my first tandem jump(in a tandem aff progression) i was so eager that my TI felt my leg bouncing on the balls of my feet before we were hooked up, the whole time i was staring at the door smiling.
  4. Really?! So every AFF candidate has to pony up $600+ before they can even consider doing their AFF I dive - which is another couple hundred? So they are in for $800 or $900 (or more) by the time they have completed their first AFF dive? this is what ive done so far(it was optional, just recommended, because it *could* save money too) but basically i did two tandem jumps, and was able to skip the two jump master jumps.So ive done 2 tandem jumps(where i learned to turn,[i was allowed a few seconds of tracking just for fun] pull the chute and canopy control. then i only did three AFF jumps before i graduated(didnt fail any AFF). hope i didnt water my explanation down to be confusing
  5. haha i think i should get that, hazing in skydiving and before people think im serious and give me BS, its a joke
  6. haha the only reason i thought dolphin is because it may be ugly...but its SSSOOOOOOO cheap
  7. you have very helpful posts glide, and i will admit that these are facets of a packer i did not think about. Mostly because i imagined packing the tandem rigs and student rigs. but i see how your advice/perspective/desire in a packer still stands, because the TI is still going to want the chute packed in a certain way, while the DZO may want a student rig to be different.
  8. haha, i misinterpreted the question when it asked about discipline...wing and base jumping are what im interested in...but i am a student lol i am still a student though...wanting to change that though
  9. The minimum wage job just doesnt work out for me because the time requirements(college student...just every time i post i feel like im getting repetitive saying it over and over) while i was hoping to be a weekend warrior type of packer, like helping out on saturday/sunday. just to make like(shot in the dark)...50$ a day? mostly for exposure and knowledge, a small bit of cash will be nice. just things along those lines
  10. well i cant get a job, and figured packing would be nice exposure to the sport, and cheap work on weekends. it wont be so bad when some money legal issues get cleared up...but eh, its kinda of a tide me over thing
  11. i swear if i become the awesome rich person i hope to become...im doing this if my kid shows ANY interest in this sport lol. so when he's broke and in my position and wants the mirage g46 he can look at the rig he already has and decide if that new toy is worth it
  12. i feel like the "new guy" i always try to avoid, but i am a new guy, and dont know how things work at a "average" DZ The point im trying to make though is; is it possible to get a job as a packer, for either a *profit*(assuming it works that way) or at least is it common place to be a packer and get some sort of free/discounts? or any other suggestions that get me to jump on little to no income would be nice...
  13. well i know not to corner myself when buying used, because people sell other rigs cheap. Im just saying that if i have to buy new i *think* i would buy one of those two,bc those two seemed cheapest for new rigs.and i cant get a job, schooling takes priority and i have 15 units, with Chemistry as my major and sports lol. job isnt happening. and is 6' 3" 155pound strangely tall?
  14. So i have spent a least an hour for the past couple days oogling everyone's for sale rigs...then staring hopelessly at my wallet and crying. but i was wondering how many jumps you people had before you got your first rig? personally i am looking at an infinity or a dolphin, for my first rig, but once i get some scratch whatever i can afford and fit is fair game haha.
  15. ok, thank you very much. i think i was leaning that direction ayway. From what i heard my "home" landing zone is much nicer from what i hear, and i also hear the other DZO is a bit of a jerk so i think ill do that. plus im not sure if i want to rededicate 9 hours to building up the courage to talk to people lol
  16. does that sound like a bad idea? my situation is i have done two tandem AFF jumps, and really enjoyed the DZ and enjoyed the fairly slow paced, barren empty landing zone, and everything about it. but theres another DZ about 1/3 the distance(i havnt been to the closer one before) so is there any learning curve to changing zones? im new but to my knowledge the next four or five jumps are basically the same price, but im new to this, so i could end up getting swindled out of money lol
  17. was fucking fantastic,and so was my second. makes me wish i could find some people to sell my bed to so i can jump more. but it also made me realize how much i want to do tracking haha. originally i wanted to try like speed diving and going as fast straight down as possible.(head down??) but i got to do a lil bit of tracking and realized that 6' 3" and 150 pounds = good tracking so basically im eager beaver to jump again
  18. the white green one does seem super awesome, but the valid point of grass dirt mud whatever it may be wont show up as much on the red/black
  19. Oh i think u misunderstand why i wanted to know, i already absolutely know that i want to do it, but i wanted to know because i want to avoid being one of those people who tumbles through the air and plummets toward earth(although it would be really really fun) just in the sense of "i spent 180$ and didnt progress toward passing the AFF" again, ive wanted to do this for 12 years, actually trying my best to imitate skydiving is what caused me to do things like jumping off a roof with a plastic bag(i was like 6...)and bungee jump and pole vault
  20. Ok well i already know im going to jump...ive wanted to do it for twelve years. jumping is already two weeks away. but i guess this is a fairly pointless thread when i will probably learn all i need to know in my ground class. But what i was asking is things like "your going to feel your self looking down but you want to look forward" eh i guess im over thinking this or something.
  21. haha i dont know why i said that, but i do Pole Vaulting, Hurdles, and now im part of the crew team too. ive also already gone bungee jumping too if that helps(although i hear its completly different)
  22. Ok, ill try to reestablish my english, i apologize it has been a couple months of...well, texting. I will admit english is absolutely not my strong point (Biochemistry) So my real question is "can i get a heads up on what to expect when i fall out of a plane." the rest of the original post is just cover to hide my question. again i apologize for the rambling of the original, i want to blame something but i dont think i can.
  23. High School and ive squirreled away a lot of my graduation money. And as a college athlete i wont be needing money for much else.
  24. Ok, ill try to reestablish my english, i apologize it has been a couple months of...well, texting. I will admit english is absolutely not my strong point (Biochemistry) So my real question is "can i get a heads up on what to expect when i fall out of a plane." I want to be prepared so i get the most out of all the jumps i can afford. im going to leave my question at that to be as clear as i think i will get the rest of the original post is just cover to hide my question.Unimpressed again i apologize for the rambling of the original, i want to blame something but i dont think i can.