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Everything posted by lpdwntnd

  1. I have done it for my mother. No gain their. I almost always call her when I'm going to the store and ask if she needs anything. The first time I did it was for her at 16, for my wife I was 18 and already getting all of the perks. Stop looking at me
  2. That's what I told them! I just don't understand how someone could be embarrassed buying them. Stop looking at me
  3. lpdwntnd


    Post what a link to whatever you have! Mine... Dead Mans Hand, I quit in August of 2009 after about 4 years and some amazing things. Just done playing for some time. Listen to the song Roll of Singles, my fav from the last record. www.myspace.com/deadmanshandiowa One of the bands I sang and played guitar for. Wrote all the music and am still pretty proud of it. www.myspace.com/digglerband Now post yours! Or if you have never played in a band or have music posted, post a link to a band/musician who you think is awesome and that some of us may never of heard of! Stop looking at me
  4. That sucks man, heart is with you. I understand the way you feel, my dad passed Oct. 17th from a car accident and I feel the same way still. Know he's gone but cant grasp it. I catch myself wanting to call him and then remembering he's not around. Just try and remember the good times and it's ok to cry(had to remind myself). Stop looking at me
  5. Came up in a discussion tonight. Most of my guy friends said they never have and never will. I myself have bought them for my wife and my mother as well. No problem with doing it. How about it my fellow men, do you or would you buy women products for them? Stop looking at me
  6. I like the idea of the radio. Helps. Radio helped me(it's hard to tell your how high you are) on my first 2 landings. I also benefit from flying. Remember to always look forward. I'm new so they might give you different advice. Don't fix on what's below but what's ahead. If you look out ahead you will see the ground start to come to a "flat" position. Gives you a very good idea of how close you are. Hard to explain, stand up and fix your vision on an object that is 10ft away. Start kneeling down slowly while watching that object. You will know when you are about to hit the "level" of the object. Now take it to your landing. Watch a tree that's a bit out, you will know about how high you are and know when flare. Also new underestimate a good plf, I promise you there are some guys on here with well over a 1,000 jumps who have been saved a bone break with a plf. Stop looking at me
  7. Nose bleeds can be caused by many things, dry and crusty, quick change from humid to dry, drugs, there are more that I can't think of. In your case what I am thinking is the change of altitude, the pressure that is built up when going to altitude and then changing altitude very quickly. Not sure though, I am not a doctor, nurse, EMT or anything that makes my name look fancy. I know that there are all of the above on this forum and could give you a great answer. My guess would be the pressure from going up and coming down very fast. Quick release of the pressure. Stop looking at me
  8. I didn't read all of the replies but wanted to say this. I have played guitar for 15 years now and toured for 4 of them. It cost a lot. I at one point had 15 grand worth of equipment. It's not something you just jump into. I started out with a decent guitar and a small practice amp and as I found that I loved it more and more and I started buying more and spending more on my love. It goes the same with this. Don't be that idiot that picks up a guitar and thinks it's awesome and then goes out and buys all the top line gear on credit only to find out 6 months later that you are bored with it. Give it time, work slow and learn. If it turns into something that you really love and can't live without, then you sell your soul to afford it! Stop looking at me
  9. I didn't even notice that at first but yeah that got pretty fucked up. I'm also seeing a bend in the frame behind the wings left side looking from behind right side looking from the front. Pretty much the side the bear really tore into it. Would still be flyable but a decent hard landing could collapse it. Nice use of duct tape though! Stop looking at me
  10. My children, my wife, beer, any night I don't spend in jail, guitar, loud ass music, whiskey, road trips, everyday the in-laws are not in town, porn, beer, whiskey, waking up and NOT having a hangover, tattoos, yep. Stop looking at me
  11. I can't even think of what to say, wow! But it did make me laugh. Stop looking at me
  12. Sorry for this one, it's a little fucked but I love them. Blood For Blood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBnK2K9FKRI My all times are always going to be AC/DC, GnR and Boston. But I do enjoy some good hardcore. Stop looking at me
  13. Yeah I got added to the conversation but was still asleep and not set as away. Woke up to find that I was in this big convo that I didn't even know you could do on there! D that sucks about your phone. Stop looking at me
  14. That's funny, I logged on to see what's up and that damn commercial was on the tv in the other room. Stop looking at me
  15. Yep, same reason I don't care if it's out there. It's pretty much the same thing as any online messaging service. Stop looking at me
  16. 319d4f90 I love random drunk messages from people I don't even know! Stop looking at me
  17. The sign at the dz that I go to says unattended children will be given red bull, a snickers and thrown on the next load. Stop looking at me
  18. They taught me what to do. Trust me, things like this are pounded into my head constantly since a lot of times I'm the only student around with 6 instructors and a bunch of tandem students. But I was more asking what anyone would think of doing if for some reason there was nothing to cut it with. Like it is in the video. Stop looking at me
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEewo8M---Y&feature=related What is the proper way of handling a situation like this? Should you try jerking the static line or should you cut away and hope the student knows well enough to pull the reserve? I'm going through my static line progression(last static jump on Saturday and then my hop n pop). Have to say I love the reaction of the instructor when it's all cleared. Stop looking at me
  20. It would take me forever to give pictures of all of my tattoos. I have over 30 right now I know that. When people ask I usually say one big one! But here is a picture that gives you and idea and doeas not include my bottom half. You can see part of my chest, some of my neck and some of my arms, as well as fingers, some of my work sucks, letting students work on you, but hey they have to learn on more then a dead pig! I also tattooed my penis, I don't suggest that, it feels a lot worst then a piercing! Stop looking at me
  21. Yeah I know the part of having your rigger or DZO act as an escrow and making sure the equipment is in whatever condition the seller says it is in(correct me if you were thinking something different). More what I was talking about was a seller and buyer providing the proper information showing that you are involved in skydiving. As in if I asked so and so seller for their license number and he came back with his drivers license number, I would know he is not involved in this sport in anyway and would then be thinking he stole it or "just came across it". Should also be vise versa for a buyer, no skydiver should ever sell their equipment to just anyone. God knows the idiots who whould think they could just jump out of an airplane(or any BASE)and be just fine. The equipment I use for my job are easy to come by and shouldn't be. To many people tattooing out of their kitchen. I won't say it takes away from us trained, licensed professionals, just makes for more work when we have to fix or cover them up. But skydiving is not getting a bad tattoo in a kitchen... Anyone can pick up a tattoo machine and make a mess on someone.(And also spread whatever) More what I am saying is making sure that who you are selling to and who you are buying from is not just some jackass who "came across" or who "thinks this looks fun" type of people. Sorry i have just had thousands worth of stuff stolen. Some recovered(Hard to sell a $1600 sterilizer to the pawn shop!) Also most companies that sell tattoo machines, ink, needles, whatever won't even sell to you unless you have already faxed them a copy of your license. And yes you can find them that don't care. Fuck them. Stop looking at me
  22. lpdwntnd


    The Black Maria, Nonpoint, At The Drive In, Mayday Parade, to name some for myself. Stop looking at me
  23. I'm not positive on this but I don't think a BASE number is recognized by the USPA. Stop looking at me
  24. A little off subject but in my profession(tattoo artist) when we sell things on ebay or anywhere for that matter we require that it be shipped to a licensed shop. That way it stops just any random person from getting there hands on tattoo equipment that they can use at home and mess someone up. Why doesn't the skydive community do something like that? Like you have to provide you license number before it is sold or it be shipped to the dz(for people who buy them before they have finished training)and as well people who are selling provide their license number when selling to somewhat provide some prof they are a skydiver and not someone who just scored $5000 worth of equipment out of someones car. Stop looking at me
  25. I have to say that is pretty easy to read. The first one talking any jump with an A license or higher can be signed by anyone who also holds a USPA rating, pilot or rigger(don't know any riggers who don't skydive as well.) The second being to advance in license or rating has to be signed off by someone who has the authority to do so, such as an instructor signing off on an A card, board member. I'm also very new and just responding with how I read it as well as what I have been told. Stop looking at me