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Everything posted by RichM

  1. The bonus to the long dive is that you build up more momentum. I don't know how much you've flown a divey canopy, but they are NOT easy to dig out. A canopy that likes to dive takes a LOT more effort to plane out quickly than one that likes to plane out on its own. Not that it's impossible or anything, it happens all the time. But, a stiletto turned 30 feet too low will be much easier to flatten out quickly than a Velocity turned 30 feet too low, based simply on the momentum behind the dive. More momentum, more speed, more distance needed to stop. I jump a xfire1 and have a number of jumps on a velocity, so I'm no expert. Would you think that if you turn a Sabre 30ft too low at 200ft and realise halfway through the dive you only have 100ft left to dig it out, but if you trun a Velocity 30ft too low at 500ft and realise halfway through you have 250ft to dig it out - with 250ft left you could probably just tweak the dive to suit, with only 100ft you are more likely to need to dig it out. But my thrust was to reinforce that pilot skill skill is the biggest determining factor by far. Rich M
  2. My understanding is that a canopy with a negative recovery arc will return to a steeper glide angle at the end of a swoop, than its normal natural glide angle. A positive recovery arc is a canopy that returns a flatter glide, some canopies will apparently plane themselves out to begin with although I have not jumped any of these. I don't believe the recovery arc has any significant impact on the ability to dig out of the corner. If you are in the corner you started your swoop too low, the longer it takes you to realise this the less height you have to save yourself, and the more you have to dig out and hope the canopy doesn't stall. I don't know if there is any correlation between recovery arc and a canopys high speed deep brake stall characteristics, maybe someone more knowledgeable can comment. A bonus of a long dive is that you start the swoop higher, you have longer in the dive to assess your accuracy and tune the dive rate to suit, and longer to realise you fucked it up. The downside is a long diving canopy will pick up more speed, so if you have royally fucked it up it will hurt you more when you bounce. Rich M
  3. Seems to me that his morals allow him to have his fun. Maybe that offends your morals, but I don't think we have a right to judge him. Diversity is the spice of life. Or are you jealous Rich M
  4. That sounds like good fun Now I just need to find a Xfire2 demo in the UK *sigh* Rich M
  5. Me too, but (a) I don't know how long it will be and like any child I want one *NOW* , and (b) I prefer to leave new kit for 6 months in the field before I consider buying it, remembering the Xfire1 and Ninja saga's. Rich M
  6. Thanks, that corroborates what a few peeps have said, and will save me some money on a new canopy Rich M
  7. I currently jump a 119 Xfire 1 loaded at 1.5. Its a fabulous canopy and surfs well, but I've done about 10 jumps on a Velocity 120 and I much prefer it's dive and surf characteristics. Should I get me a Xfire2 at a heavier loading, or should I go x-braced (Xaos 21/Velocity)? Some peeps at my dz reckon its not really worth going x-braced until your loading is in the 1.8+ range. I have 680 jumps and can pass Bills tests on canopy control (although I have never yet landed on rear risers). Rich M
  8. Big vibes coming your way from over the pond. Take care Rich M
  9. RichM

    I passed!

    Congrats babe, work hard, pass things, earn mega bucks, jump it all away, be happy Rich M
  10. Lovely surf from a non radical input under a moderately loaded canopy - way to go! Wh's the hottie in #1?
  11. Thankyou . UK 'A' licence was all that was required. Rich M
  12. Bwahaha, what a scream. On my jump number 666, four of us climbed down the skids and dangled from them hanging on with our hands, two on each side, and let go together. Devilishly good (wheres the devil smiley at?) Rich M
  13. If you want to learn Premiere it is worth doing the tutorials described in the manual. They are a great introduction to editing in Premiere. Rich M
  14. ummm....say's who? Simon? just wondering how you would know this...or is this just more rumour and inuendo??? I don't think Icarus could have gone from concept to production of a brand new canopy in the short space of time between the xfire1 being suspect and the xfire2 coming out - it was already in testing. I jump a xfire1 that was on the recall list and has had the line trim done, it's a beautiful canopy with and efficient wing that allows my 119 to fly alongside 170's, responsive front risers and a very powerrful flare. Rich M
  15. A 5 seater squirrel is due to be operating as a jump ship for £25 a lob from 3500ft this Sunday. Helichopper time :) Rich M
  16. That one has some good control, real nice video :) Rich M
  17. RichM

    Friday funny

    Sexist stuff, be warned 1. Breaking up would be a lot easier. A smack on the arse and a "Cheers for the sex - now **** off" would pretty much do it. 2. Birth control would come in ale or lager 3. Valentine's Day would be moved to February 29, so it would only occur in leap years. 4. On Mothers Day, you'd get the day off to go drinking. 5. Instead of "beer-belly", you'd get "beer-biceps". 6. Tanks would be far easier to rent. 7. Every woman that worked would have to do so topless. 8. Every man would get four, real Get Out of Jail Free cards per year. 9. Telephones would cut off after 30 seconds of conversation. 10. When your girlfriend really needed to talk to you during the televised football, she'd appear in a little box in the corner of the screen when the ball goes out of play. 11. Nodding and looking at your watch would be deemed as an acceptable response to "I love you." 12. The funniest guy in the office would get to be boss of the company. 13. "Sorry, but I got wasted last night", would be an acceptable excuse for absence and/or poor time keeping. 14. Lifeguards could remove females from beaches for violating the "Public Ugliness" law. 15. Hallmark would make "Sorry, what was your name again?" cards. 16. Lager would have the same effect as Viagra. 17. "Fancy a shag" would be the only chat up line in existence and it would work every time. 18. Everyone would drive at least 70mph and anyone driving under that would be fined. 19. Dinner break would happen every hour and the boss would hire in strippers and 200 per-night brasses for the duration of those breaks. 20. Saying "Lets have a threesome. You, me and your sister" to your wife/girlfriend would get the response, "What a great idea!!" 21. Harrier jump jets would take you to and from work. 22. Everyone would own a real Lightsabre. Any disagreements would be settled with a fight to the death. (or the loss of a hand) 23. Vomiting after 20 pints would actually make you more attractive to the opposite sex. 24. When it was time to leave work, a whistle would sound and you'd get to slide down the back of a Brontosaurus like Fred Flintstone. Rich M
  18. Oh that looks fun, dammit I *WANT* a go
  19. RichM


    Damn it... My tennis shoes are black.. my socks... well, damn it.... Now I'm getting the looks I'm sitting here with my socks in my pocket - should I be worried about looks? Rich M
  20. #2 is Japanese if I was actually any gopod at languages (I'm not). Sign language would be #3. But #1 would be the language to successfully chat up any babe, which my mate has and refuses to tell me how Rich M
  21. That doesn't look like smooth controlled input. Scary stuff (thopugh it looks a bundle of fun ) Rich M
  22. 931 mph with an adobe mouse Rich M
  23. The current discussion on airlocks led me to wonder just how effective as an airlock mechanism are the closed nose designs seen on high performance canopies such as the Velocity, Xaos, etc? Rich M
  24. Doubling stows carries a bag lock risk if the stow is too tight. Stow tension and materials are a compromise between these two undesirable extremes afaik. Rich M